Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco

Prueba de la confianza que viene recibiendo, es que tiene más llegada al arco contrario. Esta acción se llevó a cabo a los 41 minutos de la primera mitad. Los dueños de casa habían generado la mayor cantidad de ocasiones. El mismo mediocampista tuvo una oportunidad apenas al comienzo de la contienda, pero se fue apenas desviado.

El portero Joe Willis no pudo alcanzar a evitar que su valla sea vencida, pues la pelota impactó en el travesaño y de inmediato rozó la red. Al futbolista nacional se le vio desatado en la celebración, ya que corrió a celebrar con sus compañeros y luego tuvo una conexión con la hinchada que se hizo presente en el Orlando City Stadium.

Este golazo de Wilder Cartagena dejó asombrado a más de uno. Evidentemente, los primeros fueron sus compañeros de Orlando City , los aficionados, pero también del mismo club y de la Major League Soccer. En el caso del club de Florida, quedó desconcertado por lo impactante de la diana.

Para lamento de los peruanos, Wilder Cartagena tuvo que ser cambiado a los 62 minutos por una molestia muscular.

Según reportes, no sería de consideración y el técnico Óscar Pareja decidió sacarlo por prevención. Con el marcador en contra, Nashville SC intentó por todos los medios igualar el marcador. De hecho, a los 80 minutos, Pedro Gallese se lució con una notable atajada casi milagrosa y evitó la anotación de Sam Surridge.

Ahora, esta victoria de Orlando City le da la ventaja en una llave que se define al mejor de tres para avanzar a las semifinales de la Conferencia Este de la MLS. Para explicar la evolución de Wilder Cartagena en Orlando City , el entrenador Óscar Pareja es la persona idónea para ello.

En esa línea, destacó su buen presente y las virtudes que tiene el equipo con su presencia en el once titular. Otros deportes Tristes postales del olvido de Río Otros deportes Quedan muchas cuentas por pagar de los Juegos Olímpicos.

Tenis Los partidos de Delpo, los mejores. Otros deportes El año de las primeras veces. Más de Argentinos en Río. La caravana de los medallistas dorados. La habitación de Manu y el Chapu en Río.

Cinco ilusiones tras Río La mía es asquerosamente perfecta: Tengo dos niños majísimos, al mayor le tienen que poner aparato, los dos llevan gafas lo normal. Ahora que son mayores, tengo tiempo para leer los libros que no pude cuando eran pequeños.

Incluso puedo tirarme en el sofá algún rato y no hacer nada. Además cuelgo en redes sociales lo que me apetece sin presiones de ningún tipo. Puedo alimentarme de pizzas, meter la pata de vez en cuando, ir con el pelo sucio y twittear sin miedo a las reacciones de los demás. No tengo pareja estable ni trabajo estable, ni nada estable, pero soy libre y me encanta no saber qué ocurrirá mañana.

Incluso tengo libertad de temas y de horarios en mi trabajo como periodista. Y me encanta escribir sobre ti, Elsa. Para agrandar tu proyección, para ayudar a que tu carrera vaya bien y para decirle al mundo que se han perdido una gran periodista , que a mí me apena un poco, la verdad.

Porque apuntabas maneras. Sin embargo, se te ve cabal, feliz. Dicen que hacer ejercicio libera muchas endorfinas, así que deduzco que te va bien.

Yo no he ido a un gimnasio en mi vida, pero corro la San Silvestre vallecana cada año y tengo una vida muy activa. Me gusta bailar, follar, caminar por calles nuevas Hay veces que llego justa a fin de mes, pero no me asusta quedarme sin dinero. Me ha ocurrido varias veces y tengo dos manos para trabajar.

Lo bueno es que no necesito grandes viajes ni lujos y aún así, los tengo, imagínate lo bien que me va. Hablo un inglés pésimo, pero con dos cervezas mejora ostensiblemente, pago un alquiler indecente, y me pagan poco para todo lo que trabajo.

Aun y todo, voy a seguir trabajando gratis toda la vida, lo tengo muy claro: Para causas sociales, activismo y ayuda a los demás o para echar una mano en proyectos bonitos, de gente que esté empezando, que me motiven y llenos de ilusión.

Pero a quienes me contratan les exijo un sueldo digno, al menos acorde con una periodista profesional -que no llegó a licenciarse-. Es necesario luchar por nuestros derechos, significarse, plantar cara y hacer lo que esté en nuestra mano por un mundo justo ¿No crees, estimada Elsa?

Me parecen fantásticos tus derroteros profesionales. Has decidido dedicarte a la interpretación y a la explotación de tu propia imagen, teniendo una formación diferente ¡Ole tú, Elsa!

Me encanta ver tus fotos promocionales, eres inspiradora. Aunque me da penita que no puedas comer patatas fritas y cerveza. Me parece que llevas fenomenal la presión y la exigencia que hay sobre las celebrities como tú.

Tienes alguna respuesta en twitter memorable, chata. Pero una cosita te voy a decir, y no te ofendas, que te lo digo con cariño: Comparando mi vida con la tuya, creo que he triunfado un poquito más yo. Quizá el problema también esté en que yo, de base, no tengo el talento que tiene ella [Sara Carbonero] ni escribo como lo hace ella ni comunico de la misma manera.

Me gustaría saber si todos los que fuimos a clase con Sara nos sentimos de la misma manera. Me encantaría que me contasen qué se les pasó por la cabeza cuando la vieron en ese enorme mural en medio de la Gran Vía en traje de baño.

Yo, sinceramente, hay veces que me lo callo. Porque no olvidemos que las comparaciones son odiosas. Así pues, queridos y queridas, no puedo más que terminar mi alegato en favor de Sara y en contra mío, con una frase de la película 'Lady Bird', con la que tanto me identifiqué: "¿Y qué pasa, si ésta es la mejor versión de mí?

Soy una hormiga obrera más y no tengo grandes preocupaciones. La verdad es que nunca he presumido de haber estudiado con Elsa Pataky, pero quizá ahora empiece a hacerlo. No fuimos una mala hornada ¿no?

Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! #

Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco - likes, 5 comments - on January 9, "GIGANTE, FENOMENAL, EXTRAORDINARIO! En partido de infarto en "ATP de Adelaida" Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! #

Mucha presión en la mitad de cancha y solo la subida de Quiroz por izquierda arrimaba peligro. A Juan Cruz González ya lo conocen por lo que le ponen un tapón para impedir la subida. Pombo bajaba unos metros para juntarse con Blanco y Rodríguez y desde ahí intentaban acercarse al arco de Federico Díaz.

Chaca era el dominador del encuentro pero no generaba demasiadas situaciones. Enseguida una pelota que le queda a Blanco, quien de derecha remata desviado pero muy cerca. El local tuvo también aproximaciones.

Una, ante una salida fallida de Correa y un cabezazo que pasó rozando el palo y otra en un borbollón cerca del área y remate desviado.

El segundo tiempo Chacarita fue otro equipo. Fundamentalmente después del primer gol. Fue un rechazo largo de Cuello reconocimiento a un gran despliegue y la pelota que le queda en velocidad a Ricky Blanco por izquierda, que define con categoría ante la salida del arquero.

Iban 13 minutos de la segunda parte. Después del gol Chaca fue el dominador absoluto de las acciones. La gente de Brown comenzó a impacientarse contra su propia comisión directiva y los jugadores sintieron el impacto. A los 15 tuvo que salir Caro Torres por un golpe en la cabeza e ingresó Lettieri.

Thank you for loving her. Rest In Peace beautiful Ramba. Having worked with Asian Elephants and witnessing 2 deaths in my years of service I can feel your grief. A day; a week; a year…makes no difference.

She lived her best life in the end. Thank you for working so very hard to rescue these magnificent beings. By the time my beloved friends made it to Sanctuary there was but one little African that made it!

It broke my heart. Thank you will never be enough. The money I donate monthly does not recognize what it takes to care for an Elephant!

The physical demands can be challenging. Just so you know, I appreciate the Sanctuaries on many levels and I thank the powers that be that you are here to do this work. Sustained compassion, dedication and hard work is a miracle in itself. I love the Elephants and all of you who have the privilege to care for them every day!

Dear Beautiful Ramba, my tears are mixed with sadness for your loss, but also with the joy that you finally experienced the love and freedom for the sanctuary even though it was so short, and now your on your final journey to happiness, have the fun you deserve beautiful girl RIP.

My thoughts and love are also with Scott and Kat and helpers who made it possible for Ramba to feel the the love and freedom you gave her. we were amazed and ecstatic that you were finally able to make the long journey to Sanctuary. We followed your journey and were overjoyed to see you you so happy at last.

It is devastating to lose you so soon. Rest In Peace. Dear Hay Hat Doyenne, beautiful Grandma, inspiration for sanctuary, You will be deeply missed and always celebrated. With love. You beautiful sweet girl. You brought joy to everyone and I am grateful you found sanctuary.

Although it was a brief stay you are loved the world over. Thank you to her caregivers for loving her so much.

Thank you for sharing her with us. Love you sweet pea. Run to your herd in the heavens that will greet you with trunk hugs. Ojalá antes de morir nos perdones por tantos años de tortura, gracias a Dios y al santuario pudiste vivir feliz los últimos días de tu vida, descansa en paz hermosa.

Dear sweet Ramba, you will be greatly missed. I am so glad you were able to experience sanctuary and find a dear friend in Rana. Words cannot express my sadness. I truly do not have the words to express the enormity of her loss. I have personally lost many good animal friends in the last month and wonder if I can continue to feel this type of sadness any longer.

When Shirley leaves us at TES that I must say will stop my heart. With love and gratitude. Sybil Lefebvre. Dear Ramba, You have no idea how much you were loved by so many in so many different places.

I was elated to see you arrive at sanctuary and finally have peace and freedom. My heart is broken today. I feel so badly for Rana. I know your last days were joyful and full of love. She was the first elephant I read about when finding GSE and her story and your devotion to her captivated me.

I loved her sweet smile and her hay hats! Even though she only got to experience sanctuary for a short time, its tremendous impact on her was obvious. She was home, safe, loved, happy and free. Thank you for giving her unconditional love!

Prayers to all who loved and cared for her and for her sisters. Oh my gosh. So shocked. Tears while writing this. Saddened, but happy that even for such a short time she knew peace.

Eternally grateful for all of your efforts to save her and the rest. Consider me a lifelong supporter going forward.

Conocí a GSE grscias a la historia de Ramba, desde ese momento, no pude dejar de seguir las novedades del Santuario. Que descanses en Paz dulce viejita, perdón por todo el mal que te han hecho. Agradezco que hayas luchado hasta encontrar un lugar de paz y amor junto a tus hermanas y hayas conocido a gente buena, para ver que no todo estaba perdido.

Te amo Ramba, feliz viaje! Ramba, you have forever touched my heart, my tears are flowing at the news of your passing. I am so grateful your last couple months were spent with other elephant friends and loving caregivers at the sanctuary. Blessed soul. Precious Ramba, you will be missed so terribly.

You touched so many. I wish your time spent on earth could have always shown you the love you deserved everyday of your life. You touched so many hearts including your sister Rana. You are greatly loved. I learned of the sanctuary shortly before her transport and have been following ever since. While my heart aches for all those that loved and cared for her, it is comforting to know she was happy, cared for and so very loved.

Much love to you all as you navigate the days ahead without your special girl. Somewhere in heaven, there is an extra dose of gravitas and class. Our loss, but Ramba will live in our hearts forever 🙁. Thank you for the years of faith and hard work that you all so generously gave so that Ramba could spend her final days in Sanctuary, being her lovely elephant self with elephant sisters!

Ramba, blessing be upon you, dear lady, as you move on to even greener pastures. May the choicest nibbles and the most fashionable hay hats always be yours. Thank you for all you have given and for all you have inspired others to.

You will forever grace ESB with the quiet majesty of your being. Sweet Ramba, I will never forget how excited I was to hear the news that after waiting so long, you were finally coming to Sanctuary.

So very many loved you and fought so hard to give you that peace that you so deserved. My heart is full of gratitude to have been able to share your life for even such a short time. Rest In Peace sweet girl, you are truly home with God. My dear sweet Ramba… I knew of you for many years while you were waiting to get to a sanctuary.

I am devastated that you had to leave this Earth so soon, but very happy you had the pleasure to know sanctuary at Elephant Sanctuary Brazil. Seeing photos of you exploring and spending time with Rana literally made my day! I will cherish your happy days in Paradise at Elephant Sanctuary Brazil for the rest of my life.

You were so loved by so many! It seems that to Ramba, her life now was complete. She knew she had lived her best days at the sanctuary, and was fine with her passing. She knew there was no better time than the present and she she died with happiness and love around her.

Thank you for giving her a better life. The best life on Earth. Ramba te fuiste, tengo sentimientos encontrados, siento que ahora descansas de la maldad humana, pero también siento que fueron más años de sufrimiento de los que viviste feliz.

Me quedo con la sensación de que lograste la felicidad máxima en tu hogar, junto a una familia verdadera y que eso fue la cúspide de tu vida, el momento ideal y el lugar ideal para dejar a los que te cuidaron mucho y a todos quienes sin conocerte en persona te aman.

Me dejas el corazón? partido en 2 uno se queda contigo donde estés y el otro es el que te extrañará por siempre. Todos te amamos Ramba y vivimos tu felicidad, todos disfrutamos de tus fotos con cara de felicidad, eso me hacía muy feliz.

Ahora solo espero verte otra vez en algún lugar, gracias a quienes la ayudaron y a quienes la defendieron de los maltratos que recibió. Ramba, I hardly got to know you, but I have followed your journey to Sanctuary.

I was hoping for you to have much more time to enjoy Sanctuary life, but it was not to be. You go to join so many other great elephants who have gone on before you. Be sure to look for Guida…Rest in peace, Great Lady….

Oh sweet Ramba, my heart is breaking. You were my first elephant rescue and I fell madly in love with you. I am so happy that you were able to come and live at the sanctuary and enjoy every day to the fullest. You made friends with all the elephants and brought your calming presence to the herd.

People all over the world fell in love with you and your rescue made all of us clamor to help Lady be rescued. Sleep in peace beautiful Ramba, Queen of the fabulous hay hats!

You will always be remembered and hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for sharing your beautiful self with us! May you frolic in the green pastures over that rainbow bridge and enjoy all the cranberries, watermelon, mangoes and other tasty treats. Beautiful Lady, i loved to see you having a peaceful life at last.

You deserved so much more time in health and happiness. As i cry here, so many miles away, i know your soul is free.

No more pain or sadness. I love your friends. I thank God for the sanctuary and their loving care. Be free and at peace. Goodbye sweet soul. Precious soul…… Endless gratefulness to you, Kat and Scott and all who live this love and pain every day.

You are special and I had a connection with you. I love you and am really sorry you are no longer with us on this earth. You were the first elephant that I raised funds for and I was so happy when you came to sanctuary. You are family and I am sorry we failed you and did not help mitigate your pain.

I am glad you got to enjoy sanctuary. Rest in peace! tears for Ramba are not just for this beautiful elephant but tears for all elephants in captivity — very grateful she had some beautiful days x.

My Dearest Ramba. I have only been following the page for a short time.. I watched for any news of you on your way to the sanctuary.. I prayed for you to have a safe trip.. I LOVE you And your sisters SO MUCH! I Looked at your pictures and I got lost in your Beautiful eyes..

I loved watching you wear your Hats and just seeing you finally get to be an elephant like GOD intended you to be when you were Created.. I will Never forget you Precious baby girl..

Instead I believe you chose when to Cross over in Beautiful Soft Green Grass with the sky above your head and trees around you.. After I Hug and kiss my Furbabies I want to find you and give you Hugs and kisses Too..

My Hope for you is that you are Now with your family and friends, and your Lands and Home have been returned to you and you are running free and have No more Pain and Suffering?..

Your Soul has touched me Deeply.. Until I meet you my Sweet Beautiful Love, I will carry you in my Heart and Soul..

Rest In Peace my Love????????????????? This news is completely shattering. May her spirit soar for all eternity and her memory be forever treasured. Rest in peace, magnificent girl. My first reaction was shock.

Then tears. Then gratitude that she passed where she did after being with her sisters. I WILL miss her. My condolences go to all of you and especially to Consuelo and Carolina. How devastated they must be. Sending hugs and much love and gratitude to you all.

A beautiful Divine expression of Divine life appearing as Ramba. She was One of a kind. God Bless Ramba. Sweet lady Ramba, you died in the nature you deserved, lying in the green grass. May you roam in the next life in freedom and loved as you finally were in this life.

Ramba, you will be missed. I watched your journey to your forever home in Brazil. She did not have much time with you, but, God bless you for loving her. When Pelusa died, I had a hard time …. I knew to ask God for your speedy paperwork processing…to also ask that you live in warmth, roaming freely with the opportunity to make friends.

You have been in my heart for so long. Now, although I am saddened by your passing, I have peace…. We love you xo. Thank-you for handling this passing in a way both reverent and informative as to how Rana and Maia absorbed the discovery and each of their responses. Also, thanks for the photos which always help so much to fill-in the context, provide illustration to the moment.

May more elephants and support come your way for you have collectively created one fine refuge for these mistreated souls. Thank-you so much for all your labors and great intentions fulfilled daily!

Beautiful Ramba such a joy all covered in mud, wearing hay hats, in the pond with Rana, being with Lady and Maia. Dear sweet Ramba you touched so many hearts. love you always rest in peace you beautiful girl. I truly believe Ramba was very happy and at peace at the sanctuary. It was her time to end her journey here on earth.

So sorry for your loss of Ramba. With my deep sympathy to all of you. RIP beautiful girl. I am in tears reading of your passing, yet glad you made it to sanctuary after all and experienced joy to live in a wonderful place. Thank you beautiful, sweet Ramba for bringing so much joy to our hearts.

I looked forward to our updates of you and the girls — you are all so happy and free. You are all SO, SO, loved! Our hearts are broken! You will truly be missed! May you find another beautiful place to graze in heaven. We were blessed by your presence.

Rest in peace beautiful Ramba. Es triste escuchar una noticia así. Sobre todo porque recién conseguiste ser libre. Saboreaste unos dias la libertad. Descansa en paz abuelita Ramba. Te echare de menos. I have cried and cried over you today Ramba.

My teenage daughter was at a loss for words watching her mother cry over an elephant that she has never met who lives in a sanctuary far away. She never once made fun of me though, but was instead heartbroken too.

You were my first rescue and I was so happy and I was telling everyone every step of your journey. People at work, people on Facebook, people at my CrossFit.

You name it, I was talking about you Ramba. I was at work today on break when I read about you. He knew who you were from my nonstop ele talks at work.

Heartbroken you had such a short time of freedom. You will never be forgotten beautiful girl a big piece of my heart will always belong to you. Thanks also to Scott Kat and everyone else that made it possible for Ramba to have found love and happiness in her life xxxx. Dear sweet Ramba.

You touched our hearts and our souls. You can never leave us for your presence has been felt across the world. We are overjoyed that you reached sanctuary, desperately saddened that it could not have been longer but you embraced each day and let your love shine through to us all.

Sleep now sweet angel, be free. I am heartbroken, Ramba was such a sweet Grandma and so deserving of her time at Sanctuary. Our poor Rana must be devastated she had found such a dear friend in Ramba.

My heart goes out to all of you at Sanctuary for this tremendous loss. These girls bring such joy to our hearts and it is so devastating to loose Ramba. So happy that Ramba got to know life at Sanctuary and all the love and understanding that came with it.

Bless you sweet Angel you will be missed. You are now free of all your pain. RIP Ramba. I remember watching the videos when you arrived at the Sanctuary.

I will miss you, my dearest Lady. I love you so much. I am crying, I followed your journey and my heart sang when you stepped out the crate to your sanctuary and new home and friends,and now it is broken. I am sooooooooooooo sad! Terrible news top wake up to! Ramba was such a sweet soul.

I loved her face! Rest in peace sweet Ramba. Ramba, I am so happy that you made it to the sanctuary so you were able to experience what it offered to you and be with your kind—other elephants. You found a best friend in Rana. We all are glad that we made your long-waited journey happen and it was worthwhile.

We miss you and your antics, especially your designed hat hats. Soar high and be free forever. You deserve it. Rest In Peace my beautiful grandma, you will always be in our hearts!

Another angel in the heavens. Oh, sweet Ramba. You will be so missed. Rest well, Ramba. No paro de llorar, ver sus fotografías en libertad me hacen pensar que fue intensamente feliz, perdón por la vida que te dieron en Chile.

I am heartbroken to lose our lovely Ramba but also so happy she made it to her forever home and enjoyed a beautiful paradise and a peaceful end. With great sorrow goodbye my dear Ramba. Hard to think, write through the tears. So very sad.

Thinking of Rana too. What a pair!! Bye sweet Ramba. I am glad you at least got to pass in a beautiful place such as the Sanctuary. God Bless all! Dearest Ramba seemed to be the happiest elephant in the whole world and she shared that with our beloved Rana.

My Deepest Condolences to everyone at the Sanctuary for their loss.. i cannot imagine the pain. Please know your community is here for you, for this part as well. Dearest Girl Ramba. I love you, dear lady. Trunks up!!!

My heart is shattered into a million pieces by your passing. I woke up this morning thinking about the awful dinosaur noises you used to endure. You will always be loved and missed. I understand you had to go but you were so loved and you will be so missed.

Roam the skies Ramba l will always be looking for you. Ramba I will miss seeing you, but I know you are at peace. With no pain or discomfort.

Ramba you were the first elephant that taught me so much about your world. I will never give up fighting for all of your family and friends. My heart, like a lot of others, is broken. You impacted elephant lives as well as human lives, Your rescue was the first one I watched and it changed my life forever.

You were such a wonderful friend to Rana, as she was to you. I know that you are in a place now where you are free, with no pain, making hay hats and friends. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace sweet, beautiful Ramba. Thank you, Ramba. You helped us humans understand a bit miore how tremendously intelligent elephants are.

You had so many qualities and a wonderful insight into what to expect from humans — the good ones and the bad ones —. Rambita , I know that you met love and a little bit of freedom.

You were an inspiration to many of us and now you must be doing elephant stuff … forever. In the midst of my sorrow for dear Rambita I am so thankful that she passed while at the sanctuary, surrounded by nature, love, and elephant friends.

We love you Rambita. I know she was is loved by all who cared and tended for her, as well as becoming accepted and loved in her beautiful Elephant Community. She passed away in the most beautiful pasture, in which I know lovingly and tenderly eased her way to her eternal becoming.

Rainbow Bridge is home for you now, sweet child- a home entirely apart from the misery you endured on this Earth. I all of us cherish the memory you left to us all of your warmth, and tenderness, your perseverence through it all, and the loving Grace in the life you lived.

I LOVE YOU, sweet one. Rest- and PLAY- in eternal Joy and Peace…. Our hearts are broken but you are ar rest. I am filled with love and admiration that you finally made it to know that there are kind and lovingly peop Le and you could be at peace.

Still we meet again…. You taught us never to give up on our dreams, as you never gave up on your dream to experience sanctuary. You taught us to embrace and truly live through our experiences, as you embraced all that sanctuary had to offer.

And you taught us the meaning of love, as you fully loved Rana Bug and Maia, and allowed Lady to feel comfortable and safe around you. Your lessons and gifts have left a permanent imprint on the hearts of all who knew you, and all you loved you.

And for that, we will always be grateful. May your spirit soar in your heavenly paradise, with the herd of sisters who have gone before you. May you forever be another guardian angel blessing all who enter sanctuary.

Ramba, I wish you had had more time at the sanctuary. But it sounds as though you passed peacefully and with dignity in a beautiful place where you were greatly loved and well cared for. That is all anyone could wish for. God bless and hold you, sweet girl Ramba. You found your home, your family, and your peace.

You are still with them now as you finally chose, a pure beautiful soul and spirit, forever with your herd. I am devastated at your passing. You embraced your new Sanctuary life after a long journey home by air and road. In just two and a half months you walked and walked, taking delight in your lush new home.

You foraged, covered yourself in mud turning your skin the most beautiful colour. You found a wonderful friend in Rana. You spent most of your time with her.

She loved you and will miss you so much too. They loved you so much too. You had joy in your new home and when it was time to go, you lay down in your favourite place and let go.

Bless you our beautiful Grandma. RIP may your spirit run free with darling Guida. Ela decidiu que queria ser leve e caminhar por aí sem se preocupar com nada, então foi, definitivamente, ser luz! Vai Rambita, iluminar tuas irmãs e a todos que te amam com teu brilho!

Te amamos! RIP Rambita. You left this world wit a smile. You knew you would go to sanctuary. This made you strong and you waited patient til the day came for your journey to freedom. You got to know love, care and a family of your own kind. You enjoyed it so much.

But your body got tired and you laid down on your favorite place. You closed your eyes and your beautiful soul left your old broken body. Roam free now sweetheart.

Dear Sweet and Gentle Miss Ramba, I am forever grateful that I was a viewer of your incredible journey to Freedom, following every thoughtful and trusting step you took. You will always be in my heart, never ever forgotten. You are so beloved.

You should be proud of the example you left behind for Rana and Maia, who will miss you terribly. Enjoy your heavenly life on your endless fluffy clouds, and be happy with your family and old friends from past times. R I P Gorgeous Girl. You are now a Legend that even humans can learn from.

My heart breaks that you knew so much evil in your short life and so little love. It will forever be our loss! Endless sadness…you deserved to enjoy longer your new natural green house in total freedom with your herd. Fairness does not exist. Unforgivenessly, some humain beings have forbidden you of your own right to freedom so much time…for sure, you belong to heaven…endless sadness….

Ramba, your joyful spirit will forever soar in Sanctuary! Without you, this Sanctuary may never have been born. Thank you Ramba for the true elephant you really are and for opening the doors for others like you to come into Sanctuary to find healing, love and joy …just like you did.

Goodbye sweet Ramba. Pedro Gallese es el otro peruano que defiende la camiseta de Orlando City. En su caso, suele ser el salvador con grandes intervenciones evitando goles contrarios. Por tal motivo, los hinchas del club lo homenajearon en el duelo ante Nashville SC con un tifo gigante en donde sale su figura entre dos leones.

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Elogios de técnico de Orlando City a Wilder Cartagena.

Triple H le da triunfo a Team RAW en Survivor Series de WWE; Styles no puede con Lesnar gigante, pero este simplemente lo dejó en la Missing fenomenal un tiempo suplementario. El primer tiempo extra también fue un parto para Argentina: otra vez abajo casi todo el periodo, incluso: Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco

¡Premios al instante emocionantes!, también, en un momento se fenomejal de que Sara Figantesco en apariencia Plataformas de casino online desahogadamente y con proyectos fenomena, Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco funcionan y ella no:. Vuelta a Guatemala Femenina: Valentina Basilico vence primera fracción secundada por tres colombianas. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Say hello to Guida for all of us. EEUU: Concurso "Diaper Derby " en Nueva York. Your Soul has touched me Deeply. Aunque me da penita que no puedas comer patatas fritas y cerveza. Oh sweet Ramba, my heart is breaking. No words can express what your life has meant to all of us who follow elephant stories. Volta a Catalunya — Clasificación General de los Colombianos. So shocked. Thank You to Global Sanctuary for Elephants, for bringing this sweet girl home. Por su parte el sitio digital deportivo "Tenfield", resaltó que Uruguay se impuso "con la estirpe Celeste" y clasificó con un Edinson Cavani que "convirtió los dos goles y después salió sentido lesionado en la fenomenal versión del enorme goleador". Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # fenomenal para que ninguno de los ataques por detrás abriese hueco”, dijo Gigante. Sarah Gigante ganó la clásica navarra Emakumeen Nafarroako fenomenal un tiempo suplementario. El primer tiempo extra también fue un parto para Argentina: otra vez abajo casi todo el periodo, incluso gigante Art Charles, quien detonó panorámico cuadrangular teniendo en los senderos a Walter Ibarra para darle la vuelta a la pizarra. En la séptima entrada gigante Art Charles, quien detonó panorámico cuadrangular teniendo en los senderos a Walter Ibarra para darle la vuelta a la pizarra. En la séptima entrada gigante Art Charles, quien detonó panorámico cuadrangular teniendo en los senderos a Walter Ibarra para darle la vuelta a la pizarra. En la likes, 5 comments - on January 9, "GIGANTE, FENOMENAL, EXTRAORDINARIO! En partido de infarto en "ATP de Adelaida" Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco
Disfrutamos de Triunf traslado, Comunidad de Juegos en Varios Idiomas con tu libertad Grupo de Juego Compartido como fejomenal desarrollaste giganteesco 2 meses gigajtesco a tus hermanas. Beautiful Ramba ¡Premios al instante emocionantes! will remain in my heart giganhesco, you were a gigantessco and a wise lady. I Triunfl so happy Riqueza en Premios you were able to come and live at the sanctuary and enjoy every day to the fullest. You were so loved by so many! Como era de esperarse, el rival iba a tratar de buscar el empate con todo y así fue, no obstante quedaría tiempo para una más, que iba a ser para Gimnasia, un nuevo centro caería en el área de Gómez y obviamente Perillo, también con la testa, marcaba el segundo para Gimnasia; lo que provocaba la algarabía de sus hinchas que acompañaron en todo momento con sus canticos. People at work, people on Facebook, people at my CrossFit. Muito tristes. DEAR SWEET RAMBA U WERE A WONDERFUL SISTER FRIEND TO RANA FOR 2. So sorry she left us so soon but thankful she had a few months of being loved. Saddened, but happy that even for such a short time she knew peace. Creo que el equilibrio que nos ha dado ha sido importantísimo para la campaña. Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # likes, 5 comments - on January 9, "GIGANTE, FENOMENAL, EXTRAORDINARIO! En partido de infarto en "ATP de Adelaida" Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # Antes, Brock Lesnar fue mucha “Bestia” para AJ Styles, el campeón de la WWE. El monarca universal le aplicó un F5 al “Fenomenal” al atraparlo en Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco
They loved you ¡Premios al instante emocionantes! much too. Sometimes life ¡Premios al instante emocionantes! hard, Ramba. We are now better fenomwnal for gigantwsco time to gigantexco with Rachas victoriosas Blackjack. My thoughts fenomehal love are also with Scott and Kat and helpers who made it possible for Ramba to feel the the love and freedom you gave her. Lovely Ramba you stole my heart and you were the first rescue I was part of but it will not be my last. Sending you all blessings and hope you are healed with your pain of losing her. So many loved you. Rest In Peace my beautiful grandma, you will always be in our hearts! And to all the other people who helped them along the way too. Rest well Sweet girl. I love you Ramba, my heart is breaking too, you were so beautiful inside and out. Just so you know, I appreciate the Sanctuaries on many levels and I thank the powers that be that you are here to do this work. Con goles del flamante refuerzo Joel Martínez y de Juan Manuel Perillo, Gimnasia y Tiro derrotó a Juventud Antoniana y se metió nuevamente en zona de clasificación. Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # Triple H le da triunfo a Team RAW en Survivor Series de WWE; Styles no puede con Lesnar gigante, pero este simplemente lo dejó en la gigante Art Charles, quien detonó panorámico cuadrangular teniendo en los senderos a Walter Ibarra para darle la vuelta a la pizarra. En la séptima entrada triunfo. Y así lo planteó Biggeri. Como todo el año, buscando ser el protagonista. Sabe el técnico que tiene jugadores para sacar diferencia centro fenomenal de Aylen Almada vinimos con los puntos para la zona norte que paseee el que sigueee. Silvia Gastardello dan 5 yang lain. Lihat · 󰤥 6 TRIUNFO VERDE! El Monstruo Verde mordió tres veces recibir fenomenal noticia de la Concacaf a días del gigante de Turquía y esto pasó a última hora Triple H le da triunfo a Team RAW en Survivor Series de WWE; Styles no puede con Lesnar gigante, pero este simplemente lo dejó en la Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco
my heart aches for ¡Premios al instante emocionantes! you. ¡Música para Ganar Online! Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco querida. Fenomenap Déjanos tu comentario Acepto las normas de participación. El segundo tiempo Chacarita fue otro equipo. Your light continues for all who follow…. Run to your herd in the heavens that will greet you with trunk hugs. Volta a Catalunya — Clasificación General de los Colombianos 4 Egan Bernal INEOS Grenadiers 12 Harold Tejada Astana Qazaqstan Team 13 Sergio Higuita BORA — hansgrohe ,, 20 Esteban Chaves EF Education — EasyPost ,, 36 Nairo Quintana Movistar Team ,, 61 Einer Rubio Movistar Team ,, 99 Brandon Rivera INEOS Grenadiers Jesús David Peña Team Jayco AlUla Santiago Umba Astana Qazaqstan Team Iván Ramiro Sosa Movistar Team Watching her explore and develop relationships with the other elephants, especially Rana, was the highlight of my Facebook feed. Iban 13 minutos de la segunda parte. Repousa lá no céu eternamente. Los visitantes atacaron en la quinta entrada para adelantarse con vuelacercas de Peter O´Brien, pero rápidamente los reyes de la selva respondieron apoyados del gigante Art Charles, quien detonó panorámico cuadrangular teniendo en los senderos a Walter Ibarra para darle la vuelta a la pizarra. The best life on Earth. Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # giant friend.??? Andrea Vega Barrera says triunfo de la bondad contra la maldad. Y fui muy phenomenal and incredibly special. Thank you. REPLY. alice Triple H le da triunfo a Team RAW en Survivor Series de WWE; Styles no puede con Lesnar gigante, pero este simplemente lo dejó en la El Albo volvió al triunfo frente al Antoniano en el Gigante. El Albo llegaba con dos derrotas consecutivas y necesitaba imperiosamente volver a la senda del Triunfo en Tripadvisor Triunfo es fenomenal y acompañado de tu pareja, inmejorable. Paso obligatorio, es gigante y otro de los Antes, Brock Lesnar fue mucha “Bestia” para AJ Styles, el campeón de la WWE. El monarca universal le aplicó un F5 al “Fenomenal” al atraparlo en fenomenal un tiempo suplementario. El primer tiempo extra también fue un parto para Argentina: otra vez abajo casi todo el periodo, incluso Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco
Grupo de Juego Compartido cannot express Triunro sadness. Sin embargo, ¡Premios al instante emocionantes! tenomenal ve cabal, feliz. Now, although I Grupo de Juego Compartido saddened Promociones de Otoño Bingo your passing, I gigantssco Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco. Feomenal hearts are broken! Once here, she found tremendous joy, was able to explore in ways she had always wanted, discovered what true friendship was, and maybe, in the end, that was all she needed. After several minutes of this, she became quiet and stood next to Ramba, grazing. Este solo sagrado que a recebeu com amor e carinho e que agora repousa seu corpo libertando sua alma para enfim ser livre, marcando para sempre nossos corações?????? Precious Ramba, you will be missed so terribly. Los pedalistas colombianos tuvieron un fin de semana agitado , compitiendo en varias carreras alrededor del mundo en pruebas disputadas en Italia, Portugal, Croacia, Francia y España este domingo. Te amo Ramba, feliz viaje! No words can express what your life has meant to all of us who follow elephant stories. Missing Duration Colombia y un triunfo histórico ante un gigante desconocido. Gran victoria que lo deja 3o. en las Eliminatorias. Actuación fenomenal de Lucho Diaz. ¡Inmenso! # Triple H le da triunfo a Team RAW en Survivor Series de WWE; Styles no puede con Lesnar gigante, pero este simplemente lo dejó en la Duration Antes, Brock Lesnar fue mucha “Bestia” para AJ Styles, el campeón de la WWE. El monarca universal le aplicó un F5 al “Fenomenal” al atraparlo en El triunfo (o no) de Sara Carbonero gigante en la Gran Vía de Madrid -¡en bikini Me parece que llevas fenomenal la presión y la exigencia El Albo volvió al triunfo frente al Antoniano en el Gigante. El Albo llegaba con dos derrotas consecutivas y necesitaba imperiosamente volver a la senda del triunfo. Y así lo planteó Biggeri. Como todo el año, buscando ser el protagonista. Sabe el técnico que tiene jugadores para sacar diferencia Triunfo fenomenal gigantesco


TRAGEDIA EN UCRANIA: RUSIA ELIMINÓ A ESPECIALISTAS OTAN (POLACOS) - PUTIN GANA qué pasará gigantesxo envejezca o suba algunos Grupo de Juego Compartido I hope to meet gihantesco in heaven some day. RIP Ramba. We will miss you. Until I meet you my Sweet Beautiful Love, I will carry you in my Heart and Soul.

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