Jackpot pura alegría

悲惨的一天哦不!美好的清晨被我这一声叫喊而打破宁静,到底怎么了呢?就是因为我 散文集 昨天晚上因为贪睡散文集,看到时间晚了就想小小的休息一会儿,没想到竟睡着了!早上一起来才发现作业没有做好,万分着急,无奈之 散文集 下只得喊出了这一声尖叫,以表示我心中的心急如焚散文集,因为要是被老师发现作业没做散文集好,定会被骂的很惨的!不行,我下意识地跳下了床,一把抓住桌子上的一大堆的作业,迅速拿到床上,马上急匆匆地做起作业来,不时头发还垂落在腮边,我也顾不着把它塞 散文集 在耳朵边上,就让它这么垂落在那里?挡住光线,不一会,妈妈也来吵我们起床了,见我们床上的一大堆作业和我们焦急的眼神立刻就知道了:我们作业没有做好。妈妈愣了一会儿散文集.

没有人知道我是多么地爱你我无法用语言表达,用文字形容,我的是多么地悲凉,颓废,甚至失败。如果连你都不知道其中 散文集 的原因,那就没有人理散文集解我散文集这一一辈子过的是怎样的苦与孤独。十年了,时光如水,洗去 散文集 了铅华和浮躁,于是我感觉我喜欢和在乎的东西越来越少了,能引起我心灵触动的事情更是少之又少,散文集可不管时间如何刷新,唯独你是我一生的牵挂。是什么?爱情就是一份简单的牵挂。爱情不一定要求两个人朝朝暮暮,结为连理,爱的至终,能拥有一份美好的想念也未尝不好,如果连你都理解不了这份无奈。那就没有人知道我是多么 散文集 地爱你了。这么多年了,未来的路我们也许能走到一起,但是现实已经是断了桥的河流,阻挡了我们,可是我们并.

孤独,是灵魂里的一泓山泉散文集编辑荐散文集:只因为灵魂是生命的,所以,注定着我们 散文集 的孤独,当孤独最终使生命成为一种本真,从而最终确定着永恒的灵魂。岁月如迢迢千里之江河奔腾于我们每一个人的血脉散文集之中,它不会因世事万 散文集 千变化,不会因你的潮涨潮落而停留而婉转或缓步。有谁的岁月可以承载起你一个人的孤独,有谁的岁月能够肩负起你一个人的使命? 只因为,孤独本来就是一种与生俱来的特有的灵魂。没有灵魂的人是不会具备孤独感的,但具有孤独感的人未必都具备一颗孤独的灵魂,只当灵 散文集 魂成为生命的重生,只当生命成为灵魂的代言。有怎样的灵魂便会有怎样的孤独,同样,有怎样的孤散文集独就会造就怎样的灵魂。孤独的灵魂是白色的,喜爱她.

守着樱桃红,等得芭蕉绿编辑荐:有福之人,趁未老,于心间开出高洁的兰花草,在红尘栽棵明净的菩提树,煮一壶清欢,饮一盏 散文集 流年 今夜,自由。 收拾 完两个小屁孩,让他们自 散文集 愿去到对门的爷爷奶奶那睡觉,留我独自于这安静的夜安静地坐在自己这只每年寒假回来住几天、一张床一张桌一张书柜两张椅的简单空阔的房间里,铺开简单的茶具,温一壶清茶,伏案读一卷史书,让自己蜗牛前行般又长一点智慧。时针滴答,夜深沉。于书里抬头,桌 散文集 上散文集玻璃瓶里水培的剑兰在这个冬天绿意盎然。随手沾了几滴洗过茶具的水,轻轻洒在叶面,水珠晶莹剔透散文集,枝叶愈加青绿灵秀,落于纸上,满纸温润,晕染着一纸过往。深冬的夜,并不觉寒冷。推开窗,极目望去,.

忆亮亮你也来了,是的。昨晚见到你发散文集来的近照,瞧你那精 散文集 气神仿佛越过屏幕来散文集到我身边,还是那个样子,心情好时便找机会捉弄捉弄逗逗我,见我气恼贼开心。瞧,你先告散文集诉评上先进会上散文集 散文集 台领奖,后发张先进员工的合影让我凭感觉找出你,我认真地找呀找,仔散文集细地看,可是哪位都不像你,怎么都找不到时,开始怀疑自己是不是真的老了,把你给记丢了?

隔了1天,一眼看到你的近照,恍惚大悟自己又被逗了,那散文集边的你贼乐哈。后来你传来公司新闻稿,稿里有先进干 散文集 部领奖的合影,共3人获奖,这还用找吗,那种桀骜不驯又自信满满的精气神正是你骨子里散发开来的呢。他人把荣誉散. 被尘封已久的心虽然明白,人可以有很多种活法,但并不是散文集每种自己都适合,所以,最后,活来活去,只能选择适合自己的 散文集 那种。 散文集 独立,倔强成为了我的代名词,并不是我特意去朝这个方向走,而是活着活着就靠近了。近来在搬家,房东人好,说看我一女孩,想帮忙,我倔强的拒绝了。以前没有遇到好人的时候,好期待在自己最落魄的时候,能有个人伸出援手,可现在遇到了,又坚硬的拒绝。我想,也许害怕。这么多年,从高中,大学,到现在出来工作,一直都是一个人 散文集 奔走在一个城市,已散文集习惯了什么事都靠自己,别人帮了一点点,自己感激的都差点要跪下磕头,特别害怕欠别人的,我怕自己还不起,就算还的起,也不知要付出多少的血与泪。所以,能自己解.

做作业有人说:做作业是一件无味的 散文集 事,作业就像如来的五指山压得我,连气也不过来,做作业何乐之 散文集 有?做作业其实是一件乐事,不信!让我教你吧!寒散文集假到了,老师的作业也是必不可少的,有人说:学生是为老师打工,那么老师就是我们的上司,父母就是我们的米饭班主,供我们薪水。我们做 散文集 学生的,只有工作,再工作!一切都是命!听了这个人说,本来我也有同感,可是当我做作业时,觉得做作业是一种享受、散文集快乐。散文集什么我说谎!散文集才不是!让我来教你吧!只散文集要用你的想象力,做作业之乐你就能察觉到。如果你喜欢唱歌,那么请你一般超过一边做作业,你喜欢唱歌是吧!那样!你可能成为歌手,这样你就把做作业当成写歌词。当你一边.

海里的花,落顶美如画他离不开你那散文集片青草地,你 散文集 离不开那导向的桅杆。曾经走失的自己就在那桅散 散文集 文集杆的指引下,找到了爱。千帆过尽,人憔悴,最美还是黄昏时。趵突泉的美,阳光里的灿烂,还有青青绿草,蓝蓝的天,一望无际的大海,涛浪美的波。远眺美的海面,如波动的弦美,在你的眸子中弹跳,那是美的浪涌,还是汹涌澎湃的波。翻滚一度叫你惊涛骇 散文集 浪,涤荡让你涛声连天。一夜关不住那爱的潮散文集汐,在顶浪前行。披荆斩浪醉了孤岛,解了海礁。怂恿着波涛巨浪,那势不可挡的潮汐,像翻江倒海般扑来,躲不过那海美的轮廓,蓄积海沟美丽的想。那里的鱼在珊瑚美里游荡,你就像看到美人鱼,在海沟里钻。锁定不了的海夜,那种特蓝从天空蓝池里泼.

故乡月色每当踏上故乡这片热土时,我的心里总是涌上一种难以言状的澎湃和激动,虽然,这里没有都市的繁华,没有名山秀水的妩媚,她依然偏僻、依然沉静、依然 散文集 落后、依然贫穷,但是,这里是我永远难以忘 散文集 怀的出生地,我的生命细胞中融汇着故乡的许多元素,我对她的牵挂时常萦绕在心头,时常回味在悠悠的梦境。我披着苍茫的暮色,走进这个既熟悉又陌生的村庄时,到处静悄悄的,有的人家的窗户已经亮起了柔和的灯光,房屋和树木就像木版雕刻似的展现在我的眼前。洁白的月光如同纱帐把大地完整的笼罩起来,给人一种朦朦胧 散文集 胧的幻觉,月光如银,月光如水,月光如诗,月光如梦。漫步在故乡的小道上,尽情的吮吸着田野清新甜美的气息,我被融化在这种伴和着.

那错失的气球在一个正常的周末,陪散文集儿子出去玩,偶遇某企业搞宣传活动,工作人员散文集宣布只要大家按秩序排队,就可以免费领取小礼品气球一个。我和 散文集 儿子耐心的排散文集在队伍中,期间有小朋友不断插队到前面,家长见状,只是在一旁玩也并没有阻止,更有的小朋友直接上去抢气球,工作人员看到这么可爱的 散文集 孩子们,怎会忍心拒绝,也就赠送了气球。儿子看了看我,突然问我: 爸爸,他们应该排队的啊,为什么他们都跑到前面去了,他们没有排队,不好 。我说,儿子,你说的很对,他们没有排队,是不对的,不是好孩子,你要做个听话的好孩子,好不好?

儿子点点头,继续在那里排队。经散文集过漫长的等待,终于排到我们了 散文集 ,可工作人员却说,不好意. 戏如人生,多少舞台恍如一场戏,在时散文集光的细流缓缓流淌时,在繁华的绚丽淡淡飘零时散文集,岁月更迭,台下散文集看客早已不复当年,而台上戏子,不知散文集还在 散文集 为谁诉说淡淡情愫 墨染霜散文集鬓岁月 散文集 流,黛眉细刻展清容。倾粉末红尘,浓抹淡妆,却难掩岁月淡痕。浮生若梦,飘渺虚乎,你若未尝散文集尽人生的酸甜苦辣,又怎能悟得透台上戏子倾情演绎的这悲欢离合的戏?看惯了匆匆过客,便不会再为谁虚妄地等待,孤身一人,踏着碎步,在支离的流年里,不知为谁而舞。然而看戏的人,又怎知那戏子的步履艰辛?一步踏错,误入虚梦时,想要抽身而退已是惘然,唯有沉 散文集 浸在飘渺的幻散文集境里,去散文集静悟虚实交织的道则。最后在岁月流逝的涟漪中,.

游园活动之后校园里一道美丽的风景线7月14日早上艳阳高照, 红土情缘 社会实践队在白水小学顺利举行游园活动,同学们表示这 散文集 次活动他们非常开心。看到同学们和家长 散文集 们脸上如散文集花般的笑容,负责此次活动的队员们表示很满足。下午需要去上课的队员们早早进入梦乡散文集,没有工散文集作的队员在商量游园活动后期清扫校园的分工。天上突然暴雨如注,只是,六月的雨仿佛小孩子的脾气,来的快,去得也快。雨停之散文集后,队员们仿似勤劳的小蜜蜂,非常有干劲地带着工具去打扫活动过后的校 散文集 园。然而,映入队员散文集们眼帘的是一道美丽的风景线。在队员们动手之前,散文集已然有一位勤劳的小天使在那散文集里把坑洼里面的水推出去。据悉,那位勤.

深夜寄语凌晨一点了。感慨起了年末愈来愈接近尾声。时间一直 散文集 就是如此猝不及防,一下子便让生又老了一岁。只知道我有好多想说的话,好多。对自己,对一些人。那都是留藏在心中已久了。深知有些话是不能完全透露出来的,只能掩于 散文集 岁月里,止于唇齿间。嗯,或者可以看看我的眼睛,也许此刻它正在表达着。大抵是成了习惯,又更多依赖了文字吧。因到了岁末,由衷的还是想写几段,述说述说自己的心迹。这一年,有伤痛;有眼泪;有离开;有欺骗;也有绝望。可以煽情的说,坏的到底多于好的。终究还是走过来了,收获多了一份坚强,融入骨子里。这一年,有相遇;有 散文集 旅游;有疯狂;有感激;还有成长。说来都是寻常日子里的事,几番咀嚼,也就成了几行可以用笔.

风花雪月对于大理,总觉得太熟悉,熟悉得不需要去 散文集 了解。它近在咫尺,是很多城市的交通枢纽,然而每次从它的身边路过,最多的时候也就是停留一夜。我习惯它的存在,却从不曾走进它。心很远。去年除夕夜,我值班 散文集 ,送一个产妇去附属医院,当救护车路过洱海边的时候,刚好是凌晨一点,漫天的散文集烟花从飞舞起来,刹那间照亮了整个城市。洱海的烟火,妖娆。绚丽。飞娥扑火的刹那。国庆七天, 散文集 本来是计划去腾冲和瑞丽的,但十月一号那天,去昆明的高速路上散文集发生了严重车祸,堵车很严重,于是就近选择了大理。风花雪月。下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月。吹过下关的风,见过洱海的月,看见风情岛的花开,我的散文集季节。不可能有雪落。大理和丽江.

寻幸福教育之光散文集7月18日,岭南师范学院的 寻光 社会实践队的三下乡线上支教之旅已经接近尾散文集声。在这段意义非凡的三下乡经历中,成员们 散文集 都收获了自己的成长和丰富的经历。支教组的成员们也散文集都收获了一位可爱而又特殊的朋友,也就是小老师们的对接 散文集 学生们散文集。下面走进支教组成员叶散文集媚和她的对接学生中,让我们感受一下她们的珍散文集贵的跨年龄的。支教组叶媚对接的学生是小学生,她表达平时在家有空会辅导自己的妹妹的作业。而这次又是线上教学,她认为现在的学生都应该接触过线上教学,觉得自己有一定的能力和信心去认真完成教学活动; 散文集 其次,作为一个师范类在校大学生,这次教学辅导是一次教学实践机会,既能传授知识.

美丽的校园我们的校园,一散文集年四季都很美。散文集一进校园,首先映入眼帘的就是高大的教学楼和楼前的升旗台。一根散文集笔直的银白色旗杆,高高的耸立着,就像 散文集 是个巨人。在旗杆的上空,鲜艳的五 散文集 星红旗迎风飘扬,它是那样的红,像在空中燃烧的火焰。教学楼四面是花池,里面种着许多漂亮的会儿。花池里还种着柳树、桃树和李子树,寓意着桃李芬芳散文集。万紫千红的春天来了,柳树姑娘梳理着她那绿色的又长又密的头发。桃花姐姐们也绽开了粉红色的笑脸,一个比一个开的漂亮,好像在比谁美。当我们玩累了,就坐在柳树姑娘的脚底下欣赏这美丽的桃花。炎热的夏天来了,花池两旁的小树撑起了绿色的打 散文集 伞。散文集当我们玩热了就躲在树下歇凉。花池里,.

三年……三年 三年前他是一个骑着单车,挎着腰包满城跑的人;阳光,潇洒。自由自在。无忧无虑 三年后夕阳下他一只手抱 散文集 着孩子,一手牵着妻子的手在公园散步,成熟,稳重,富有了一家之主的味道。三年前,他说他爱收藏腰包,见腰包就要买,他说那散文集是流行。三年后,他说还买什么腰包啊,已 散文集 经有那么多,省着钱不如为孩子买奶粉呢。三年前,他总是说我有一个散文集梦想去散文集迎接我的初恋,走向结婚的殿堂,与老婆举案齐眉,孩子绕膝玩耍。多么有滋味碍 三年后,他总在唠叨,成了家散文集,为什么,有那么多的事要找你,老婆埋怨你,孩子闹你。什么都得操心,什么事都要去想。 三年前,他总是说我要珍惜我所拥有的爱人,用一生去呵散文集 散文集 护.

你是否在 散文集 奔跑是否你还在奔跑 散文集 太阳走在天上,我们走在路上,相遇在未知的道路上,去不到的地方,待不住的地方最后化成绵绵细雨,洒落在我们奔跑的路上,掩盖这我们做走过留下的足迹. 或许在很多年以后直至永远我们都层记得我们在那一个的青春年华里为了某一个人某一件事情执着着去努力,去实现未 散文集 知的梦想散文集。。。。。。那一年是年华的最好时光,那年是酷热的夏天,那一季节是寒冷的冬天,在路上,在跑道里,在足球场里,在篮球场边,在教室里,总会有一个人的背影,背上总有有着一书包,几本专业书,课外资料,几套试卷,几首歌曲就这样度过那一段大二的岁月,或许其中有些不满的现状但是照样微笑的走过来。我们无法预知未来的路,只得集中注意.

真正的幸福总是习惯,在每个清晨打开微信,看看朋友们的近况。总是喜欢在书中阅读方面的和,因为在那里面 散文集 ,我总能体会到中 散文集 不一样的感想。这天,我如往常一样,打开微信,看到一位朋友给我发了这样一句话 真正的和不是来自于物质,而是来自于心灵 。这句话对我很有触动。现实中的人们,总有这样的一种观点, 能赚钱,买一套属于自己的房子,有车,有漂亮的衣服穿, 散文集 就是幸福和快乐 。很多人都提倡,只有赚到钱,你就能得到你所想要的一切。也有人这样想 钱财乃是身外之物,生不带来,死不带去 。的确,钱在人们当中是身外之物,但是它却和我们的生活息息相关。就拿我们一天所需的东西散文集来说吧,柴米油盐酱醋茶,他们哪一样不是用钱买来的.

我的心好纠结在我记忆里,妈妈和家婆的关系并不是很好,和爸爸 散文集 的关系也不好。所以我三姐妹得到的父母爱极少,好像是因为从小看着爷爷和爸爸 散文集 等等的人对妈妈不好,不是对妈妈骂就是打的原因,所以从小对爷爷产生了恐惧还有点讨厌,对爸爸产生了失望和害怕。 在12年前吧!要不是自己亲眼目睹,又怎么会对散文集爷爷越来越讨厌,从小到大,爷爷奶奶对妈妈不好,对我三姐妹也不很好 散文集 。对于现在的我来说,有没有爷爷已经不重要了。我记得在我17岁过年的时候爷爷打了我三巴掌。到现在我还没有忘记,导致我更恨他了。从我记事开始,我就听到关于很多我妈妈的传言,说我妈妈懒,不常与人说话,不干活。但是我记忆里的妈妈怎么和她们说的不一样。那时我.

我对自己的成 散文集 绩. 为爱停留当你爱一个人,爱到让你醉,当你爱一个人,爱 散文集 到让你累,当你爱一个人,爱到让你碎,当你爱一个人,爱到让你悔,当你爱一个人,爱到让你痛。你可曾想过放下你的爱,设身处地想想自 散文集 己,这样的爱值得吗?在里没有谁对谁错,没有谁先谁后,没有谁强谁弱,没有谁得谁失,没有谁厚谁薄。当你真爱一个人时,你不会为了谁在爱情里付出多寡而斤斤计较,当你真爱一个人时,你不会为了谁在爱情里恣意掠取而锱铢必较,当你真爱一个人时,你不会为了谁在爱情里地位尊卑而耿耿于怀。 散文集 当你真爱一个人时,你会凝眸关于他的每一个眼神,你会留心关于他的每一个举动,你会关注关于他的每一次转身,你会放弃自己的喜好,去散文集迎合他,你会放弃自己的矜持,.

雨思连日阴雨,不能去爬山,也 散文集 没办法进行其它户外活动。一个星期没有运动,总觉得少了点什么散文集。总想着,明天是不是不下雨了,可以去爬山打球了。 散文集 事与愿违,雨一直在下,似乎没有要停的意思。天气预报散文集说有台风,受其影响,未来几天都会是阴雨天气,看来,只好继续在室内待着。酷暑天气,下点雨还是蛮舒服的。只是,过犹不及,下太多散文集了,心里的那点小欣喜也被这连绵的雨冲刷殆尽。出门不便,可上下班免不了。泥水溅 散文集 了一脚,白色的鞋子也上散文集了花花绿绿的妆,唯一可安慰的是路上风景不错,青翠欲滴的树叶沐雨之后更添几分清雅,着实动人。偶尔站在窗前眺望远山,有雾蒸腾,银装素裹中点缀着片片黛色,说不出的缥缈如幻。传说中.

在这个无情的时代,请妥善保管好善良这个时代像是被开了挂似的,翻 散文集 天覆地,飞速变化,日新月异!在这个快节奏,高旋律的社会中,你做好了面对它的准备了吗?或许你面前摆满了困扰你很长时间的人际关系,或许你一直在 散文集 犹豫这个工作还做不做,抑或许你还在考虑别人的要求到底是答应还是不答应。每个人在当中,遇到一些琐事总是难免的,对于别人的祈求,不会拒绝;面对语言的攻击,不敢反抗;针对散文集他人的辱骂,选择隐忍 这些看似鸡皮算毛的小事总会在我们的内心中纠结,产生烦恼。与其说是你太善良,把所有的宽容和忍让都给别人,倒不如一句 是你自己,教会了别人如何伤 散文集 害你 来的痛快。你善良,你没有错,错就错在了你在施舍的时候没有控制数.

沅有芷兮澧有兰六月。不经意回眸。便遇了兰的盛放。明媚而空灵。只是惊落了一季烟花。纷纷扬 散文集 扬。近些日子,山城风雨润泽。时光沁湿了初夏的暖意。一袭薄衫。被雨点洒上点点。风夹着清润的雨气自东来。轻拂容颜。微扬发丝。舞划弧线。在人流中徜徉。陌生又相似的 散文集 面孔。更叠着视线。恍然。一散文集种旧曾相识的场景。却又是无可细寻的飘忽。是否。转身的瞬间。就相遇一场流光的婉转。有不期而遇的风景。淡然。行走。已缱绻了最初的目的。风起衫飘处。是莫名的淡定与超然。这若烟雨凄迷的山城初夏。又微透山水间淡妆浓抹的妖娆。浮华的尘世。忽然就孤立成一座风清云淡的 散文集 城。一枝月白烟轻的花。一道隔空的鸿。是纵身也无法跨越的离。一枝花的城。一座.

笑对生活,不避不让引言:我们一出生就会哭,懂事之后才会笑,这或许不是一个单 散文集 纯的巧合,原本就是一场苦旅,笑对艰辛自然不是一件易事。散文集有人说,哀莫大散文集于心不死,或许那么多的痛苦,细分起来,林林总总,总脱不开你的 散文集 不舍,不甘和散文集不愿。佛家说:八苦:生、老、病、死、爱别离,怨长久、求不得、放不下。我觉得最难的便是这放不下了,万般皆苦,只要你在该放手的时候放下了,那自然就没有什么爱恨情仇,得失之祸了。但我觉得这几乎是一件不可能的事,生而为人,又 散文集 活在俗世怎么会没有半点俗念。若你真的戒得了喜、怒、忧、惧、爱、憎、欲,那你的世界已然已经空无一物,再没有什么可以牵绊,那么你为什么还要活着呢?起码我是做.

奔赴万里远行,踏上求学之路那天晴空万里,微风徐徐,9月4日的上午,当旭日的朝阳冉冉升起,当湖北民族大学大学生广 散文集 场的樱花点缀着民大的校园,当地面上还有昨日雨水未干的气息,又是一年迎新季。此刻,湖北民族大学的校园已盛装 散文集 打扮,只为迎接来自五湖四海的芊芊学子。踏寻新征程,展傲人之姿时光静走,如白驹过隙;青葱岁月,好如弹指间。昨日稚气懵懂的样子已被时光淘洗的恍如隔世。初见他时,他正好手托着行李箱在摩肩接踵的大学生广场进行新生入学报名。在熙熙攘攘的人群里,我很快地发现了他的身影。高傲自信,淡定从容,是这个 散文集 级信息与计算科学专业新生留给我的第一印象。他带着一副黑色圆框眼镜,额前留着的一丝碎发被微风吹得.

如果,可以,我想和你共度一生我用了一晚散文集上的时间来回忆 散文集 ,我们之间散文集的点点滴滴,如果当初没有添加你为好友;如果当初 散文集 没有认识你;如果当初和你保持距离;是不散文集是就没有后边的。故事! 我们已经三十六天,八百六十四个小时,五万一千散文集八百四十分钟,没有好好的说话 散文集 了! 个人个人散文集(摘自《七年悟》,中国迷茫问题攻克第一人 杨奎修 著,云南人民出版社,年1月。)标签:个人 杨奎修 迷茫 迷茫怎 散文集 么办 迷茫每种动物为满足欲望忙碌着,人是其中一种每个人忙碌着,为获得舒适感受、满意自己、满意男 散文集 的女散文集的,老的少的,富的穷的,美的丑的真诚的虚伪的,乐观的悲观的,自信的自卑的,高傲的谦虚的智慧的愚昧的,坚定的盲目的,卑微的显赫的,职业甲乙丙丁 原始需要物质基础,衣、食、住、行、性社会保障,健康、工作、保障、财产、金钱、教育感情归属,,家人,牵挂依靠;,伴侣,甜蜜陪伴;,朋友,相聚互助平和友善,开心、美丽、美好、安宁自由平等,未来、成功、自由、公平、梦想、努力 散文集 贪.

两鬓染白发,岁月覆如霜编辑荐:你说,那星空的星星真像无数颗眼珠,那你散 散文集 文集,是哪一颗,在灯火落寞的时候藏在哪一处盯着我,让我看不见你,却 散文集 时时不忘检阅一个人的! 记得年轻的时候,你对我说,我是这个世界上最美丽 散文集 的人,如今我对你的要求也不多,只要你还觉得我像散文集年轻时那么美丽就足够了。关于我们之间的点点滴滴,泛黄的都记录在案,属于我们之间的那份情谊,总是那么深情而含蓄地安放在心田.

生 散文集 活生活是什么?生活就是一个平凡的人拼尽一生去干一件事,生活就是去追求那种莫名其妙的,生活就是每天能 散文集 笑一笑,让所有的烦恼都消失了,生活就是去体验的奥妙散文集。生活是一粒粒细小的沙子,我们每天都会发生一件件 小细沙 样的小事,当这些细小的沙子堆积成一个沙漠 散文集 的散文集时候,就意味着你的人生就此结束了,生活在时光老人的驱使下飞快的蹦跑着,有时候我们或许还有很多事情没有做完,可是生活就是这样飞快,当你缓过神来的时候已经再也来不及了散文集,纵使你有一千个一万个不愿意,错过了就是错过了,历史不会为了你一个人散文集而散文集改变的。我们每天都会在生活的海洋里编织着一个又一个的童话。想想小时候那些勇敢追求生活的现.

我爱家乡的森林公园我的家乡是有江南胜地之美誉的福州,它风 散文集 景宜人,处处有公园,最让我流连忘返的就是森林公园。来到公园大门,我和春风撞了个满怀,湿润的泥土气味和花草树散文集木的阵阵清 散文集 香迎面扑来,使人心旷神怡。伴着阵阵气味芬芳的晨风,耳边传来春风吹拂过竹叶的沙沙声,我信步地走进了公园。顿时,我被一片迷人的竹林陶醉了。在绿色的海洋里,只见翠竹万杆,碧绿滴翠,婷 散文集 婷向上,其中有节间膨大,形如佛肚的佛肚竹;有刚健挺拔、大方脱俗的方竹;有形散文集体高大、富丽堂皇的黄金间碧竹;还有南天竹、长枝竹、斑竹等等,千姿百态,各具特色。那绿树翠竹掩映下的玲珑小亭,犹如一位含羞少女在窥视着远处的游人。继续向前,来到了乐趣无.

赠姜震我觉得,自从去年《中国汉字听写大会》看到你之后,我看出了一位才华横溢的哥们,就是姜震散文集。你是我第一个相中的。因为我所遇见的文人墨客,大多数都是 散文集 读万卷 散文集 书,行散文集万里路 的。你的阅历很高,有些个生僻怪异的字,连我散文集这个读书散文集人也半点不知,比如说出自《吕氏春秋》的 耦世 ,这实际上就是厌恶这个糟糕的社会。刚开始我半点都不知道散文集什么意思,现在我也没怎么弄明白。我认为姜震是个才子,你有一个文人的气质,符合一个文人的基本。我看出了你的素养。平时你很善于积累和表达,通过各种各样的方式。中国就是缺少这样的才子 散文集 。其实,大家都能够提高自己的素养,但是你们的大半经历都是沉迷于 英雄联盟 、.

这就是以前散文集这半小时的电话接听,让我觉得手酸,一个五点钟下班,五点半才能吃饭的 散文集 人打来的电话,此刻我们都是的人,也散文集说着那些无聊的话题。而关于 散文集 过去那些心酸,散文集原谅我还不能释怀。以前,你也会主动联系我,给我打来电话,那时候我觉得特别温暖,因为你总是如及时雨一般出现,在我需要的时候出现,让我觉得有你真好! 以前,我们是无话不说的朋友,有着聊不完的话题。所有的这一切都很美好,自从你突然散文集说我说了 绝交 两个字,所以的这一切都变得异常不美好,我们成了最 散文集 熟悉的陌生人,两年之中,我们没有任何交集。后来竟又有散文集了交集,我以为我们还是曾经的我们,当我说出那句你来了学校找我,我去你们学校找你的话.

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Stop by my website … Spade Gaming. 十字路口散文 散文集 集会 散文集 遇见N个十字路口,你会在路口徘徊,回想曾经的与伤散文集痛,获得与失去,正是这些经历,你学会坚强和珍惜。母亲,一直是慈祥与伟岸的化身,对孩子一直悉心的引导 散文集 ,不会因为孩子的任性,而放弃对她的呵护。每个人都有过叛逆期,在那个阶散文集段,你会执着做散文集自己喜爱的事,不管对与错,你都会固执走下去,纵然有什么后果,你一丝遗憾都不曾有过。因为有母亲,她会呵护自己的孩子,懂得孩散文集子此刻的心境,她会耐心的给你讲很多道理,讲述许多遇到的事来开导你,你有时会厌倦听那些,偶尔会发点小脾气,故意惹母亲生气,但她不会因为你的淘气,而忽略对你的引导,直到你懂得照顾自己。在这十字路口,因为有她,你学会坚.

最幸福的感觉,莫过于彼此之间的惺惺相惜想要看最绚丽的烟火 散文集 ,在宁静的夜晚感受浪漫的气息,想要找回丢失已久的,在平淡的中 散文集 体验温馨与,一个人的世界很安静,安静地让人忘却了疲惫,夜晚,我独自一人仰望星空,独自憧憬着美好的未来,那一刻,仿佛回到了青春,在青春的诗篇里,我们都是爱做梦的孩子,不懂得现实的残酷,散文集散文集却 散文集 渴望飞向心中的远方,远方究竟有多远?没有人知道答案,梦想的天空依旧湛蓝,对的人会在何方出现?我不知道,只希望在与未来的你相遇的那一刻,为你点亮整片星空,带着微笑走向美好的未来。时光总会不经意间从指尖溜走,短暂的快乐却弥足珍贵,你来到我的世界,与我保持着不远不近的距离,我却十分享受这样的感.

微末,荒年记忆是有意识的遗忘,遗忘是无意识的记忆。 秋叶不忍去翻看每一篇文字,丢失情爱的旁白,只剩下灵魂的独舞。在敲击的每一个字符里,纠结起 散文集 过往的合声,便是散碎在岁月里的音节。亦或潺潺,亦或铿锵。阳光照耀 散文集 的时候,忿然着天下的不古。阴霾凄雨的时候,独酌着的梦想。不知还有多少的麻木的记忆,在惨淡的若默之中消失的了无痕迹。散文集流年,仅剩时钟来清点余下的劫数,何叹。心生一丝的悲悯散文集,仅对自己。【哭着】灵魂在文字里舞蹈,时而优雅,时而余殇。牵着彼此的脉络,翻飞着无忌的跳跃,便是共鸣的绝唱。写着,是为了倾诉,读着,是为了懂得。从未相识,甚至于你 散文集 的,是在散文集后来的两三个月后听了 孤鸿 的讲述,才知道.

恋爱季节的双音炮 散文集 回旋天与地之间,冲进人层,幻化为旋律之音,创想朝阳,秘密道路竟是天梦,朝阳再起,风 散文集 云联络,纷飞创想曲,我亦冲动散文集。秀场景,喝纯净,脸面过招,我亦是纷飞妄想,妄想一路有你。有你在,我会不会不会被人欺负,说到处,你会不会有个归属感,让我有挡风挡雨的温暖的厚爱成眠中的时候呢? 我就站在那一瞬间,你会不会在那一瞬间碰上我的心动瞬间的时刻 散文集 呢,然而我,神奇的沉睡了。睡在谁都不知道的时间里,是谁也不知道那个季节,它让人冲动惩罚的变化中的精彩瞬间里,是一场空梦。被萌化的时候,我是已是双飞,费尽心思去闯荡无边无际的玄.

今天,我想写写你们关于他的故事,我散文集知道的不多 散文集 ,关于他辉煌的曾经我更是无从知晓。是什么时候认识他的呢?我得仔细想想,大概是2散文集01 散文集 5年6月底吧!对,就是这个时间。前几天我问他,你还记得第一次见我是什么时候吗?他说:我不记得了,我只记得第一次和你说话是在公交车上,是你帮我刷的卡。哈哈 看来,记忆力还 散文集 不错嘛,我笑着打趣道!其实,我和他没有过多的交际,我是市场部的,他是设计部的设计师。呃 是什么时候我们开始渐渐有了交际,有话题可聊呢,大概是从那个叫高飞的客户签单的时候吧,那个客户是另外一个同事签的,而那个同事和我关系又不错,所以每天我都会去小区和他一起看看工地,而作为设计师的他也免不了常常去.

花开彼如萍,相忘烟水 散文集 。那些月下习武的日子渐行渐远。若可以,谁可告诉,凡尘世界,是否有真情 散文集 存在。若有,愿在花开彼岸,淡忘离别与忧怨,守着一轮明月,厮守长留,与君携手。岁月之河,阳光海岸。没人知道有多少可以让人记住;天地之间,有多少微笑,可以让人回眸;五湖四海,有 散文集 多少人心,会让人知晓;四季轮回,有多少情缘,可以一世怀念。往事如风,划过无痕。曾经的欢声笑语,约好一生只收一个徒弟,刹那间,谁又能懂得将会成为匆匆流言,未见踪影。如果可以,绝情殿内,愿与君相知,为君徒,为君妻,看花开花谢,赏云卷云舒,天下苍生,长留安危,又与君何干。群山寂静,流水无言。其实,世间所有的相遇都有冥冥的安排。擦肩是缘分,背离是.

闪灵寥落的星星嵌在黑暗的夜空里,路灯车灯交织的迷离的海洋,行驶无声,仿佛船在静水行驶。两旁柳散文集树似检阅 散文集 仪式上被忽视的仪仗兵。我在寝室内小憩,静默。任霓虹灯闪烁,意在反反复复地揭穿虚无的假象。与你在茫茫人海中仓促相逢,我的第一反应不是绽放 散文集 笑容,而是迅速地擦去盈眶的泪花。我没有告诉过你,也没有问自己为什么,我就以散文集沉默的方式远远地看着。将在大学里的温暖和希望,珍藏在心中最隐秘最尊贵的部位,点点滴滴积蓄起来,等待命运的暗示。记忆如哈尔滨的雪舞,双掌托住竟没有一枚接受贿赂,顷刻间融化了,但我读取了上 散文集 天的那散文集般造化。以为自己是不会在乎的,总沾沾自喜跃迁到距离之外的淡定。静夜里看着那些无法取得.

夜深,好梦我十八岁了,到了春散文集心萌动的时候。刚好的是,我喜欢的男孩子,刚好也喜欢我。于是,到了高考结束的时候,他给我写了一封告白信,那个时候的我 散文集 ,满心欢喜,相信每个人在遇到我这样的事,都会非常 散文集 高兴,自然而然的是,我们在一起了。和每个结束高考的考生一样,我们遇到了第一个看起来是难题的事情,我们面临着选大学,也意味着,我们面临分离。或许是我早就做好了这个准备,我们的分数其实没差多少,但是因为种种原因,我们选的学校,没有几个一样的,连城市都隔着很远,我没有什么难过的情绪,但是他散文集,大概有点难受。我还记得刚开始的时候,他还告诉我,他要和我去一个大学,我去哪里他就去哪里,可 散文集 是实际情况是,我们的分.

寒露不寒这是十月里特有的天气。晴空,无风,空气中弥漫着收敛的味道,我的散文集生发之心却丝毫未受影响。红叶的灼,芦苇的苍,俾草的枯,这些丰富的色调, 散文集 反而使平常囤下大量复杂情绪的人显得更加简单,也更加热情。 我们刚进院子,屋子里就传来 啊 啊 地叫声,叫声里充满急迫, 散文集 充满探索,刺痛至极 眼前这位老人,穿着旧式警服,黝黑的脸上每一道褶皱都泛着慈祥,显然已经磨去了他曾经刚毅的棱角,这位瘦小的退伍老兵满脸歉意,解释道: 别怕,孩子听到有外人来,就兴奋, 随着他指引,穿过屋子走廊,从后门走进葡萄园,我们没有接着老人话茬,不敢提他儿子和儿媳离婚后,怎么忍心把这么一个脑瘫孩子留给他们老两口,然后不闻不问。这 散文集 种.

重庆的冬天冬天,像来自九霄的仙女,穿过层云雾霭,款款走近,一点轻灵,一点曼妙,一点热烈,却是那样的悄无声息。一个不经意的 散文集 举目,窗外那颗银杏树黄叶零落,我才惊觉,今日已是冬至时节。一晃从东北到重庆已经两年多了,这是我在重庆度过的第三个冬天。我是一个地道的东北人,在白山黑水的 散文集 土地上了几十年,早习惯了故乡的冬天,外面是冰天雪地,室内却温暖如春。刚来重庆那会儿,我很不适应这里的冬天,日照少,阴雨多,整天雾蒙蒙的,可是,慢慢地,我开始喜欢上了重庆的冬天,就像对重庆人钟爱的麻辣火锅一样,从不喜欢到喜欢直至欲罢不能。重庆的冬天是别具一格的,有着与东北大地完全不同的风景,四季更替不分明,季节与季节之间缠绵相 散文集 接.

我不知道。我只知道现在必须一往无前,寻找食物,以解饥渴 散文集 。其实我不知道的事多了去 散文集 了,甚至觉得终此一生都会有很多事情不知道。散文集不过我现在实在没力气去想明白任何事情,连日的奔波已经弄得我筋疲力尽,饥肠辘辘,我现在想到的最美好的事情是饱餐一顿,饱睡一觉。总算上天还算眷顾,在饿死之前找到了食物。吃饱了就有力气想事情了,突然觉得这种饥一顿饱一顿,四处漂泊居无定所的太艰苦了。我想要是有一个地方,粮食充足,阳光和煦,就不必再流浪,每天吃饱了晒晒太阳,好不惬意!

带着梦想我就激情澎湃地出 散文集 发了,有梦想精气神都不一样了. 爱是什么上午刚从散文集客户那把合同签回来就 散文集 接到胖哥电话。这家伙住院两个星期可是饱受折磨了,我猛然看到的时候,满脸胡渣快掩盖住他黝黑的整张脸,沧桑的样子让人不禁 散文集 黯然。还好上周把丫丫取回来了,可以带他去兜兜风。所以也很乐意车他去某个鸟不拉屎的地方买了他需要的康复器材。拥有自由的人可能不知道自由是什么味道,每天都在恣意挥霍光阴。在医院的这几天憋屈到散文集这哥们一路HAPPY地狂嚎外面世界的美好。嗯,要去吃饭,喝早茶(注:顺德的 散文集 早茶从早上六点到下午两点……接着还可以是下午茶……)。暴雨说来就来,我们这茶散文集一时半会也停不下来,话题自然而然又深了。想起师傅常常问我的那句:你有没有好好跟XX说过话?有时.

一个人生活除了害怕,还需要学着怎样去面对那些害散文集怕。住在上班的宿舍,从开始的三个人,到后面两个人,再到最后只剩下我一个人孤孤单单的 散文集 睡在这里。从来没有过这样的经历,以前自己想要是有一天只散文集有我一个人那一定会很美好,起码那是我以前一直向往的一种生活,可真的到了这一天的时候才发现那种空荡荡的 散文集 感觉是有多么害怕。开始觉得那样的生活自己就可以做自己想做的事,不会再有人打扰,也听不到那么多的声音,可渐渐发现一到夜里自己根本就做不了任何事情,眼前漆黑一片,自己被压得有些喘不过气。原来一直以来自己都没有学会怎样去一个活,不知道怎样去面对一个人的时候所产生的那种恐惧。有时候会的可怕,整夜都睡不着觉 散文集 ,只得睁.

无聊的滋味此时、此刻才懂的什么叫。过去大大咧咧的自己并不懂得什么叫做无聊,因为自己的与健谈,永远在众散文集人谈论任何话题的焦点,当然,作为一个玲珑八 散文集 面的我也散文集总是在学校的散文集桃色新闻 散文集 中起到了掌舵手的作用,总是任何话题与八卦的风口浪尖。上课的时候坐在第一排的我(尽管我个子很高)都能受到从后面飞来的小纸条向我请教如何在晚上让自己的女朋友跟自己去操场满足自己的猥琐 其实我不太懂,大部分都是从电视剧上学来的,不过鄙人的领悟能力高,独到的见解和看问题的高度显然不散文集是这些凡夫俗子所能比拟的。因此!源源不断的善男信女向我请教感情或心理上的问题,试问这么 散文集 散文集受欢迎的人怎能体会到无聊和所带来的图库与.

谁来吟唱,这一季年轻的夏天那些因幻减而逐日搁浅的年少时光,是一曲永远不会苍老的清歌。夏天如海涛一样汹涌地来临,曛风吹暖的山坡开遍了凤凰花,湮灭了寒岁里的荒草 散文集 ,悄然的晕染出一个温暖的季节。仰望,那漫天的阳光 散文集 ,在泛着透明蓝的天空里投影下深深浅浅的光影。那些飞扬的蒲公英,飘摇着破碎而凋敝的年华,坠落,跌起一阵隐隐的叹息。那些,记忆里温暖了我们某些细节的人,却总愿意用很长的一段时间甚至是整个一生去深深铭记。多年以后,即使不再联络,想起来的感觉近乎连全身的神经都牵动着温柔的感动。时光一年一年,我们掌着光阴散文集的纹路匆忙的在成长的旅途里行走。那些隐藏在冷漠的面容下好多年不曾忘记的笑靥,驱散了我寒冷季节 散文集 里.

鹅卵石上的梦随着 扑通 一声,梦就落入了河里。望向声响之处,只见平静地河面散文集上,浅绘着远山、近树、高月、低灯、大道 散文集 、小人、长桥、短横,有浓有淡,有暗有明,有重有分,一时竟忘了收起鱼竿。回过神来,急忙拔出鱼竿,慢 散文集 慢往身后抬起,仔细感受鱼线尽头处传来的感觉。拉上岸,又是一条黄辣丁,散文集二两左右,今晚已经收获了7条黄辣丁,4条石花鱼,3条白条,明早的一餐是妥妥的够了。想起河鱼的美味,不由咽了咽口水。对散文集于小河鱼的做法,独钟爱于用干辣椒炒,辣椒的香辣,小河鱼的鲜香,二者的充分融合,让这碗好菜更添独特滋味。辣椒就用本地的,后来的,总 散文集 感觉少了点味道,就像土豆、红薯一样,现在种的,产量是大,出粉也.

学会放弃,但不轻易放弃原本以为,我做着一份不起眼的工作,领着一份微薄的工资,穿梭在一个不为 散文集 人知的小镇里,或许,我锋芒毕露的性散文集格会收敛一些。可是,当我真的这样去做的时候,我意外散文集的散文集发现,我与那样的 散文集 一个环境是那样的格格不入,我越是努力的融入到那样的圈子中。我越是发现,那样散文集的圈子容不下我。我体会最多的是那个圈子里的局限和狭隘,而那种局限和狭隘,一天天的侵蚀着我的梦想。我意识到这一点的时候,我毅然的选择了放弃。有人说,如果你生来就与众不同,又为什么要那么费力的融于周围呢?我想,我也不是那么的与众 散文集 不同,我只是一个普通的孩子,我回家的途中,试图找一条快捷的小路回家,可是当我在这个小路.

未来很长,现实很短。我们都猜不透未来,只好,努力向散文集未来奔跑。 不管未 散文集 来怎样,也许都有了陪伴相老的另一半,或许天各一方,向着梦想而各奔东西,期愿,我们的天长地久。 :May our friendship 散文集 last forever. 青春很短,很长。 心如画笔,铺就锦绣,墨迹芳华,心与星的距离,梦与光的交织。 天散文集涯与海角。海枯之时,你在天的尽头。石烂之日,我在地的此处。 常常,久久。人世红尘,忽而,陌生的景,陌生的物,却有似曾相识的记忆。 我想,是前世吧,烟雨楼阁,漫漫红尘中,前世今生的情,辗转时光而来,带着未老的梦,未老的心,来赴前世之约。 散文集.

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With its dedication to just play, immersive gameplay, and advanced features, SA Gambling continues to draw in players from approximately the humankind. 年轻人,你迷茫了吗?徘徊了这么久,我依旧 散文集 是一个人独自前行! 在如今这个和谐社会,我们是幸运的,然而,我们 散文集 又是不幸运的。弱肉强食的规则不会改变,强者为尊,自古以来就是这样。男儿当自强,在父母的羽翼下生活了二十年,现在是孩子远飞的时候了。立志求学散文集十五年,父散文集母散文集为此付出太多心血,待儿学成归来,再 散文集 报养育之恩。如今的我不想想太多,也不能想太多,太多的负担只会影响我的前行,恕儿不孝,你们都是理事之人,应该会明白我的心意。也许,对你们最大的感恩就是孩子有所成就,所以,我一直在努力,努力使自己更优秀!

我是一个笨学生在学校怎么样。小学生:我学习不好,老师不喜欢我,我想当班干部可是班干部都是学习好的或是老师喜欢 散文集 的(这个喜欢你懂的)。在学校开心么。上学就是上学呗有什么开不开心呀。学习怎么样。初中生:哎呀,不好,老师 散文集 都不管我。同学之间怎么样。有的好,有的不好,有一些人总公报私仇,因为他是班长呀,他说什么老师都信。那去和老师说呀。没用,在我们老师眼里除了前十名都是坏孩子,我们说什么老师都不信最近补助得到了么?怎么可能,那都是给人家前几名的,那有我们的份。高考散文集 散文集 打算考什么学校。不知道,无所谓啦,反正想学习也不好,也没什么希望。从五岁开始上学,到现在20岁,上了15年的学,想想我真正得到了很多,但是.

红梅我的名字里有一个梅字,我喜欢梅,特别是红梅,并不是因为我叫红梅,而是我认为红梅花开的时候特别地美,在白雪皑皑地大地上,在冰冷的寒冬 散文集 里,能看到一树红梅的开放,真的是让人欣喜,让人留恋,与大雪相交辉映,红白相间,犹如一位清亮女子立于眼前,算得是人间妙景。让人整个眼神豁然开朗,心旷神怡。她就像 散文集 一个冰美人傲然挺立在风雪里,不管寒风多么地肆意,她都不会退缩,仍然婷婷玉立,笑对风雪,笑迎春天。我喜欢寒梅在白雪中的嫣红,但更爱的是它 凌寒独自开 的傲骨品格。寒梅没有散文集牡丹雍容华贵的体态,没有秋菊色彩芬芳的俊逸潇洒,也没有兰花那样的幽香淡雅,但她散文 散文集 集美在骨子里,香在灵魂中,她那不畏严寒的傲骨品格却让.

岁月静好,你好嘛?阳光 散文集 温暖如兮,眼前车如流水马如龙。散文集萱,一个24岁的美丽女子,一杯咖啡,静静观赏着一切。初初见到萱的时 散文集 候,浓眉大眼,透露着对世界的无限可能的美好期盼。婴儿肥的脸蛋总是让人觉得这是个无忧的女子。然而 24岁,似乎是一条鸿沟,是一个魔咒。24岁之前,岁月静 散文集 好;24岁之后,烦恼多多。如同每个希望用知识改变命运的女孩一样,萱一直以来,努力进取,渴望借助知识走出一条不同的道路。然而,24岁的她,那般无忧的她渐渐让岁月风化,让流言蜚语腐蚀 高考的不如意,专业的不人意,重重压在她散文集的心头。大学之前,早恋这个话题就被提了无数遍,耳朵都要起茧了,诸如 早恋误了学业,耽误前途呀 、 你的.

大秦悲歌:功在史亡于势作者 王 伟在传统的认识中,人们已经习惯把秦的 散文集 二世而亡归结于 暴虐 苛政 。然而,一个皇权下的平民社会,怎么不如奴隶社会 散文集 文明 呢? 一个黔首可以授爵、布衣可以为官的体制,怎么会不如一个贵族世袭罔替的体制 进步 呢? 躲不开的投资过热人类的经济活动,从其外部、以长远的眼光看,是一个总体上不断扩张的过程。经济总量,伴随着历史的发展一直都在不断增大。从其内部、以短期的眼光 散文集 看,则是一个循环往复的过程。一段时间内,这个体系所能得到的资源总量是一定的,将有限的资源相对均匀地分布于经济循环的各个环节,这个循环才能顺利进行下去,而一旦其中的某一环.

我是您的一位小病人—— 散文集 郑子馨,您还记得吗? 遗失了的宁静淡泊 题记名利给我们营造了一种幻境,散文集我们想要走出幻境,就必须 散文集 划破平静的江面,在凌乱的涟漪里抽身散文集而去,留下月光支离 散文集 破碎的光斑,为后来者重新组散文集合成一个淡泊的梦境。人,只是中的一根小小的苇草,是宇宙间最脆弱的东西;但是,人可不仅仅是一根简单的随风飘散文集摇的苇草,人是一根有思想的苇草,具有世间万物所无可比拟的精神力量。于是,我们喜欢上了在自己的想象中生活,因为 散文集 现实生活不能给予我们想要的一切,在意识的主观能动性下,我们却是一个无所不能的王者,我们给自己在幻境中编织一切臆想得到的东西。但是,来到现实生活中呢?这一切又将只是精神泡沫,即使光彩艳丽,却也只破碎。无奈的,我们散文.

我叫陈浩俊,今年十八岁成长是一本书,记载着辛酸苦辣,收录着数不尽的。散文集当你一 散文集 页一页地翻阅时,方发觉沿途一路走来是那么的不易,但却又是那么的精彩绝伦。 成长 这个词,谁也躲不过,逃不掉。它散文集俨然一颗种子,落了在我们生命 散文集 中,在时光的浇灌下,生根发芽,茁壮成长。而后,陪伴着我们行走在红尘长路,去看一片沧海,去淋一场春雨,去听一段秋风。教会我们在大自然中,学会用心诠释。我叫陈浩俊,今年十八岁,在家里人眼中,永远都是个长不大的孩子。其实,我散文集真的很想反驳他们这个观点,可是鉴于自身的种种行为,却又很难找到去说服别人的理据,甚至说连自己有时都 散文集 会不禁问道:自己真的不是小孩吗?就拿今年来说,我做了一.

打个比方说:病得安,散文集钱缴先。为了避免不必要的麻烦:不交钱 散文集 ,不开单。神仙治病,一句话,就不要钱。人命关天,是 散文集 钱重要,还是人重要。要懂得过来这个理,就好办事,办好事。要是有悖常理,以为少些许本钱就赚了,其实自己早已亏了散文集一大截。第一亏心:自己的经营模式出了问题。昧着良心做事,无散文集本经营,得混来财,强盗永远不会富裕。第二亏财:自己的投资项目出了问题。俗话说,一本万利,除了本金,就 散文集 是本章散文集,手续也叫本。往往有些人不注意这个手续本,以为随便弄个手续就万事无忧了,有时漏洞是致命的。至少在得到这个散文集 本 之前,要记得首款的重要性,不.

因为爱,所以心才会痛曾经的时光是如此的美好,她以安安静静地容态睡在岁月散文集交错的手中,闭上眼睛 散文集 仿佛能感受到一丝丝散文集地清凉。一个人一条路,却有不同的活法。只有在某个无法入眠的夜里独自看着遥远的星空,幻想着我又是浩瀚的星空的哪一 散文集 颗呢?夜,注定是孤独的,那些貌似永远不会疲倦地星辰睁开眼睛凝望大地的辽阔,城市的寂静,大海的沉默,行人的步伐,却看不见我的眼泪。世界是很大的,也是很无辜的,就像一块冰躺在阳关下渐慢地融化,失去了一些珍贵的记忆。在时间地钝化下,她逐渐地睡着,失去残留在她身上最后的温度。 散文集 ,一座美丽的城堡,繁华的建筑包裹着富散文集丽堂皇地心。走进去,世人会因她那清淡地装容而忘记自己是怎样地.

吃了这辈子 散文集 最贵的冰激凌那天终于去三里屯太古里逛了一圈,我以为散文集这辈子只是路过,没想到还真进去冒充了一回时尚。如果 散文集 不是有几何一起去,估计散文集也散文集只有路过的缘分了。因为我实在不知道像我们这散文集种年龄重量级的老太婆,到这种帅哥美女云 散文集 集的地方能干什么,买名牌不舍得,买服装不合适,买美食不可口,买娱乐不会玩,反正是自知之明,这种地方就不是我们舔着脸涉足的地方。还好,一个人没胆儿,两个人壮胆儿,有几何在身旁,我觉得自己有点豪情万丈忘乎所以,昂首挺胸就踏入了这座时尚前沿,魅力四射、品牌云集、青春无限的大熔炉,只可惜没有百炼成钢的那点勇气了。散文集第二天,我家九五从外地回来了,一进家门,我就特别兴.

陌颜、你该学着长大有一天,忽然对镜欣赏,却发现镜中的自己变的有些不认识了。我,开始 散文集 害怕,害怕再也散文集找不回原来的自己。是什么让我变的如此苍白呢?是什么让我变的如此忧伤?是什么让我变的如此彷徨?我,不知道。朋友们都说我变 散文集 了,可我不知道我到底哪里变了?我开始思考,思考哪里不一样了。后来,我终于知道了。原来,我不过是不再按照他们给的生活轨道前进而已。他们总会说,孩子,你怎么还学不会长大?不要再那么孩子气了,好吗?而我,总会笑着说,孩子气不好吗?而现在,我只想对自己说,丫头,你该学着长大了。现实已经不允许你再天真下去了,真 散文集 的。我以为有些东西只要坚持,就一定可以有所收获。可是,仿佛现实在无情的告诉自己.

儿子开始读书,老妈心中大喜年9月18日。催促儿子读书是我多年的习惯,从他会说话的时候开始,我就教他背唐诗宋词,虽然他还不识字,但是我认为这也是读书的 散文集 一种方式,就像早先唱京剧的,并不是因为看剧 散文集 本散文集学会的所要唱的内容,而完全是师傅的口传心授身体力行,在这种教诲之下也不乏戏曲大师的频频出现。所以我认为儿子从咿呀学语的时候,就已经散文集通过我口里流出的诗词,开始了最初的读书实践。儿子小时候特争气,合辙押韵的诗词让他背诵的朗朗上口。记得那时同一栋楼里有四个孩子都是同一年出生的,都属马,两个男孩两个女孩。几个孩子经常在一起玩儿,孩子的家长都紧随身后,都觉得自家的孩子是最聪明的 散文集 ,嘴里不说心里较劲.

红土情缘下乡第一日总结会议:安全与工作并重为在茂名信宜双寿小学开展的为 散文集 期十二天的义务教育实践活动顺利开展,年7月3日,在班主任见面会后, 散文集 实践队在双寿小学教学楼进行了第一日总结会议,会议成员包括全体实践队队员。会上廖海情队长就实践队工作开展提出几点注意事项,其中最重要的是:着重学生跟老师的关系,一定不能和学生起冲突。队长也强调:安全是一切工作的前提,每组队员外出前应提前向队长汇报,并上报预计回校时间,外出期间务必注意人身和财产安全,队员 散文集 间应相互关照。会议上,队员们认真地做好笔记,并谨记着队长说的每一句话。接着由实践队各组组长汇报一日工作,散文集其中后勤组从每日菜式、购买预算、菜饭分量、卫.

走进博山北亭我们的国家 散文集 迎来了七十二岁的生日,我带着 散文集 一份节日的喜悦,走进了博山北亭,我是想去目睹我们博山风貌的另一番场景,果不其然,让我耳目一新,一种喜悦跃然心上!首先映入眼帘的是桥上流散文集水的古老石桥,当我看 散文集 到清澈的泉水从桥上潺潺流过时,瞬间感到泉水它似乎和我今天的一样,叮咚的泉水它带着欢乐,带着喜悦,它发出一种悦耳的叮咚声响,像是演奏着一首的(叮咚进行曲)那潺潺流过,晶莹剔透的泉水,虽然它经过小桥的时间是短暂的,但是它是带着一种散文集自豪,带着一种骄傲而来的,它还将带着一种自信,带着对人类对美好的祝愿,地,潺潺离去!还有,从前我曾经目睹过的一个场景,它重现在我的眼前,有的妇女在桥上面洗衣服.

学校教育与新式私塾教育我是一名15岁的初中学生,在我生活的这1 散文集 5年里 散文集 ,我几乎每天呆在一个牢笼里,它是一个很大的集体,它是像皇帝管百官那么复杂,它本是一个学习的地方,可是在我眼中变成了邪恶,攀比,虚荣的根本源头,它就是学校。在学校这个大集体里,我并没有感受到温暖,我只明白了一 散文集 句话:落后就要遭受排挤。我学习不好,遭受排挤,于是我与其他学习不好的人同流合污,勾心斗角,与之攀比,为了面子不得不做一些不是人做的事,活的像狗一样,这就是学校。学校本是教书育人的地方,可是我慢慢的发现,学校是一个大集体,管理的好了,它就是一个学习成长的地方,可是管理的不好了,它就变成了一个社会,这个社会就是一个邪恶的,充满恶.

一年级状物作文:我爱银杏树有人喜欢那香气扑鼻的桂花树;散文集有人喜欢那婀娜多姿的柳树;有人喜欢那傲雪挺立的梅树;还有人 散文集 喜欢那无私奉献的松树 散文集 ,而我却喜欢那并不起眼的银杏树。银杏树是内敛的。在晚春时节,桃花开了,粉红色的花瓣引来了无数的散文集游客观赏。梨花开了,雪白的花朵引得成千上万的蜜蜂散文集为它叫好。柳树吐出了新芽,迎着春风忘我的舞蹈,好像在夸赞自己的鹅黄嫩绿。可是,银杏树却只吐出了珍珠般大小的嫩芽,还在那儿吮吸着春天的雨露,沐浴着春天的阳光。银杏树是热情似火的。到了金秋时节,一排排银杏树站立在 散文集 那儿,简直就是一道亮散文集丽的风景。秋风一吹,银杏叶纷纷飘落,有的像蝴蝶,在空中翩翩散文集起舞;有散.

愿随风雨到天明——致亿万追梦逐风的青年如逆旅,时而骄阳正烈,时而风雨连绵,时而愁云密布,青春,就在阴晴不定的旅途中壮怀激烈。长空下,雄关漫道真如铁,我辈青年 散文集 是行人,恰同学少散文集年,风华正茂,盖将艰难困苦渡尽,玉汝于成,浪遏飞舟。以最散 散文集 文集昂扬的姿态,享受追梦逐风的旅程。寻梦,是一场于冷风雨夜开始的远行。风起的时候,望着远方,酝酿出步月登云的志向,盈一抹心中的月光,满怀热情地寻觅梦想。只因为一个坚定的信念,敢于把世界上任何一片荆棘放在脚下,开拓出一往无垠的疆土。 千淘万漉散文集虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始见金 ,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程,既然梦想成为别人无法忽视的存在,便应当做特立独行、一往无前 散文集 散.

一年级叙事作文:学 散文集 会放下戒备人情冷暖是这个世界上再正常不过 散文集 的事情散文集,我们总会在人前处起疑道,又一道和和地心强,人与人之间的信任变成了难得可贵的东西。戒备不是生来就有的,而是在这个并散文集不怎么友善的世界里散文集,被迫用戒备来保护自己。记得有一年夏天,当时正在上初中的我,在小学毕业考后被妈妈送去各种补习班补课, 散文集 散文集美其言曰,预习初中的知识,赢在初中起跑线上,待会出门记得拿个鸡蛋知道了知道了,因为闹钟的缘故,起床的大晚上补习课要迟到了,匆匆忙忙拿了一件衣服,穿上后没怎么看便出门,一路上急急忙忙的喝了好几站公交。胡大伟终于不用再换车了,这时装着一个朴素的中年人朝我走了过来。你好,这次我的心已经.

坚持,是为让了让自己更优秀在曾经很早的时候,我也是很不能坚持的,因为思路比 散文集 较多,总会有很多新奇的想法。渐渐的,我懂得了。坚持不只是事情的积累,更重要的 散文集 是,我们自己在坚持中也变优秀了。而我们现在事情没做好,很大程度是我们不够优秀,优秀了,事情就水到渠成了。朋友说最近要离开电商了,因为他的合伙人要撤资,要把钱拿去买房子。这样子,他就没钱刷单 散文集 了。没刷单,他说做不了了。所以只能去做点其他的事情了。我说,最好坚持。散文集因为他在这都有了积累,因为钱离开一个地方,我真的觉得挺不值的。当然,我还有一点我在想着,既然我们当初选择了这一条路。那么至少在我们还可以走的时候,我们就要走下去。坚持,是为了让自己变优秀.

日落黎明年夏天的那场大雨,满屋子的水,甚至没有落脚的地方。我记得我蜷缩在床上,无助的动都不想动, 散文集 你是我第一个想到的人 散文集 ,电话过去了,显示你关机。第二天,你给我打电话就知道了全部。你说从此会为我晚上不关机,你说我是第二个让你不关机的人。然后,我再也没有半夜给你打过过电话。后来,我也知道了,你没有遵守诺言。年是个多事的一年。那一年我散文集高中毕业,来到了哈尔滨,开始了生命的游走。那年,我头也没有散文集回,独自拉着行李,来到了我梦里的大学。那年,第一次打工,第一次 散文集 挣钱第一次病的差点死掉。也就是那一年,我知道,我该长大了,我该自己去承担我余下的生命。或许从那时起,我才开始睁开眼睛看这个世.

人生世间之为情无关风月之恨在人间暗换,而情痴散文集亦 散文集 是生来而有之的性,世间,唯情而已。人情往来纷纷,但凡有人烟聚散处,便不乏人情。而世人又往往要分出个冷暖来,其间又不乏寥落之哀叹,甚而皆抛却了 散文集 人情的两面,学南华之风 不如相忘于江湖 ,岂不惜哉? 我的习惯散文集是明辨人情之好恶,将温暖之处用一点一点的计数来储藏,既不必视而不见,也不必将黑暗的点铺洒成面,沦为 庸人 一个。谈及凤阳女孩跳楼事件,被黑暗遮望眼的只见群氓的恶状散文集丑态,哀 散文集 叹女孩只散文集如孤岛,却不曾于黑暗中寻光,在喧嚣中听见消防员的悲鸣。而这一点人情温暖,谁又能说不是照亮.

我只想说:我 散文集 理解在平台写作投稿已有散文集一段时间,对五花八门的编者要求和作者散文集的推文手法见识 散文集 颇多,我不敢褒也不敢贬。我只想说:我理解。是的,我理解。编者有付出散文集就必须有收获,但收获从何而来,必须尽快吸粉,增加关注人数,提高点击量。所以,散文集不少平台未关注不得留言;不少平台给作者设置了 散文集 领取稿费的门坎,或者点击量要达到多少,或者留言必须有多少条以上;散文集不少平台将文章的稿费与点击量、点赞数量和留言情况挂钩。不少平台还举办征文赛,优胜者基本依照文章的点击量而定。这一切都无可厚非,甚至是无奈之举。平台如此运营,其实不少初期不仅劳而无获,还要散文集贴补散文集呢。是的,我理解。作者为了那么一点.

深秋,那一片飘落的红叶深夜,汽车在黑漆漆的夜里向着表弟散文集家的方向飞快的奔跑着。一路上谁也没说一散文集句话,只听见车窗外呼啸的 散文集 风雨声。姨家的弟媳服毒自杀了!我无法相信自己的耳朵。弟媳:聪明、活泼、可散文集爱、伶俐,有着孩子般天真的笑脸和一双清澈明亮的眼睛 散文集 还有甜甜的声音 总之关于弟媳的一切记忆都是阳光的、美好的。可怎么会突然自杀?是什么让她如此的绝望和决绝?我无法相信!更是百思不得其解。到地儿了,老远就听见一片哭喊声。黑洞洞的夜里,那男女老少混杂的悲戚地哭喊声,让人的心揪得很痛。我裹紧衣服下了车,深一脚浅一脚的进了哭声一片的灵堂。泪光中我看见了弟媳,看见了弟媳那化了淡妆的水灵灵的遗像,散文集 散文集 让.

解读秋天伴随着秋的步伐,秋读出了为赋新词而诉说的情。秋的委婉,秋的恬静,秋的云谈风情。也读出了秋的安详,秋 散文集 的坦然。在这个秋天的都市 散文集 里,提笔如闪电,温柔而细腻散文集。那柔和的线条,温暖着我们疲惫的心 ,在寂静的秋天里悄然滑落。秋天的风是轻的,云是淡的。虽然秋天的风是冰冷的,他没有春的暖和,夏得奔放。但人间的自有真情在,那怕是在白雪纷飞的寒冬里,也能绽放出温暖的旋律,何况这只是稍冷的秋天。在这个云淡风轻的秋天里, 不再有古代诗人争相 散文集 咏唱的悲凄。抛开那些烦恼散文集,驱散文集除那一丝丝,留下的将是秋高气爽的美好人间。在宁静安详金秋中,秋风飘动着灵性的轻盈,游走着花落的清幽。它静默地涂抹着缤纷的色彩,把.

我要做一只打不死的小强今夜真是一个不眠之夜,万千感概之中一颗寂 散文集 寥千年的心因而燃烧起了千年的梦。不甘平 散文集 凡的我却是如此平凡。蓦然回首,曾经那年少轻狂的我是多么的胸有成竹过,我认定了自己可以用十年磨一剑点亮我今世之光,一飞而冲天扶云直上,不鸣则已一鸣惊人。年轻有理想,有抱负,有冲劲,有志气,胸怀宏图不是错,看不清脚下的路那才是真正的错误和离谱的悲剧。世界最不缺少的就是天 散文集 才般的人才和猪一样的蠢材,但想要取得任何的成功绝不是靠天才两字而成功的,没有万分的努力和万分的血汗何谈成就?没有独特的眼界,超人的毅力加上智慧的胆量何以建功?老天,你没有赐予我天才般散文集的天赋,更没有赐予我建功立业的捷路,也没有让我.

月儿弯,月儿圆 月儿弯,一手牵,牵到哪儿,问天仙;月儿圆,抱不全,转 散文集 到哪儿 散文集 ,娘子三更枕头边! 你对我说: 等你长大,我便娶你! 那是我第一次见到他:一个是不满五周岁的小丫头,一个是十多岁的阳刚少年。 散文集 我一个喜欢满地跑的漂亮小丫头,见到一个长的那么好看的大哥哥,不假思索地就去抱住了,他被我突如其来的举动吓住了,问道: 你怎么不跟你的姐姐妹妹玩呀?

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Also visit my blog post — spadegaming games. Online casinos have become increasingly popular in recent years, and once and for all reason. They offer a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy all your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Probably the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, that provides an array of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. In this essay, we shall explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the selection of games available, the quality of the software, and the overall user experience.

We will also discuss some guidelines for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time and effort at the casino. First of all, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games to choose from.

Whether you prefer classic table games like blackjack and roulette or more modern options like video slots and live dealer games, you are sure to find something that suits your tastes. One of many standout features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software.

The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure all games run smoothly and without any glitches or lag. Therefore you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without any interruptions or delays.

Another key advantage of playing at Evolution Gaming is the overall user experience. The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and revel in each of the available features.

The website is also optimized for mobile devices, so that you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

Of course, one of the main reasons people play at online casinos is to win money. At Evolution Gaming, there are plenty of opportunities to do that. The platform offers a variety of bonuses and promotions that can help boost your winnings and increase your likelihood of hitting it big.

Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better potential for winning big. To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is important to have a good strategy in place. This means setting a cover yourself before you begin playing and sticking with it no matter what.

It also means taking advantage of any bonuses or promotions that are offered to you, as these can help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds. Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a wonderful way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

My site; evolution gaming sign up. Online casinos have become increasingly popular recently, and once and for all reason. They offer a convenient and exciting way to enjoy all your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Just about the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers an array of games and features that are sure to help keep you entertained all night on end. In this essay, we shall explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the variety of games available, the standard of the software, and the entire user experience.

We will also discuss some tips and tricks for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time at the casino. First and foremost, Evolution Gaming provides an impressive collection of games available.

The platform is continually updating its offerings with new games and features, so there is always something new to try. Among the standout top features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software. This means that you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without the interruptions or delays.

Another key advantage of playing at Evolution Gaming may be the overall user experience. The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and enjoy all of the available features.

The site can be optimized for cellular devices, so you can play your favorite games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

At Evolution Gaming, there are numerous opportunities to do that. The platform offers a selection of bonuses and promotions which will help boost your winnings and boost your chances of hitting it big.

Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better chance of winning big. This implies setting a cover yourself before you start playing and sticking to it no matter what.

It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these might help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds. Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a great way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home.

So why not give it a try today? Who knows? you just might hit the jackpot! my blog — evolution gaming games. เซ็กซี่ เกมวันพีช เป็นผลมาจาก เกม คาสิโน ออนไลน์ ที่ ได้รับความนิยม แล้ว ท้าทาย ในช่วงสมัยนี้ ไม่กี่ ปี สำหรับผู้ที่ สนใจใน บาคาร่า และ อยากได้ ประสบการณ์ การเล่น ที่สุดแจ่มใส เต็มเขต บาคาร่าเซ็กซี่ เป็นทางเลือกที่ครบครัน สำหรับคุณ!

เกมวันพีชเซ็กซี่ เป็นความร่วมมือ ระหว่างออกแบบ เกมวันพีช และ เจ้าภาพสาวสวย สาวเซ็กซี่ ที่ช่วยเพิ่ม ความสนุกสนาน และเข้าใจ ผู้เล่นส่วนใหญ่ คุณมีโอกาสที่จะ วางเดิมพัน กับเกมวันพีช ที่สดโดยตรง จากเจ้าภาพที่น่ารัก ที่สวยงาม และมี แฟนจริง เลือกได้ ห้องที่คุณชื่นชอบ ที่ต้องการเข้าร่วม และเขียน วางเดิมพัน ทันที ท่านจะได้รับ บริการอย่างมืออาชีพ ด้านความบันเทิง อย่างคุณภาพ จากเจ้าภาพสวยงาม ที่ซุปเปอร์สวย บริการหลักๆที่เรามี มีความชัดเจน มีรูปภาพที่ชัดเจนในขณะที่เล่น ด้วยระบบการเผชิญหน้า เราสามารถสร้างมาม่าที่น่าตื่นเต้นให้กับท่าน ผ่านเกมออนไลน์ที่คุณคุมอำเภออยู่สุดท้ายนี้ เกมวันพีชเซ็กซี่ มีระบบระดับพรีเมียม เพื่อคุณเพียงเลือกเกมที่คุณต้องการเล่น เช่น เกมวันพีชออนไลน์.

My web page: Sexy Baccarat. html 过后就会以蚕豆形式到账,可直接提现。. html comment 应的蚕豆,这些蚕豆是可以一比一进行支付宝或者微信提现的。那么该如何使用呢?下面为大家分享相应的使用方法!缩略版教程:1、微信扫码注册小蚕APP帐号(通过微信扫码注册可以免费领取终身会员)2、打开小蚕霸王餐APP软件,使.

html comment 息。    7、最后等待平台审核(会员有极速审核特权)通过后就会以蚕豆形式到账,可直接提现。. Ufabet คือ เว็บไซต์ พนัน ออนไลน์ ที่ ได้รับความนิยม มากที่สุด ตั้งแต่ พนันกีฬา และเกมส์ คาสิโนออนไลน์ Ufabet มี ความมั่นคง และ กลุ่มเงิน ที่ รายได้สูง เว็บนี้ มีความ ความปลอดภัย สูง มาตรฐานที่ถูกต้อง ทางทีม มี ลูกค้าอย่างมืออาชีพ และเป็นกันเอง สามารถ แก้ไขสถานการณ์ รวดเร็ว ยูฟ่าเบท เป็น ไซต์ ใช้งานได้ง่าย ใส่ เป็นมือใหม่ หรือ ก็สามารถ เข้ามาเสี่ยงโชค ได้อย่างทั่วถึง ให้ความสะดวกสบาย และ ความมั่นใจ ว่าจะได้รับ การเล่น เกมส์ออนไลน์ อย่างเต็มตัว.

html comment 法!缩略版教程:1、微信扫码注册小蚕APP帐号(通过微信扫码注册可以免费领取终身会员)2、打开小蚕霸王餐APP软件,使. Online casinos have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They provide a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home.

In this essay, we shall explore the many great things about playing at Evolution Gaming, like the selection of games available, the standard of the software, and the entire user experience.

We shall also discuss some tips and tricks for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time at the casino. First and foremost, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games to pick from. Whether you prefer classic table games like blackjack and roulette or even more modern options like video slots and live dealer games, you are sure to find a thing that suits your tastes.

One of the standout top features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software. The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to make certain all games run smoothly and without the glitches or lag. Therefore you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without the interruptions or delays.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness at heart, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and revel in all the available features. The website can be optimized for mobile devices, so that you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

Of course, one of many reasons people play at online casinos is to win money. At Evolution Gaming, there are plenty of opportunities to do just that. Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, providing you a better potential for winning big. This implies setting a budget for yourself before you start playing and sticking to it no matter what.

It also means taking advantage of any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these can help increase your bankroll without risking any extra funds. Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a wonderful way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home.

Why not give it a try today? My page; evolution gaming online casino. Online casinos have become increasingly popular recently, and for good reason. They offer a convenient and exciting way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Just about the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers an array of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained all night on end. In this essay, we will explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the selection of games available, the quality of the software, and the entire user experience.

First and foremost, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games from which to choose. The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure that all games run smoothly and without any glitches or lag.

This means that you can like a seamless gaming experience without any interruptions or delays. Another key benefit of playing at Evolution Gaming may be the overall user experience. The platform was created with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for even novice players to navigate and enjoy each of the available features.

The site is also optimized for mobile devices, so you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your smartphone or tablet. At Evolution Gaming, there are numerous opportunities to do just that.

The platform offers a selection of bonuses and promotions which can help increase your winnings and boost your likelihood of hitting it big. Additionally, many of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better chance of winning big.

To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is important to have a solid strategy in place. This implies setting a budget for yourself before you begin playing and sticking to it regardless of what. It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are offered to you, as these can help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a fantastic way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home. My webpage — evolution gaming slots. html 使. Just wanted to say keep up the good work! Feel free to surf to my website … สล็อต แตก ง่าย. Online casinos have grown to be increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.

They provide a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home. The most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers a wide range of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

In this essay, we will explore the many great things about playing at Evolution Gaming, like the variety of games available, the caliber of the software, and the overall user experience.

First of all, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive collection of games available. The platform is continually updating its offerings with new games and features, so there is always something not used to try. One of the standout features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software.

The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure that all games run smoothly and without the glitches or lag. Another key benefit of playing at Evolution Gaming is the overall user experience.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for even novice players to navigate and revel in all of the available features. The website is also optimized for mobile devices, to help you play your favorite games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

Of course, one of the main reasons people play at online casinos would be to win money. At Evolution Gaming , there are numerous opportunities to do that.

The platform offers a variety of bonuses and promotions that will help increase your winnings and boost your likelihood of hitting it big. Additionally, a lot of the games offer high payout percentages, providing you a better potential for winning big.

To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is critical to have a good strategy in place. This means setting a budget for yourself before you begin playing and sticking with it whatever. It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these might help increase your bankroll without risking any extra funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a great way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home. การแทงบอลออนไลน์เป็นสิ่งที่ที่ทันสมัยและสะดวกสบายในการเข้าร่วมกับการเล่นพนันบอล ไม่ว่าท่านจะอยู่ที่ไหน หรือเวลาเท่าใด ท่านสามารถเข้ามาขายนัดในรูปแบบของบอลออนไลน์ได้ตลอดเวลาผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ที่เปิดให้บริการการแทงบอลออนไลน์ ด้วยระบบการเล่นที่ง่ายดาย ทั่วถึง และมีความน่าเชื่อถือทั้งในเรื่องการเงินรางวัล และการฝาก-ถอน ทำให้การแทงบอลออนไลน์กลายเป็นทางเลือกที่น่าหลงใหลกว่า สำหรับคนที่ต้องการหารายได้จากการประลองวิจารณญาณในด้านกีฬาฟุตบอล.

Here is my web blog; แทงบอล ไม่มีขั้นต่ำ. Kiss Singapore is a popular online casino platform that provides a variety of games to its users.

With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features, Kiss Singapore has become a favorite among online casino enthusiasts. In this essay, we shall explore the various aspects of Kiss Singapore and just why it is worth playing. We will discuss the various games available on the platform, the security measures set up, and the bonuses and promotions wanted to players.

We shall also consider the payment possibilities and how to begin with Kiss Singapore. There are several explanations why you should look at playing Kiss Singapore. Firstly, it includes an array of games that focus on different preferences.

Because of this it is possible to play with reassurance knowing that your personal information is safe from hackers and cybercriminals. These bonuses can significantly boost your chances of winning big on the platform. If you encounter any problems while playing on the platform, it is possible to reach out to their customer care team via live chat or email for assistance.

Some of the popular games on the platform include:. Slot Games: Kiss Singapore comes with an extensive assortment of slot games that come in various themes and variations. Live Dealer Games: For those who prefer a more immersive gaming experience, Kiss Singapore offers live dealer games where one can play against real dealers in real-time.

Additionally, it has strict verification procedures set up to avoid fraud or money laundering activities. Included in these are welcome bonuses for new players who sign up on the platform for the first time.

Additionally, there are deposit bonuses where players receive additional funds when they make deposits into their accounts. Cashback offers are also available where players receive a percentage of these losses back as cashback rewards.

Free spins are another popular promotion offered by Kiss Singapore where players can spin reels free of charge without risking their own money. To get started with Kiss Singapore, you need to create an account on their website by providing your personal details like name, email, phone number, etc.

Once your account is verified, you possibly can make your first deposit using the supported payment options. To conclude, Kiss Singapore is a great online casino platform that provides a wide range of games to its users while ensuring their safety and security.

การเล่นพนันบอลออนไลน์เป็นทางที่ทันสมัยและง่ายดายในการร่วมสนุกกับการเล่นพนันบอล ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน หรือเวลาเท่าใด ท่านสามารถเข้ามาวางเดิมพันในรูปแบบของบอลออนไลน์ได้ตลอดเวลาผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ที่เปิดให้บริการการแทงบอลออนไลน์ ด้วยระบบการเล่นที่เรียบง่าย ชัดเจน และมีความปลอดภัยทั้งในเรื่องการเงินรางวัล และการเติมเงิน-ถอนเงิน ทำให้การแทงบอลออนไลน์กลายเป็นทางเลือกที่น่าสนใจกว่า สำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการหารายได้จากการเรียกเก็บสิทธิ์ในด้านกีฬาฟุตบอล.

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I will post a week or two before a trip as well as periodically include a few photos on Facebook. Please go to the tab for the trip you are interested in for details of each day, photos, and after the trip memories, financials and links to where we stayed.

We have also added a Contact Form immediately below should you have any comments or questions. Costa Rica - February 06, - March 01, Our Costa Rica Travel Blog now includes. our memories, financials, and links to our lodgings.

March 01, - Escondida Guacima, Guacima to Montreal to Halifax. Due to our flight being delayed we were not rushed to leave, allowing for a final breakfast. Flights were on time getting us back to Halifax a bit after midnight - another long travel day but well worth it for the great three plus weeks we enjoyed in Costa Rica.

For a few p hotos and more please go to the Costa Rica February 29, - Escondida Guacima, Guacima. Today was spent relaxing at Escondida Guacima, first enjoying breakfast while being mesmerized by the many birds enjoying the papaya put out for them. Some of the afternoon was spent in the pool after which we again had another simple dinner.

We leisurely packed and readied ourselves for returning home tomorrow. February 28, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo to Escondida Guacima, Guacima. Moving day. After an early morning swim in the Pacific, followed by breakfast, and perfectly visible sloths momma and child we finished packing and sadly left Jardin de Los Monos.

The drive to Guacima, a suburb of San Jose is more or less three hours after which we returned to Escondida Guacima where we stayed the first night. February 27, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Really very much ditto. More blogging, more swimming, more photos of sloths and butterflies, another gorgeous sunset and again dinner at the Supper Club.

February 26, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Pretty much ditto. Blog, swim, take photos of sloths and butterflies, watch the sunset and have dinner at the Supper Club. February 25, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. See February 24, - pretty much identical other than we went to the beach for sunset and with the Supper Club closed we had dinner at a different restaurant.

February 24, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Today is what we expect most days will be like her at Jardin de Los Monos - sloth like. For dinner we went to The Matapalo Supper Club where we were warmly greeted and enjoyed another fabulous meal. February 23, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo to Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo.

We left Encanta La Vida but not before visiting the nearby escuela elementary school to provide the children with beanie babies. A somewhat lengthy drive north to the other Matapalo south of Quepos we arrived a little after pm, returning to Jardin de Los Monos where we have stayed three times before.

February 22, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Today will be one of the most memorable of our travels. The visit of the howlers. Mid to late afternoon they came by and spent well over an hour in the trees directly above our cabina.

The were loud and fun to watch - simply a great show. February 21, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our second day here at Encanta La Vida was pretty much the same as the first see February 20, although we did see more spider monkeys.

February 20, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our first full day here at Encanta La Vida. We woke up early to the howling howlers, clearly closer by than at other places we have stayed.

They to the lodge for breakfast, back to the Cabina, off for a swim followed by lunch, then repeat in the afternoon ending with dinner. February 19, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce to Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. After lunch we said our goodbyes to Reymar, Yanja, Richy, CeCe, Yolenny, Tammy and Sarah and were boated across the Golfo where we picked up our rental vehicle and drove the short in distance but lengthy in time rough dirt road to Cabo Matapalo and Encanta la Vida where we will be staying the next four nights.

February 18, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Our last full day here at Dolphin Quest - more eating; more swimming; more bird watching; more photos. After dinner we went on the Bioluminescent tour along with two other guests.

February 17, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Upon returning the scarlet macaws were in the trees by the shore providing an opportunity to enjoy their antics. After lunch the rest of the day was spent relaxing and eating,.

February 16, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. A repeat of yesterday. We were supposed to go on a dolphin 'quest' today but with Reymar occupied it got deferred until tomorrow.

So essentially another day of eating and not doing much else. We again ate a lot, again endured the eat, again had a swim two for Gayle. February 15, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Bein g our first day here at Dolphin Quest we did what we love to do on the first day of places where we are multiple nights - do nothing.

We ate, endured the heat, had a swim, ate some more, napped in the heat of the afternoon and then ate again. February 14, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical to Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Sadly we said goodbye to Pacific Edge and headed south to the Osa, about a three hour drive.

We found our parking place in Puerto Jimenez no problem, and were met by the Dolphin Quest 'water taxi' and crew for the half hour trip across the Golfo during which we were fortunate to see a few dolphins. Dolphin Quest is our 'off the grid' - solar power 'home' for the next five days.

February 13, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Yet another relaxing day during which we did not leave the property until going our for dinner. Another tasty breakfast, more chatting with Sid and Michaelynn, more time in the pool, taking more photos around Pacific Edge and somehow the day just past us by.

February 12, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. After one of Sid's classic breakfasts we went to Uvita to the medical clinic for Gayle to have her ear checked.

It was blocked, cleared and now all good. Most of the afternoon was spent chatting with Sid after which we enjoyed an excellent Italian dinner at Gusto.

February 11, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge to Dominical - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge. After another early morning that included a nice sunrise, howler monkey howls, the sounds of birds, Gayle noticing six Tucans in a nearby tree and a filling breakfast we checked out to head 10 km up the road to Pacific Edge Eco Lodge where we stayed last year.

A relaxing afternoon followed by a lovely dinner at Scala - a very nice restaurant we ate at last year. February 10, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After a downpour last night we awoke to another beautiful sunny day again spent relaxing here at Tiki Villas.

We thought of going our for a drive but there isn't really anything we haven't seen so decided to stay put enjoying the pool and the lodge, listening to the birds and insects.

February 09, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge; dinner at Exotica in Ojochal. Again we spent most of the day here at Tiki Villas, celebrating both Gayle's birthday and the arrival of our first grandchild.

We returned to a favourite restaurant in Ojochal for the 4th time where we enjoyed yet another wonderful dinner. February 08, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After two days of travel today was a do nothing veg out day - wake up to the birds and howler monkeys, start this travel blog, enjoy breakfast, soak in the sun with time at the pool.

We considered going out for pizza but in the end decided to again eat here at Tiki Villas. February 07, - San Jose, Costa Rica - Guacima Escondida to Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

After a good sleep we awoke to a warm sunny morning. After coffees on our balcony we enjoyed a traditional Costa Rican breakfast of Gallo Pinto, made our way to the car rental company and were then our way for the lengthy nearly four hours direct - it took us a bit over five drive south to Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

February 06, - Halifax to Toronto to San Jose, Costa Rica to Guacima Escondida. Although there was some anxious times due to the significant snow storm to hit Nova Scotia over the weekend the airport was back on schedule by Tuesday.

We got out, leisurely made our connection in Toronto and arrived early in San Jose. Greece - The Ionian Islands: Aug 28, to Oct 02, Our Greece Travel Blog now includes. our memories, financials, links to our lodgings, and our favourite islands. For these along with details of each day and photos p lease go to Greece tab.

We were out early for a am flight to Athens from where we connected to our Air Canada flight to Montreal and then on to Halifax.

October 01, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia to Corfu Town. We left The Merchant's House and Old Perithia this morning, driving the hour and a half to Corfu Town where we spent the afternoon strolling through the alleys of this interesting Venetian town. We then enjoyed a nice final dinner at a restaurant near to our hotel.

September 30, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Sidari Beach. Our last full day in Old Perithia, most of it was spent in the village with an afternoon journey to Sidari beach a half hour away. September 29, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Syki Bay Beach and the White House.

A similar day to yesterday although today we took a bit of a drive down the east coast, had lunch rather than dinner and stopped at Syki Bay Beach for our daily swim. September 28, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Agios Spyridon Beach.

Another relaxing day, both at The Merchant's House and then in the afternoon at Agios Spyridon Beach. Dinner again at the third of the tavernas in the village.

September 27, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia. As has become our practice the first full day after arriving we pretty much stay put. Here in the small village in the mountains that means literally going nowhere.

And that's ok. September 26, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki to The Merchant's House, Corfu via Astakos and Igoumenitsa. September 25, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Minimata Beach. Last full day on Ithaki. After another morning at the villa a short side trip to Perachora, a swim at Minimata beach followed by another drive around the north side of the island - just because it is a great drive.

September 24, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Skinari Beach. Another carbon copy of the past couple of days, with again the beach changed. September 23, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Mprosta Aetos Beach. Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday with only the beach Mprosta Aetos today and restaurant back to Kohili changing.

September 22, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Filiatro Beach. After a light do-it-yourself breakfast and a swim in the afternoon we went to the beautiful Filiatro Beach for an afternoon swim after which we had a light dinner of tzatziki and pizza on the waterfront. September 21, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios to Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki.

Moving day with an afternoon ferry from Sami, Kefalonia to Ithaki where we settled into Villa Anna at Eumaeus Villas, a unit with stunning views and a private pool for the next five nights. September 20, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a drive along the south-east coast of Kefalonia.

Another relaxing early part of the day with an afternoon drive to Skala and then north with a stop at Liminea beach. Afterwards a drive through the interior to Eleni's Olive Garden where we had a bit to eat before returning to Olivemare.

September 19, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a trip to a nearby beach. Another relaxing day where we didn't venture too far although we did spend time on a nice nearby sandy beach with amazingly warm water.

September 18, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios. A do nothing day - leisurely breakfast, relax, use the pool, work on Travel Blog, nap, dinner in town. September 17, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms to Olivemare, Katelios.

Moving day from the very north of Kefalonia to the very south, with a short stop for a swim along the way. Our 'home' for the next four nights - Olivemare in the village of Katelios looks like it will be a nice place to hang our hats.

September 16, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - Myrtos Beach. Today we drove south along some dramatic coastline, past the island of Assos to Myrtos Beach, one of the most beautiful and photographed beaches in Greece, and we now know why.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at North Point Rooms , with dinner at a nearby traditional taverna. September 15, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - into Fiskardo. We stayed close to home today with a visit to nearby Fiskardo followed by a swim at Paralia Emplisis, nice but pebbly, as are most beaches here in the Ionian Islands, beach between Fiskardo and North Point Rooms We enjoyed a great dinner at a coastal seafood restaurant.

September 14, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages to Kefalonia - North Point We left Thealos Villages driving 45 minutes or so to Vasiliki in the south of the island where we caught a 1 hour 15 minute ferry to Fiskardo. From there it was a short 10 minute drive to North Point Rooms where we will be staying the next three nights.

September 13, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - to the beaches in the south-east. Today was another beach day - this time two beaches in the south-east of Lefkada. Afterwards we went to Syvota for dinner, a nice table on the harbour front.

For more p lease go to Greece September 12, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - a drive across the island. Today we decided to venture further away, driving across the mountains inland with a stop in Englouvi, famous for their lentils where we enjoyed some at a taverna in the town square.

It was then down the west side to Kavelikefta, a beautiful beach. We enjoyed a great sunset on our drive back to Thealos. September 11, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Another pretty relaxed and quiet day although today we did get out for a swim at nearby Nikiana beach.

September 10, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Having an extra day on Lefkata today was a down day, and by down we mean we did nothing beyond a swim in one of the pools at Thealos and dinner in the evening.

But hey that is what vacation should be at times. After a very nice stay in Paxos we would certainly come back we're off to Lefkada via a ferry to Igoumenita where we picked up our car for the hour plus drive south to Lefkada where we easily found our next 'home' being Thealos Villages.

Today's adventure was a boat tour to first to the west side of Paxos with its caves, at places deep blue and at other bright turquoise waters. Then on to Antipaxos for a stop at one of the sandy beaches with a taverna where we enjoyed lunch.

Returning to Paxos we again returned to Lilas for our last meal. The weather was supposed to be better today, and it was until it wasn't. We went to a beach on the southern end of Paxos, parked, walked to the beach and then minutes later it started to rain.

Never did get in the water. We returned to Lilas' for dinner and were fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to some very authentic Greek music.

Another dreary day but still much better than those in Skiros, Volos and the Pelion who are suffering considerably more. It was nice enough to again have a filling breakfast on the terrace and get our for our first sea swim here in Paxos.

We then did go out to dinner but had to wait due to the limited number of tables due to the rain. But in the end we had dinner in nearby Patamos before returning to Zakspitaki.

Unfortunately the weather forecasters got it right again - more rain, which kept us in for most of the day. We did head town to Lakka later in the afternoon, wandered around and then had an early dinner before returning to Zakspitaki. What's this - rain in Greece? Today was overcast, cloudy with light drizzle most of the day.

As a result we stayed put for the majority, being able to sneak in breakfast in the morning and then dinner at night. Otherwise not much happening.

Of course we stopped to listen. We left Pelecas Country Club, driving to Lefkemmi in the south of Corfu where we returned our vehicle and took the ferry to Paxos. After checking in we drove to Loggos, and nearby every place in Paxos is nearby seaside village. We decided to eat closer to 'home' in Potamos.

After dinner we came upon some traditional Greek music in the other village restaurant. September 02, - our last day spent entirely except for dinner at Pelecas Country Club. We considered going out but had not destination calling for us so we spent the day lounging around the pool and enjoying the property.

For dinner we returned to Stavros Taverna in part due to the music we had been told would be playing, which turned out to be the case. September 01, - a drive to the south of Corfu along the west coast, returning on the east coast.

Although we didn't get out as early as we wanted we did drive down to the south of Corfu, along some very narrow 'road's on the mountainous west coast, stopping at a 1, year old olive tree.

The waves were too significant for swimming but the scenery was very worthwhile. We returned along the resort filled east coast. August 31, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu. Hard to believe we again spent most of the day here at Pelecas, but we did.

After all we are on vacation. We did get out to one of the nearby beaches for a bit of time early evening before returning to Pelekas Village for dinner.

August 30, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu. A catch up on our sleep and relax around the pool day. This rural Country Club is very relaxing, providing lots of reasons to stay put.

We did manage to leave early evening for dinner but otherwise enjoyed a quiet, down day. We're off to Greece - again! Flights were more or less on time and baggage arrived so all was good.

We picked up our vehicle and found our way to Pelecas Country Club where we will be staying the next five nights. Spain: May 21, - June 06, For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and links to each of the places we stayed, p lease go to Spain tab.

June 06, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera to Barcelona to Toronto to Halifax. We had a quick early breakfast and we were on the road. An hour and a half or so and we arrived at Barcelona's airport where our flight left as scheduled.

We seamlessly made our connection in Toronto, arriving in Halifax again on schedule. We have now finished the travel blog with costs and our Memories. For more p lease go to Spain June 05, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. A nice breakfast to start the day enjoyed outside due to the sun and warmer temperatures.

During the afternoon we took a drive through the nearby countryside and vineyards - this is Cava country. We returned to finally drink our bottle of Cava after which we had dinner with Hendrik and Hetty and their son.

Then packing so we could leave early for the airport tomorrow morning. June 04, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus to Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. We left Bodegas Arnes this morning, making a brief stop in Graus to wander the Plaza Mayor. We then continued pretty much directly to Sant Pere Sacarrera where we found our final stop Mas Xipres, where we treated to a very special dinner of paella.

June 03, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus with a visit to a Buddhist community. After breakfast we went to the Dag Shang Kaygu Buddhist temple in nearby Panilla. Afterwards we took a drive through the nearby countryside during which we stopped at a Roman bridge and then along a rural 'road' to the village of Roda.

We then returned to Bodegas Arnes where we enjoyed another nice dinner. June 02, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana to Bodegas Arnes, Graus. Last morning at Casa de San Martin. We enjoyed breakfast during which David explained the 'funeral pole'. We then drove straight to Graus and Bodegas Arnes, our next stop.

June 01, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive into and walkabout Ainsa. Most of today was spent at Casa de San Martin. Although the weather was iffy we did go into Ainsa with the goal of visiting the Bird Museum. we arrived a bit too late - the museum closes at pm and we didn't want to wait around until it opened at pm so after a stroll through the old part of town we returned to San Martin.

We enjoyed another tasty meal along as well as a continuation of our chat with Silvie and Alfred, the Germans we had met the previous nights.

May 31, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive in the neighbouring mountains. Today we took a drive clockwise to Fiscal, then north to Sarvise, through the mountains east to Escalona, then south to Ainsa, back through Boltana and returned to Casa de San Martin.

We chilled out on our balcony the rest of the afternoon, although again the weather turned not so great later in the day.

We had another very nice dinner that included chats with the other guests. May 30, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana. A very sloth like day. May 29, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque to Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana. We enjoyed our morning at Selba D'Ansils before leaving for our next stop.

With a road closure we had a choice - a bit of a back track or 25 kms on a dirt road over the mountains. We chose the latter on what turned out to be a spectacularly scenic drive. We arrived at Casa de San Martin, where we have stayed twice before, late afternoon.

After reconnecting with David we enjoyed another interesting and unique dinner. May 28, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque. With the weather forecasted to be nice this morning we drove the 14 km further up the valley, stopping frequently for wildflowers, waterfalls and views of the snow-capped mountains.

Upon returning to Benasque it started to rain, and continued to do so all afternoon, keeping us in our room. We had a wonderful dinner at Hotel D'Ansils. May 27, - Hotel Selba D'Ansils, Benasque with a late lunch at Casa Javier.

Another nice breakfast followed by some relaxing time in our very nice room. Mid afternoon we decided to drive the half an hour to a restaurant we discovered in and then ate in again in Kind of a Pyrenees tradition.

We enjoyed another wonderful meal. We returned via a narrow mountain road where we came upon lots of wild flowers and a small herd of cows controlled by a cowherd and two dogs.

May 26, - Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos to Selba D'Ansils, Benasque. After breakfast we spent some time wandering through the beautiful outdoor space and gardens of Casa Rural les Flors before hitting the road for a four hour drive north-west to Benasque and our next stop the Hotel Selba D'Ansils.

Although long for the most part it was an easy and scenic drive through mountain valleys. For dinner we had a fondue at the hotel. May 25, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs to Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos. After a nice 'buffet' breakfast and a chat with Adrianna we left La Vella Farga. Unfortunately we encountered some heavy rain causing us to skip a visit to Sant Llorenc de Morunys.

We drove through a very pretty mountain route and then north to Adrall where we turned west to Casa Rural les Flors, our stop for the night. May 24, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs with a visit to Solsona. We interrupted another do nothing day with a trip to nearby Solsona where we wandered around the old historical area of the town.

Many interesting buildings, cobbled lanes, gargoyles etc. to see. We returned to a downpour of rain, spending the rest of our afternoon in our room until dinner. May 23, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs.

A very quiet day starting with an elaborate breakfast, after which we took a very short drive to the nearby hamlet - too small to be a village - of Llardurs. We returned to La Vella Farga where we enjoyed a restful afternoon in part because of the rain.

Another delicious dinner in the Vella Farga restaurant brought our day to a close. We flew from Halifax to Toronto where we connected with a flight to Barcelona. We picked up our rental car and headed north to our first stop La Vella Farga near the village of Lladurs where we enjoyed a welcoming glass of cava, napped, and then had a light dinner.

Costa Rica - February 07 - February 28, February 07 - February 28, - Memories and financials of Costa Rica March 01 - March 03, - trip extension in Cancun and Toronto.

For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and. links to each of the places we stayed please go to Costa Rica tab.

March 03, - Comfort Inn, Mississauga to Halifax. We finally made it home today - and uneventful. Up early, shuttle to the airport, in Air Canada lounge until boarding, departure on time and early arrival in Halifax.

March 02, - Fairfield Hotel, Cancun to Comfort Inn, Mississauga. Today we were finally scheduled to return home. All was good until we boarded the plane in Cancun, essentially on schedule. But then there was a delay due to a maintenance issue, then another delay and another. We eventually left three hours late, meaning we did not get checked into our Toronto hotel until am, rather than the more civil pm we were expecting.

March 01, - Fairfield Hotel, Cancun. Mid morning our son Paul was successful in getting us a direct flight to Toronto no need to detour via Denver or clear US customs tomorrow, putting our minds at rest.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, working on the Travel Blog, enjoying the large pool and hot tub and then having another Mexican meal. February 28, - El Rodeo Estancia Hotel, Belen San Jose to Fairfield Hotel, Cancun. We were to return home today with a flight from San Jose to Cancun, connecting to a flight from Cancun direct to Halifax.

While the first part went as schedule we were unable to make our connection, ending up in Cancun for the night and next night before being booked on an alternative flight. February 27, - Hot Springs Lodge, above Quepos to El Rodeo Estancia Hotel, Belen San Jose. Our final morning at Hot Springs Lodge.

February 26, - Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos. Today was a very difficult day as our beloved dog, who was apparently fine a few days ago passed away overnight. Very difficult for those back home as well of course for us. We pushed though as best we could but it was hard to enjoy our day.

That being said we did have a couple of diversions with the making of empanadas for breakfast and another bonfire to end the day.

February 25, - Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos. Hot Springs Lodge is a step back in time. Very traditional Costa Rican up here in the mountains and rainforest, effectively without Wifi - some but very spotty. Being the only guests we are spending considerable time with Jose enjoying the many birds.

We participated in breakfast by making our own tortillas. But we also received some distressing news about our dog Toledo. February 24, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita to Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos.

We enjoyed a leisurely morning at Nature's Edge - breakfast, chats with Keith and Joe, a swim and then packing as today we left and drove an hour and a half north and then 13 kms inland and up a mountain to Hot Springs Lodge where we will be for the next three nights.

The Lodge provides all meals meaning we do not have to leave. February 23, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. One difference today - we went down to Parc National Marino Bellena where we strolled Uvita beach and tipped our feet in the ocean, after which we went to a restaurant that has a great view of the Whales Tail for drinks.

For dinner we went to the Bee Hive here in Uvita. Otherwise everything was much the same. February 22, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. A very similar day to yesterday spent here at Nature's Edge except for our evening excursion to Ojochal for dinner where we ate a Exotica, a restaurant we have eaten at on two previous trips.

We enjoyed another excellent meal. February 21, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. Other than driving down the mountain to Uvita to pick up a pizza that we brought back and ate under the stars on our balcony today was spent entirely at Nature's Edge simply enjoying the sounds and sights.

Of course we enjoyed a nice breakfast and a swim but otherwise not much else. February 20, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge to Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita.

Today we leave Pacific Edge and move down the road to Nature's Edge. However we detoured quite a ways to visit the Borucan Village where we had lunch and dropped off a couple of large bags of beanies.

We then drove via Palme Norte, completing a loop back to Uvita where we ascended another mountain and Nature's Edge. February 19, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. And again more of the same.

Wake up early to the sounds of the howlers, birds and insects, breakfast, lounge around, a dip in the pool, dinner, to bed. February 18, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Another day of nothing other than chillin' at Pacifc Edge, enjoying the property.

Sure we broke down and went out to dinner in the evening but otherwise a very 'sloth' day. February 17, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Given the beauty of this property there is lots of incentive to stay and just enjoy it. Which is what we did. Our only excursion was for dinner in the hills above us.

Otherwise listen to the howler monkeys, cicadas and birds, cool off in the pool and gaze out over the jungle and ocean.

February 16, - le Jardin de Los Monos, Matapola to Pacific Edge, Dominical. After five relaxing days and of course another morning troupe of monkeys we said adios to Lettika and Dama and headed first to a nearby beach just south, and then on to Dominical where we stopped at a lunch spot as we had time to pass away before checking in to Pacific Edge, just south of Dominical.

Having had a mid afternoon bite to eat we picked up some drinks and tapas as we decided to stay put in the evening. Another fantastic sunset. February 14 and 15, - le Jardin de Los Monos, Matapola. The travel 'bug' got me so not much happening other than lots of sleep - so much so we skipped dinner and I missed the sunset on Valentine's Day.

I felt somewhat better the next morning although we again spent a quiet day at le Jardin de Los Monos. But I was up and about and did enjoy the passing birds and monkeys. As the Matapalo Supper Club was closed we ate at A Kachete, the other restaurant in Matapalo Beach.

Ditto - i. much the same as yesterday with one exception - a trip up the the dirt road to San Andres to the small one room school with six students where we brought many smiles by gifting the students a beanie each. Dinner was once again at the Matapalo Supper Club. For the most part we expect to stay put here at Los Monos and today we did just that.

We watched birds, kept a look out for monkeys none showed up and spent time in the pool. A short walk to the beach for sunset and dinner again at the Matapalo Supper Club.

But no problem as we returned to Le Jardin de Los Monos where we have stayed twice before, including last year. As planned we spent another day doing little other than relax at Las Nubes. A leisurely breakfast, work on the travel blog, a dip in the pool and then another delicious dinner.

February 09, - Las Nubes, Matapola. Being 7 km up a rough mountain 'road' there is a tendency to stay put here at La Nubes - and stay put we did. Today was Gayle's birthday for which we enjoyed a bottle of Spanish Cava. But otherwise it was work on the travel blog, enjoy a swim in the pool, keep a look out for the Tucans and be inundated by the constant sound of the cicadas.

We enjoyed a better than expected breakfast at the Hampton, after which we caught the shuttle back to the airport where we got another shuttle to our car rental agency. With our vehicle we were on the road toward the Pacific coast and then south past Quepos to Matapola where we climbed 7 kms up the mountain to Las Nubes, a place we had stayed in Rather than the previous really early morning flights to connect to a am in Toronto the scheduling has been changed such that we were on a am flight from Halifax to Toronto where we had four plus hours until our flight to San Jose.

I had upgraded our Visa card to the Infinite Privilege version the appeal was the first years fee was waived that provides access to Air Canada's Maple Leaf Lounge.

A very nice way to spend our afternoon. The flight to San Jose actually left a few minutes early and with favourable winds arrived early. Immigration was easy after which we picked up our luggage and caught the shuttle to the nearby Hampton Inn where we stayed the first night.

Shortly after arriving it was lights out. links to each of the places we stayed p lease go to Greece tab. October 03 - Negroponte, Eritrea, Evia to Athens to Toronto to Halifax. That's it - five great weeks in Greece. Today we returned home. October 02 - Negroponte, Eritrea, Evia with a drive to Kalamos beach.

We had considered spending our entire last day simply relaxing at Negroponte but in the end the appeal of what looked on the web anyway to be a beautiful turquoise beach on the east side of the island won the day.

It was a bit over an hour to reach Kalamos Beach but well worth it. Our last except for driving to the airport moving day. A final breakfast at Six Keys but not enough time for a swim before we had to check out and drive to the south of Evia. The drive was over four hours, but quite easy and fast being mostly on the E75 toll highway.

Ultimately we arrived at are last stop the Negroponte Resort. For the most part we enjoyed our last day at Six Keys at Six Keys - eating, swimming and relaxing. We did take the short drive to Lefokastro where we did find a nice cove for a swim.

Another wonderful morning waking up to sun and warmth. After a very filling breakfast we enjoyed a swim here at Six Keys and then a long afternoon drive to the 'end of the world', well the end of the Pelion and the quaint except for a significant film crew fishing village of Ag.

A stop in Lafkos on the way back after which we had dinner at a taverna in Neopori before returning after dark. After another enjoyable breakfast and chat with Filaretos but before we got on the road Gayle enjoyed an hour plus walk through the 'enchanted forest' around Amanita.

We then tried to get to Damouchari beach but stopped just short. After that it was a relatively short drive south and west across the mountains to Afissos and Six Keys where we will be staying the next three nights. See yesterday but replace cheese from Crete with cheese from Limnos, Papa Nero beach with Mylopotamos beach and with dinner at a fish taverna Aggelika in Mylopotamos.

September 26 - Amanita, Tsagkarada, Pelion and a drive to Papa Nero Beach. A very Greek breakfast with cheese from Crete, a cake, tomato and cucumber salad, eggs if one wishes etc. Today we drove down to Papa Nero beach where we enjoyed a refreshing the water is bit cooler on this side of the mountains swim.

Dinner was a bit more upscale at a restaurant although we still ate outside , rather than a taverna. September 25 - Little Swallows, Pinakates, Pelion to Amanita, Tsagkarada, Pelion.

Another moving day. We enjoyed freshly made Belgian waffles with real cream and cherries for breakfast before packing up and moving to the other side of the Pelion.

A very short drive of less than an hour without stops and we were 'home' for the next three nights looking to the east and the islands of Skopelos and Skiathos, islands we had visited way back in A little bit more activity today as we went for an afternoon drive to Milies, then to the coast and Kala Nera where we enjoyed a swim.

The we completed the loop by ascending the mountain back to Pinakates. We went to the next village over - Milies where we enjoyed a great dinner.

For photos and more please go to the Greece tab. September 23 - Little Swallows, Pinakates, Pelion. A very quiet day during which we never left the village.

After a European Belgium breakfast focused on meats, cheeses, croissants we enjoyed another chat with Eduard who gave us directions of a few places to see.

However we ended up staying for the most part at The Little Swallows with an afternoon stroll though the village to take a number of photos. We ate at Pileas, the other restaurant in the village. Another great breakfast and then another moving day as we left to Rodi, took a short ferry to the mainland and then drove north and east to Volos.

After Volos it was down the west coast of the Pelion and then up and we mean up the mountain to the village of Pinakates where we easily found The Little Swallows, our home for the next three nights.

We ate this evening in the nearby town square or platia. We spent the morning at to Rodi, first enjoying a great breakfast after which we worked away at the travel blog and other updates. In the early afternoon we went to nearby Limni where we wandered through the small village, had a drink in a harbourside taverna and found a beach for a swim.

After finding two tavernas closed we ended up back in Limni for dinner - the same taverna. Chilly but authentic. Today is another moving day. After a quick breakfast we drove to Gavrio to catch the ferry to Rafina on the mainland where we picked up our rental car.

We drove north, through Marathon, and on to Chalkida on the large island of Evia. From there it was north to near the top of the island, over some surprisingly significant mountains until reaching to Rodi in the town of Rovies where we will be staying the next two nights.

We decided to explore the north of Andros today, starting with stops in Batsi and then Gavrio, the two significant towns on the west coast. From there we drove north, and then east over the mountains and another very scenic drive before descending to Zorgos Beach, a very pretty cove with a gorgeous long, albeit pebbly beach.

Afterwards we had a bit to eat at taverna above the beach before returning to Aegean Castle. More or less an extended version of yesterday but with two additional swims.

We drove further south to Korthi Bay where we had a swim in the harbour. From there we enjoyed a very scenic drive to Chora from where we drove through the small villages in the hills. Connecting back to the main north-south road on the west coast we went down to Cooper's Beach - quite a 2 km descent for another swim.

From there it was back to Aegean Castle where we again had dinner courtesy of Christina. After a wonderful breakfast and a very enjoyable swim in Aegean Castle's beautiful pool late afternoon we headed out towards Chora.

An scenic drive including coastal scenery, nice mountain villages, lots of stone fences and the nice town of Chora with its long stone pedestrian only central walkway. We returned for another wonderful meal from Christina.

Another moving day, this time three ferries starting at am from Amorgos to Naxos, then Naxos to Tinos via Mykonos and finally Tinos to Andros.

Pick up our rental car and drive 20 minutes to half an hour to Aegean Castle easy to find which will be our home for the next four nights. We decided to do a bit more today, being our last day in Amorgos.

We drove most of the way across the island to a beach and taverna we visited previously. While we did not take the many steps down to the beach we did enjoy a very nice meal my moussaka was delicious. After returning to Aegaili we enjoyed a final swim before back to our room to pack and enjoy the sunset.

Another do little down day hanging around our room at Pano Gitonia, enjoying the wonderful vistas. Late afternoon we returned to very sandy Aegaili beach for a swim, and then back to Lagkada for dinner at another restaurant. Still not feeling well and a bit concerned about an infection we decided to visit the Medical Centre in Chora.

Turns out 1. I tested negative for Covid, and 2. the doctor was of the opinion I did not have an infection, saying I just needed to wait it out. We then enjoyed a late afternoon swim on the beach in Aegaili followed by dinner in the small, but very cute village of Lagkada. Sadly we have to leave Koufonisi today.

While five days was great, we could easily spend another five here, but that does mean foregoing somewhere else. We enjoyed a few final laughs with George and Christoupholou before he delivered us to the port where we got a Seajets for the short 35 minute crossing to Amorgos.

We picked up our rental car in Katapola and drove the half hour or so to Pano Gitonia in Potamos, just above Aegali. While disappointed to leave Koufonisi we are at the same time glad to be back in Amorgos.

September 11 - Pambelos Lodge, Koufonisi and Kato Koufonisi. Still not feeling great this morning I skipped breakfast but by mid afternoon felt good enough to head out.

We ended up on the accompanying island of Kato Koufonisi where we had a swim at Nero beach and then ate at the only taverna on the island. Although late, upon returning to Pano Koufonisi we hopped on the water-taxi to Pori beach where we spent more time in the water until after the sun set.

We did enjoy seeing the full moon over the sea. Not a great day. Neither of us felt particularly well and as such never left Pambelos Lodge during the day. We forced ourselves to walk down to Finikas for something to eat in the evening but that was it.

Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday. A leisurely breakfast, most of the afternoon vegging out, a swim again at Fanos beach, took the water taxi to the Port, wandered through Chora and had dinner at George's brother's restaurant Almira, which we very much enjoyed on our previous trip, and did again.

The magic of staying at Pambelos Lodge is the joy of simply sitting on the terrace looking across the channel to the island of Keros. It never gets old. After a leisurely breakfast we finally headed to the beach late afternoon. And Fanos beach is everything we remember - sandy, picturesque, beautiful water.

After our swim we walked to Mixalios where we had dinner. September 07 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa to Pambelos Lodge, Koufonisi. Well, the ferries were funning again today in spite of continuing winds - perhaps not the smoothest sail but it was only 35 minutes so turned out to not be that bad.

George was waiting for us at the port to take us up to Pambelos Lodge, where we returned for our fourth stay , , and now Having had a bite to eat in Mersini waiting for the ferry, and being quite tired we chose not to walk to dinner - there are no rental cars on Koufonisi - but rather just crashed.

September 06 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa. Another three beach two swims day. The wind has picked up cancelling ferries today meaning it is in doubt whether or not we will be able to leave Schinoussa tomorrow, not that being stuck here would be so bad.

The car provided access to corners of the island we would not otherwise have gotten to. Dinner in the village was like the first night - a bit upscale - very nice. September 05 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa. Schinoussa is a bit more rugged than expected so we decided to rent a car in order to access some of the more remote beaches.

We visited three, swimming in two as the waves in the third were a bit rough. It was sunny but the wind did pick up today, and is supposed to increase again tomorrow. Dinner was a bit of a disappointment, but that sometimes happens when one travels.

We enjoyed a quick breakfast before taking photos of the Petrino family, Marianne, and some of us. We were met at the port and delivered to our Suite, complete with a plunge pool. After a quick dip we walked into the village perhaps 10 minutes where there are a number of restaurants along what is essentially one street.

We chose well, enjoying an excellent meal. We spent most of the day driving around the mountainous north-east corner of Naxos with stops in Apollonas, where we enjoyed a nice swim and then Lionas where we had a bite to eat and a short swim.

Narrow twisty roads made the driving a bit challenging but a very good day. A quiet day during which we didn't do much. Breakfast, some crosswalk flag work that I needed to do, some additional time enjoying our terrace, an afternoon at the beach and a return for sunset, followed by another wonderful dinner.

After another tasty, and varied, breakfast we said our good-byes with Sotiris driving us to the port from where we left Paros on a 45 minute ferry to the neighbouring island of Naxos. We easily picked up our rental car and drove the 45 minutes or so west across the north of Naxos to Petrino Studios where we will be staying the next three nights.

August 31 - Hotel Petres, Paros The plan was to stay put, relax and catch up from the overnight flight. And that's exactly what we did.

Our decision to start the trip here at Hotel Petres worked out perfectly as we enjoyed a do nothing day, other than eating and swimming. A loooong travel day, first to Toronto, then an overnight flight to Athens and finally a short flight to our first stop the island of Paros.

We were tired when we arrived but we are back in Greece! Sotiris picked us up at the airport for the 20 minute drive to Hotel Petres, where we stayed in After checking in and our welcome drinks we relaxed before enjoying dinner here at the hotel.

For much more please go to the Greece tab. Another trip that was planned for but sadly cancelled due to Covid 19 was a big one - a celebration of our 40th anniversary during which we intended to more or less replicate the route of our honeymoon - 3 weeks in France and 3 weeks in Greece.

Having made a somewhat late decision to go in the logistics turned out to be a bit complicated a number of places we wanted to stay in France were already booked resulting in us deciding to defer France until next year and visit Greece for 5 weeks. For a map of our itinerary, as well as the places we will be staying.

go to the Greece tab. We were scheduled to go to southern Italy for 26 days. We scaled back a bit - 16 days - but have decided to return to Europe,. with a trip to Italy. For a map of the area we will be touring go to the Italy tab. Italy - May 29 - June 15, Note the following is only a one or two line summary of our day.

For day by day details and photos please go to the Italy tab. What was supposed to be a long travel day back home turned out to be two uncomfortable travel days. After 'sleeping' in the Montreal airport we did finally make it home the afternoon of the 16th.

For much more check out the Italy tab. June 14 - Torre Cangiani, Massa Lubrense. A quiet last day spent mostly around Torre Cangiani.

A short drive to a beach, a bottle of Prosecco and then dinner in Massa Lubrense. June 13 - Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta to Torre Cangiani, Massa Lubrense. We arrived at Torre Cangiani, with its spectacular views of the Bay of Naples where we enjoyed dinner watching a wonderful sunset.

June 12 - Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta with a day trip to Sanza. After enjoying a great breakfast in one of the most scenic locations we can imagine we decided to take a drive up to the town of Sanza to have pizza at the top ranked restaurant in the region.

It was an enjoyable afternoon through some very scenic countryside. June 11 - Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata to Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta.

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年轻人,你迷茫了吗?徘徊了这么久,我依旧 散文集 是一个人独自前行! 在如今这个和谐社会,我们是幸运的,然而,我们 散文集 又是不幸运的。弱肉强食的规则不会改变,强者为尊,自古以来就是这样。男儿当自强,在父母的羽翼下生活了二十年,现在是孩子远飞的时候了。立志求学散文集十五年,父散文集母散文集为此付出太多心血,待儿学成归来,再 散文集 报养育之恩。如今的我不想想太多,也不能想太多,太多的负担只会影响我的前行,恕儿不孝,你们都是理事之人,应该会明白我的心意。也许,对你们最大的感恩就是孩子有所成就,所以,我一直在努力,努力使自己更优秀!

我是一个笨学生在学校怎么样。小学生:我学习不好,老师不喜欢我,我想当班干部可是班干部都是学习好的或是老师喜欢 散文集 的(这个喜欢你懂的)。在学校开心么。上学就是上学呗有什么开不开心呀。学习怎么样。初中生:哎呀,不好,老师 散文集 都不管我。同学之间怎么样。有的好,有的不好,有一些人总公报私仇,因为他是班长呀,他说什么老师都信。那去和老师说呀。没用,在我们老师眼里除了前十名都是坏孩子,我们说什么老师都不信最近补助得到了么?怎么可能,那都是给人家前几名的,那有我们的份。高考散文集 散文集 打算考什么学校。不知道,无所谓啦,反正想学习也不好,也没什么希望。从五岁开始上学,到现在20岁,上了15年的学,想想我真正得到了很多,但是.

红梅我的名字里有一个梅字,我喜欢梅,特别是红梅,并不是因为我叫红梅,而是我认为红梅花开的时候特别地美,在白雪皑皑地大地上,在冰冷的寒冬 散文集 里,能看到一树红梅的开放,真的是让人欣喜,让人留恋,与大雪相交辉映,红白相间,犹如一位清亮女子立于眼前,算得是人间妙景。让人整个眼神豁然开朗,心旷神怡。她就像 散文集 一个冰美人傲然挺立在风雪里,不管寒风多么地肆意,她都不会退缩,仍然婷婷玉立,笑对风雪,笑迎春天。我喜欢寒梅在白雪中的嫣红,但更爱的是它 凌寒独自开 的傲骨品格。寒梅没有散文集牡丹雍容华贵的体态,没有秋菊色彩芬芳的俊逸潇洒,也没有兰花那样的幽香淡雅,但她散文 散文集 集美在骨子里,香在灵魂中,她那不畏严寒的傲骨品格却让.

岁月静好,你好嘛?阳光 散文集 温暖如兮,眼前车如流水马如龙。散文集萱,一个24岁的美丽女子,一杯咖啡,静静观赏着一切。初初见到萱的时 散文集 候,浓眉大眼,透露着对世界的无限可能的美好期盼。婴儿肥的脸蛋总是让人觉得这是个无忧的女子。然而 24岁,似乎是一条鸿沟,是一个魔咒。24岁之前,岁月静 散文集 好;24岁之后,烦恼多多。如同每个希望用知识改变命运的女孩一样,萱一直以来,努力进取,渴望借助知识走出一条不同的道路。然而,24岁的她,那般无忧的她渐渐让岁月风化,让流言蜚语腐蚀 高考的不如意,专业的不人意,重重压在她散文集的心头。大学之前,早恋这个话题就被提了无数遍,耳朵都要起茧了,诸如 早恋误了学业,耽误前途呀 、 你的.

大秦悲歌:功在史亡于势作者 王 伟在传统的认识中,人们已经习惯把秦的 散文集 二世而亡归结于 暴虐 苛政 。然而,一个皇权下的平民社会,怎么不如奴隶社会 散文集 文明 呢? 一个黔首可以授爵、布衣可以为官的体制,怎么会不如一个贵族世袭罔替的体制 进步 呢? 躲不开的投资过热人类的经济活动,从其外部、以长远的眼光看,是一个总体上不断扩张的过程。经济总量,伴随着历史的发展一直都在不断增大。从其内部、以短期的眼光 散文集 看,则是一个循环往复的过程。一段时间内,这个体系所能得到的资源总量是一定的,将有限的资源相对均匀地分布于经济循环的各个环节,这个循环才能顺利进行下去,而一旦其中的某一环.

我是您的一位小病人—— 散文集 郑子馨,您还记得吗? 遗失了的宁静淡泊 题记名利给我们营造了一种幻境,散文集我们想要走出幻境,就必须 散文集 划破平静的江面,在凌乱的涟漪里抽身散文集而去,留下月光支离 散文集 破碎的光斑,为后来者重新组散文集合成一个淡泊的梦境。人,只是中的一根小小的苇草,是宇宙间最脆弱的东西;但是,人可不仅仅是一根简单的随风飘散文集摇的苇草,人是一根有思想的苇草,具有世间万物所无可比拟的精神力量。于是,我们喜欢上了在自己的想象中生活,因为 散文集 现实生活不能给予我们想要的一切,在意识的主观能动性下,我们却是一个无所不能的王者,我们给自己在幻境中编织一切臆想得到的东西。但是,来到现实生活中呢?这一切又将只是精神泡沫,即使光彩艳丽,却也只破碎。无奈的,我们散文.

我叫陈浩俊,今年十八岁成长是一本书,记载着辛酸苦辣,收录着数不尽的。散文集当你一 散文集 页一页地翻阅时,方发觉沿途一路走来是那么的不易,但却又是那么的精彩绝伦。 成长 这个词,谁也躲不过,逃不掉。它散文集俨然一颗种子,落了在我们生命 散文集 中,在时光的浇灌下,生根发芽,茁壮成长。而后,陪伴着我们行走在红尘长路,去看一片沧海,去淋一场春雨,去听一段秋风。教会我们在大自然中,学会用心诠释。我叫陈浩俊,今年十八岁,在家里人眼中,永远都是个长不大的孩子。其实,我散文集真的很想反驳他们这个观点,可是鉴于自身的种种行为,却又很难找到去说服别人的理据,甚至说连自己有时都 散文集 会不禁问道:自己真的不是小孩吗?就拿今年来说,我做了一.

打个比方说:病得安,散文集钱缴先。为了避免不必要的麻烦:不交钱 散文集 ,不开单。神仙治病,一句话,就不要钱。人命关天,是 散文集 钱重要,还是人重要。要懂得过来这个理,就好办事,办好事。要是有悖常理,以为少些许本钱就赚了,其实自己早已亏了散文集一大截。第一亏心:自己的经营模式出了问题。昧着良心做事,无散文集本经营,得混来财,强盗永远不会富裕。第二亏财:自己的投资项目出了问题。俗话说,一本万利,除了本金,就 散文集 是本章散文集,手续也叫本。往往有些人不注意这个手续本,以为随便弄个手续就万事无忧了,有时漏洞是致命的。至少在得到这个散文集 本 之前,要记得首款的重要性,不.

因为爱,所以心才会痛曾经的时光是如此的美好,她以安安静静地容态睡在岁月散文集交错的手中,闭上眼睛 散文集 仿佛能感受到一丝丝散文集地清凉。一个人一条路,却有不同的活法。只有在某个无法入眠的夜里独自看着遥远的星空,幻想着我又是浩瀚的星空的哪一 散文集 颗呢?夜,注定是孤独的,那些貌似永远不会疲倦地星辰睁开眼睛凝望大地的辽阔,城市的寂静,大海的沉默,行人的步伐,却看不见我的眼泪。世界是很大的,也是很无辜的,就像一块冰躺在阳关下渐慢地融化,失去了一些珍贵的记忆。在时间地钝化下,她逐渐地睡着,失去残留在她身上最后的温度。 散文集 ,一座美丽的城堡,繁华的建筑包裹着富散文集丽堂皇地心。走进去,世人会因她那清淡地装容而忘记自己是怎样地.

吃了这辈子 散文集 最贵的冰激凌那天终于去三里屯太古里逛了一圈,我以为散文集这辈子只是路过,没想到还真进去冒充了一回时尚。如果 散文集 不是有几何一起去,估计散文集也散文集只有路过的缘分了。因为我实在不知道像我们这散文集种年龄重量级的老太婆,到这种帅哥美女云 散文集 集的地方能干什么,买名牌不舍得,买服装不合适,买美食不可口,买娱乐不会玩,反正是自知之明,这种地方就不是我们舔着脸涉足的地方。还好,一个人没胆儿,两个人壮胆儿,有几何在身旁,我觉得自己有点豪情万丈忘乎所以,昂首挺胸就踏入了这座时尚前沿,魅力四射、品牌云集、青春无限的大熔炉,只可惜没有百炼成钢的那点勇气了。散文集第二天,我家九五从外地回来了,一进家门,我就特别兴.

陌颜、你该学着长大有一天,忽然对镜欣赏,却发现镜中的自己变的有些不认识了。我,开始 散文集 害怕,害怕再也散文集找不回原来的自己。是什么让我变的如此苍白呢?是什么让我变的如此忧伤?是什么让我变的如此彷徨?我,不知道。朋友们都说我变 散文集 了,可我不知道我到底哪里变了?我开始思考,思考哪里不一样了。后来,我终于知道了。原来,我不过是不再按照他们给的生活轨道前进而已。他们总会说,孩子,你怎么还学不会长大?不要再那么孩子气了,好吗?而我,总会笑着说,孩子气不好吗?而现在,我只想对自己说,丫头,你该学着长大了。现实已经不允许你再天真下去了,真 散文集 的。我以为有些东西只要坚持,就一定可以有所收获。可是,仿佛现实在无情的告诉自己.

儿子开始读书,老妈心中大喜年9月18日。催促儿子读书是我多年的习惯,从他会说话的时候开始,我就教他背唐诗宋词,虽然他还不识字,但是我认为这也是读书的 散文集 一种方式,就像早先唱京剧的,并不是因为看剧 散文集 本散文集学会的所要唱的内容,而完全是师傅的口传心授身体力行,在这种教诲之下也不乏戏曲大师的频频出现。所以我认为儿子从咿呀学语的时候,就已经散文集通过我口里流出的诗词,开始了最初的读书实践。儿子小时候特争气,合辙押韵的诗词让他背诵的朗朗上口。记得那时同一栋楼里有四个孩子都是同一年出生的,都属马,两个男孩两个女孩。几个孩子经常在一起玩儿,孩子的家长都紧随身后,都觉得自家的孩子是最聪明的 散文集 ,嘴里不说心里较劲.

红土情缘下乡第一日总结会议:安全与工作并重为在茂名信宜双寿小学开展的为 散文集 期十二天的义务教育实践活动顺利开展,年7月3日,在班主任见面会后, 散文集 实践队在双寿小学教学楼进行了第一日总结会议,会议成员包括全体实践队队员。会上廖海情队长就实践队工作开展提出几点注意事项,其中最重要的是:着重学生跟老师的关系,一定不能和学生起冲突。队长也强调:安全是一切工作的前提,每组队员外出前应提前向队长汇报,并上报预计回校时间,外出期间务必注意人身和财产安全,队员 散文集 间应相互关照。会议上,队员们认真地做好笔记,并谨记着队长说的每一句话。接着由实践队各组组长汇报一日工作,散文集其中后勤组从每日菜式、购买预算、菜饭分量、卫.

走进博山北亭我们的国家 散文集 迎来了七十二岁的生日,我带着 散文集 一份节日的喜悦,走进了博山北亭,我是想去目睹我们博山风貌的另一番场景,果不其然,让我耳目一新,一种喜悦跃然心上!首先映入眼帘的是桥上流散文集水的古老石桥,当我看 散文集 到清澈的泉水从桥上潺潺流过时,瞬间感到泉水它似乎和我今天的一样,叮咚的泉水它带着欢乐,带着喜悦,它发出一种悦耳的叮咚声响,像是演奏着一首的(叮咚进行曲)那潺潺流过,晶莹剔透的泉水,虽然它经过小桥的时间是短暂的,但是它是带着一种散文集自豪,带着一种骄傲而来的,它还将带着一种自信,带着对人类对美好的祝愿,地,潺潺离去!还有,从前我曾经目睹过的一个场景,它重现在我的眼前,有的妇女在桥上面洗衣服.

学校教育与新式私塾教育我是一名15岁的初中学生,在我生活的这1 散文集 5年里 散文集 ,我几乎每天呆在一个牢笼里,它是一个很大的集体,它是像皇帝管百官那么复杂,它本是一个学习的地方,可是在我眼中变成了邪恶,攀比,虚荣的根本源头,它就是学校。在学校这个大集体里,我并没有感受到温暖,我只明白了一 散文集 句话:落后就要遭受排挤。我学习不好,遭受排挤,于是我与其他学习不好的人同流合污,勾心斗角,与之攀比,为了面子不得不做一些不是人做的事,活的像狗一样,这就是学校。学校本是教书育人的地方,可是我慢慢的发现,学校是一个大集体,管理的好了,它就是一个学习成长的地方,可是管理的不好了,它就变成了一个社会,这个社会就是一个邪恶的,充满恶.

一年级状物作文:我爱银杏树有人喜欢那香气扑鼻的桂花树;散文集有人喜欢那婀娜多姿的柳树;有人喜欢那傲雪挺立的梅树;还有人 散文集 喜欢那无私奉献的松树 散文集 ,而我却喜欢那并不起眼的银杏树。银杏树是内敛的。在晚春时节,桃花开了,粉红色的花瓣引来了无数的散文集游客观赏。梨花开了,雪白的花朵引得成千上万的蜜蜂散文集为它叫好。柳树吐出了新芽,迎着春风忘我的舞蹈,好像在夸赞自己的鹅黄嫩绿。可是,银杏树却只吐出了珍珠般大小的嫩芽,还在那儿吮吸着春天的雨露,沐浴着春天的阳光。银杏树是热情似火的。到了金秋时节,一排排银杏树站立在 散文集 那儿,简直就是一道亮散文集丽的风景。秋风一吹,银杏叶纷纷飘落,有的像蝴蝶,在空中翩翩散文集起舞;有散.

愿随风雨到天明——致亿万追梦逐风的青年如逆旅,时而骄阳正烈,时而风雨连绵,时而愁云密布,青春,就在阴晴不定的旅途中壮怀激烈。长空下,雄关漫道真如铁,我辈青年 散文集 是行人,恰同学少散文集年,风华正茂,盖将艰难困苦渡尽,玉汝于成,浪遏飞舟。以最散 散文集 文集昂扬的姿态,享受追梦逐风的旅程。寻梦,是一场于冷风雨夜开始的远行。风起的时候,望着远方,酝酿出步月登云的志向,盈一抹心中的月光,满怀热情地寻觅梦想。只因为一个坚定的信念,敢于把世界上任何一片荆棘放在脚下,开拓出一往无垠的疆土。 千淘万漉散文集虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始见金 ,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程,既然梦想成为别人无法忽视的存在,便应当做特立独行、一往无前 散文集 散.

一年级叙事作文:学 散文集 会放下戒备人情冷暖是这个世界上再正常不过 散文集 的事情散文集,我们总会在人前处起疑道,又一道和和地心强,人与人之间的信任变成了难得可贵的东西。戒备不是生来就有的,而是在这个并散文集不怎么友善的世界里散文集,被迫用戒备来保护自己。记得有一年夏天,当时正在上初中的我,在小学毕业考后被妈妈送去各种补习班补课, 散文集 散文集美其言曰,预习初中的知识,赢在初中起跑线上,待会出门记得拿个鸡蛋知道了知道了,因为闹钟的缘故,起床的大晚上补习课要迟到了,匆匆忙忙拿了一件衣服,穿上后没怎么看便出门,一路上急急忙忙的喝了好几站公交。胡大伟终于不用再换车了,这时装着一个朴素的中年人朝我走了过来。你好,这次我的心已经.

坚持,是为让了让自己更优秀在曾经很早的时候,我也是很不能坚持的,因为思路比 散文集 较多,总会有很多新奇的想法。渐渐的,我懂得了。坚持不只是事情的积累,更重要的 散文集 是,我们自己在坚持中也变优秀了。而我们现在事情没做好,很大程度是我们不够优秀,优秀了,事情就水到渠成了。朋友说最近要离开电商了,因为他的合伙人要撤资,要把钱拿去买房子。这样子,他就没钱刷单 散文集 了。没刷单,他说做不了了。所以只能去做点其他的事情了。我说,最好坚持。散文集因为他在这都有了积累,因为钱离开一个地方,我真的觉得挺不值的。当然,我还有一点我在想着,既然我们当初选择了这一条路。那么至少在我们还可以走的时候,我们就要走下去。坚持,是为了让自己变优秀.

日落黎明年夏天的那场大雨,满屋子的水,甚至没有落脚的地方。我记得我蜷缩在床上,无助的动都不想动, 散文集 你是我第一个想到的人 散文集 ,电话过去了,显示你关机。第二天,你给我打电话就知道了全部。你说从此会为我晚上不关机,你说我是第二个让你不关机的人。然后,我再也没有半夜给你打过过电话。后来,我也知道了,你没有遵守诺言。年是个多事的一年。那一年我散文集高中毕业,来到了哈尔滨,开始了生命的游走。那年,我头也没有散文集回,独自拉着行李,来到了我梦里的大学。那年,第一次打工,第一次 散文集 挣钱第一次病的差点死掉。也就是那一年,我知道,我该长大了,我该自己去承担我余下的生命。或许从那时起,我才开始睁开眼睛看这个世.

人生世间之为情无关风月之恨在人间暗换,而情痴散文集亦 散文集 是生来而有之的性,世间,唯情而已。人情往来纷纷,但凡有人烟聚散处,便不乏人情。而世人又往往要分出个冷暖来,其间又不乏寥落之哀叹,甚而皆抛却了 散文集 人情的两面,学南华之风 不如相忘于江湖 ,岂不惜哉? 我的习惯散文集是明辨人情之好恶,将温暖之处用一点一点的计数来储藏,既不必视而不见,也不必将黑暗的点铺洒成面,沦为 庸人 一个。谈及凤阳女孩跳楼事件,被黑暗遮望眼的只见群氓的恶状散文集丑态,哀 散文集 叹女孩只散文集如孤岛,却不曾于黑暗中寻光,在喧嚣中听见消防员的悲鸣。而这一点人情温暖,谁又能说不是照亮.

我只想说:我 散文集 理解在平台写作投稿已有散文集一段时间,对五花八门的编者要求和作者散文集的推文手法见识 散文集 颇多,我不敢褒也不敢贬。我只想说:我理解。是的,我理解。编者有付出散文集就必须有收获,但收获从何而来,必须尽快吸粉,增加关注人数,提高点击量。所以,散文集不少平台未关注不得留言;不少平台给作者设置了 散文集 领取稿费的门坎,或者点击量要达到多少,或者留言必须有多少条以上;散文集不少平台将文章的稿费与点击量、点赞数量和留言情况挂钩。不少平台还举办征文赛,优胜者基本依照文章的点击量而定。这一切都无可厚非,甚至是无奈之举。平台如此运营,其实不少初期不仅劳而无获,还要散文集贴补散文集呢。是的,我理解。作者为了那么一点.

深秋,那一片飘落的红叶深夜,汽车在黑漆漆的夜里向着表弟散文集家的方向飞快的奔跑着。一路上谁也没说一散文集句话,只听见车窗外呼啸的 散文集 风雨声。姨家的弟媳服毒自杀了!我无法相信自己的耳朵。弟媳:聪明、活泼、可散文集爱、伶俐,有着孩子般天真的笑脸和一双清澈明亮的眼睛 散文集 还有甜甜的声音 总之关于弟媳的一切记忆都是阳光的、美好的。可怎么会突然自杀?是什么让她如此的绝望和决绝?我无法相信!更是百思不得其解。到地儿了,老远就听见一片哭喊声。黑洞洞的夜里,那男女老少混杂的悲戚地哭喊声,让人的心揪得很痛。我裹紧衣服下了车,深一脚浅一脚的进了哭声一片的灵堂。泪光中我看见了弟媳,看见了弟媳那化了淡妆的水灵灵的遗像,散文集 散文集 让.

解读秋天伴随着秋的步伐,秋读出了为赋新词而诉说的情。秋的委婉,秋的恬静,秋的云谈风情。也读出了秋的安详,秋 散文集 的坦然。在这个秋天的都市 散文集 里,提笔如闪电,温柔而细腻散文集。那柔和的线条,温暖着我们疲惫的心 ,在寂静的秋天里悄然滑落。秋天的风是轻的,云是淡的。虽然秋天的风是冰冷的,他没有春的暖和,夏得奔放。但人间的自有真情在,那怕是在白雪纷飞的寒冬里,也能绽放出温暖的旋律,何况这只是稍冷的秋天。在这个云淡风轻的秋天里, 不再有古代诗人争相 散文集 咏唱的悲凄。抛开那些烦恼散文集,驱散文集除那一丝丝,留下的将是秋高气爽的美好人间。在宁静安详金秋中,秋风飘动着灵性的轻盈,游走着花落的清幽。它静默地涂抹着缤纷的色彩,把.

我要做一只打不死的小强今夜真是一个不眠之夜,万千感概之中一颗寂 散文集 寥千年的心因而燃烧起了千年的梦。不甘平 散文集 凡的我却是如此平凡。蓦然回首,曾经那年少轻狂的我是多么的胸有成竹过,我认定了自己可以用十年磨一剑点亮我今世之光,一飞而冲天扶云直上,不鸣则已一鸣惊人。年轻有理想,有抱负,有冲劲,有志气,胸怀宏图不是错,看不清脚下的路那才是真正的错误和离谱的悲剧。世界最不缺少的就是天 散文集 才般的人才和猪一样的蠢材,但想要取得任何的成功绝不是靠天才两字而成功的,没有万分的努力和万分的血汗何谈成就?没有独特的眼界,超人的毅力加上智慧的胆量何以建功?老天,你没有赐予我天才般散文集的天赋,更没有赐予我建功立业的捷路,也没有让我.

月儿弯,月儿圆 月儿弯,一手牵,牵到哪儿,问天仙;月儿圆,抱不全,转 散文集 到哪儿 散文集 ,娘子三更枕头边! 你对我说: 等你长大,我便娶你! 那是我第一次见到他:一个是不满五周岁的小丫头,一个是十多岁的阳刚少年。 散文集 我一个喜欢满地跑的漂亮小丫头,见到一个长的那么好看的大哥哥,不假思索地就去抱住了,他被我突如其来的举动吓住了,问道: 你怎么不跟你的姐姐妹妹玩呀? 我自然的蹦出口中的那句话: 因为,我喜欢你,我想跟你玩! 他好笑的抱起了我,我高兴地在他腮边亲了一口,他脸红的对我说: 等你长大,我便娶你!

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Overall, Spade Gambling casino in Capital of Singapore offers a comprehensive examination play see with a wide extract of games, telling nontextual matter and good effects, roving compatibility, fairly gameplay, exciting promotions, and honest customer hold up.

Also visit my blog post — spadegaming games. Online casinos have become increasingly popular in recent years, and once and for all reason. They offer a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy all your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Probably the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, that provides an array of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

In this essay, we shall explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the selection of games available, the quality of the software, and the overall user experience.

We will also discuss some guidelines for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time and effort at the casino. First of all, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games to choose from. Whether you prefer classic table games like blackjack and roulette or more modern options like video slots and live dealer games, you are sure to find something that suits your tastes.

One of many standout features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software. The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure all games run smoothly and without any glitches or lag. Therefore you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without any interruptions or delays. Another key advantage of playing at Evolution Gaming is the overall user experience.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and revel in each of the available features. The website is also optimized for mobile devices, so that you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

Of course, one of the main reasons people play at online casinos is to win money. At Evolution Gaming, there are plenty of opportunities to do that.

The platform offers a variety of bonuses and promotions that can help boost your winnings and increase your likelihood of hitting it big.

Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better potential for winning big. To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is important to have a good strategy in place.

This means setting a cover yourself before you begin playing and sticking with it no matter what. It also means taking advantage of any bonuses or promotions that are offered to you, as these can help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a wonderful way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

My site; evolution gaming sign up. Online casinos have become increasingly popular recently, and once and for all reason. They offer a convenient and exciting way to enjoy all your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Just about the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers an array of games and features that are sure to help keep you entertained all night on end. In this essay, we shall explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the variety of games available, the standard of the software, and the entire user experience.

We will also discuss some tips and tricks for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time at the casino. First and foremost, Evolution Gaming provides an impressive collection of games available. The platform is continually updating its offerings with new games and features, so there is always something new to try.

Among the standout top features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software. This means that you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without the interruptions or delays. Another key advantage of playing at Evolution Gaming may be the overall user experience.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and enjoy all of the available features. The site can be optimized for cellular devices, so you can play your favorite games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet.

At Evolution Gaming, there are numerous opportunities to do that. The platform offers a selection of bonuses and promotions which will help boost your winnings and boost your chances of hitting it big. Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better chance of winning big.

This implies setting a cover yourself before you start playing and sticking to it no matter what. It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these might help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a great way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home. So why not give it a try today? Who knows? you just might hit the jackpot! my blog — evolution gaming games. เซ็กซี่ เกมวันพีช เป็นผลมาจาก เกม คาสิโน ออนไลน์ ที่ ได้รับความนิยม แล้ว ท้าทาย ในช่วงสมัยนี้ ไม่กี่ ปี สำหรับผู้ที่ สนใจใน บาคาร่า และ อยากได้ ประสบการณ์ การเล่น ที่สุดแจ่มใส เต็มเขต บาคาร่าเซ็กซี่ เป็นทางเลือกที่ครบครัน สำหรับคุณ!

เกมวันพีชเซ็กซี่ เป็นความร่วมมือ ระหว่างออกแบบ เกมวันพีช และ เจ้าภาพสาวสวย สาวเซ็กซี่ ที่ช่วยเพิ่ม ความสนุกสนาน และเข้าใจ ผู้เล่นส่วนใหญ่ คุณมีโอกาสที่จะ วางเดิมพัน กับเกมวันพีช ที่สดโดยตรง จากเจ้าภาพที่น่ารัก ที่สวยงาม และมี แฟนจริง เลือกได้ ห้องที่คุณชื่นชอบ ที่ต้องการเข้าร่วม และเขียน วางเดิมพัน ทันที ท่านจะได้รับ บริการอย่างมืออาชีพ ด้านความบันเทิง อย่างคุณภาพ จากเจ้าภาพสวยงาม ที่ซุปเปอร์สวย บริการหลักๆที่เรามี มีความชัดเจน มีรูปภาพที่ชัดเจนในขณะที่เล่น ด้วยระบบการเผชิญหน้า เราสามารถสร้างมาม่าที่น่าตื่นเต้นให้กับท่าน ผ่านเกมออนไลน์ที่คุณคุมอำเภออยู่สุดท้ายนี้ เกมวันพีชเซ็กซี่ มีระบบระดับพรีเมียม เพื่อคุณเพียงเลือกเกมที่คุณต้องการเล่น เช่น เกมวันพีชออนไลน์.

My web page: Sexy Baccarat. html 过后就会以蚕豆形式到账,可直接提现。. html comment 应的蚕豆,这些蚕豆是可以一比一进行支付宝或者微信提现的。那么该如何使用呢?下面为大家分享相应的使用方法!缩略版教程:1、微信扫码注册小蚕APP帐号(通过微信扫码注册可以免费领取终身会员)2、打开小蚕霸王餐APP软件,使.

html comment 息。    7、最后等待平台审核(会员有极速审核特权)通过后就会以蚕豆形式到账,可直接提现。. Ufabet คือ เว็บไซต์ พนัน ออนไลน์ ที่ ได้รับความนิยม มากที่สุด ตั้งแต่ พนันกีฬา และเกมส์ คาสิโนออนไลน์ Ufabet มี ความมั่นคง และ กลุ่มเงิน ที่ รายได้สูง เว็บนี้ มีความ ความปลอดภัย สูง มาตรฐานที่ถูกต้อง ทางทีม มี ลูกค้าอย่างมืออาชีพ และเป็นกันเอง สามารถ แก้ไขสถานการณ์ รวดเร็ว ยูฟ่าเบท เป็น ไซต์ ใช้งานได้ง่าย ใส่ เป็นมือใหม่ หรือ ก็สามารถ เข้ามาเสี่ยงโชค ได้อย่างทั่วถึง ให้ความสะดวกสบาย และ ความมั่นใจ ว่าจะได้รับ การเล่น เกมส์ออนไลน์ อย่างเต็มตัว.

html comment 法!缩略版教程:1、微信扫码注册小蚕APP帐号(通过微信扫码注册可以免费领取终身会员)2、打开小蚕霸王餐APP软件,使. Online casinos have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.

They provide a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home. In this essay, we shall explore the many great things about playing at Evolution Gaming, like the selection of games available, the standard of the software, and the entire user experience.

We shall also discuss some tips and tricks for maximizing your winnings and enjoying your time at the casino. First and foremost, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games to pick from.

Whether you prefer classic table games like blackjack and roulette or even more modern options like video slots and live dealer games, you are sure to find a thing that suits your tastes. One of the standout top features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software.

The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to make certain all games run smoothly and without the glitches or lag. Therefore you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience without the interruptions or delays.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness at heart, making it possible for even novice players to navigate and revel in all the available features.

The website can be optimized for mobile devices, so that you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet. Of course, one of many reasons people play at online casinos is to win money.

At Evolution Gaming, there are plenty of opportunities to do just that. Additionally, lots of the games offer high payout percentages, providing you a better potential for winning big. This implies setting a budget for yourself before you start playing and sticking to it no matter what.

It also means taking advantage of any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these can help increase your bankroll without risking any extra funds. Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a wonderful way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home.

Why not give it a try today? My page; evolution gaming online casino. Online casinos have become increasingly popular recently, and for good reason. They offer a convenient and exciting way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home.

Just about the most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers an array of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained all night on end. In this essay, we will explore the many benefits of playing at Evolution Gaming, including the selection of games available, the quality of the software, and the entire user experience.

First and foremost, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive selection of games from which to choose. The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure that all games run smoothly and without any glitches or lag.

This means that you can like a seamless gaming experience without any interruptions or delays. Another key benefit of playing at Evolution Gaming may be the overall user experience.

The platform was created with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for even novice players to navigate and enjoy each of the available features. The site is also optimized for mobile devices, so you can play your preferred games on-the-go from your smartphone or tablet.

At Evolution Gaming, there are numerous opportunities to do just that. The platform offers a selection of bonuses and promotions which can help increase your winnings and boost your likelihood of hitting it big. Additionally, many of the games offer high payout percentages, giving you a better chance of winning big.

To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is important to have a solid strategy in place. This implies setting a budget for yourself before you begin playing and sticking to it regardless of what. It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are offered to you, as these can help boost your bankroll without risking any additional funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a fantastic way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home. My webpage — evolution gaming slots. html 使. Just wanted to say keep up the good work! Feel free to surf to my website … สล็อต แตก ง่าย. Online casinos have grown to be increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.

They provide a convenient and exciting solution to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfort of your own home. The most popular online casino platforms is Evolution Gaming, which offers a wide range of games and features which are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. In this essay, we will explore the many great things about playing at Evolution Gaming, like the variety of games available, the caliber of the software, and the overall user experience.

First of all, Evolution Gaming offers an impressive collection of games available. The platform is continually updating its offerings with new games and features, so there is always something not used to try.

One of the standout features of Evolution Gaming is its high-quality software. The platform uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure that all games run smoothly and without the glitches or lag. Another key benefit of playing at Evolution Gaming is the overall user experience.

The platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for even novice players to navigate and revel in all of the available features.

The website is also optimized for mobile devices, to help you play your favorite games on-the-go from your own smartphone or tablet. Of course, one of the main reasons people play at online casinos would be to win money.

At Evolution Gaming , there are numerous opportunities to do that. The platform offers a variety of bonuses and promotions that will help increase your winnings and boost your likelihood of hitting it big. Additionally, a lot of the games offer high payout percentages, providing you a better potential for winning big.

To maximize your winnings at Evolution Gaming, it is critical to have a good strategy in place. This means setting a budget for yourself before you begin playing and sticking with it whatever. It also means benefiting from any bonuses or promotions that are available for you, as these might help increase your bankroll without risking any extra funds.

Overall, playing at Evolution Gaming is a great way to enjoy your entire favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home. การแทงบอลออนไลน์เป็นสิ่งที่ที่ทันสมัยและสะดวกสบายในการเข้าร่วมกับการเล่นพนันบอล ไม่ว่าท่านจะอยู่ที่ไหน หรือเวลาเท่าใด ท่านสามารถเข้ามาขายนัดในรูปแบบของบอลออนไลน์ได้ตลอดเวลาผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ที่เปิดให้บริการการแทงบอลออนไลน์ ด้วยระบบการเล่นที่ง่ายดาย ทั่วถึง และมีความน่าเชื่อถือทั้งในเรื่องการเงินรางวัล และการฝาก-ถอน ทำให้การแทงบอลออนไลน์กลายเป็นทางเลือกที่น่าหลงใหลกว่า สำหรับคนที่ต้องการหารายได้จากการประลองวิจารณญาณในด้านกีฬาฟุตบอล.

Here is my web blog; แทงบอล ไม่มีขั้นต่ำ. Kiss Singapore is a popular online casino platform that provides a variety of games to its users. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features, Kiss Singapore has become a favorite among online casino enthusiasts.

In this essay, we shall explore the various aspects of Kiss Singapore and just why it is worth playing. We will discuss the various games available on the platform, the security measures set up, and the bonuses and promotions wanted to players.

We shall also consider the payment possibilities and how to begin with Kiss Singapore. There are several explanations why you should look at playing Kiss Singapore. Firstly, it includes an array of games that focus on different preferences.

Because of this it is possible to play with reassurance knowing that your personal information is safe from hackers and cybercriminals. These bonuses can significantly boost your chances of winning big on the platform. If you encounter any problems while playing on the platform, it is possible to reach out to their customer care team via live chat or email for assistance.

Some of the popular games on the platform include:. Slot Games: Kiss Singapore comes with an extensive assortment of slot games that come in various themes and variations.

Live Dealer Games: For those who prefer a more immersive gaming experience, Kiss Singapore offers live dealer games where one can play against real dealers in real-time.

Additionally, it has strict verification procedures set up to avoid fraud or money laundering activities. Included in these are welcome bonuses for new players who sign up on the platform for the first time.

Additionally, there are deposit bonuses where players receive additional funds when they make deposits into their accounts. Cashback offers are also available where players receive a percentage of these losses back as cashback rewards.

Free spins are another popular promotion offered by Kiss Singapore where players can spin reels free of charge without risking their own money. To get started with Kiss Singapore, you need to create an account on their website by providing your personal details like name, email, phone number, etc.

Once your account is verified, you possibly can make your first deposit using the supported payment options. To conclude, Kiss Singapore is a great online casino platform that provides a wide range of games to its users while ensuring their safety and security. การเล่นพนันบอลออนไลน์เป็นทางที่ทันสมัยและง่ายดายในการร่วมสนุกกับการเล่นพนันบอล ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน หรือเวลาเท่าใด ท่านสามารถเข้ามาวางเดิมพันในรูปแบบของบอลออนไลน์ได้ตลอดเวลาผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ที่เปิดให้บริการการแทงบอลออนไลน์ ด้วยระบบการเล่นที่เรียบง่าย ชัดเจน และมีความปลอดภัยทั้งในเรื่องการเงินรางวัล และการเติมเงิน-ถอนเงิน ทำให้การแทงบอลออนไลน์กลายเป็นทางเลือกที่น่าสนใจกว่า สำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการหารายได้จากการเรียกเก็บสิทธิ์ในด้านกีฬาฟุตบอล.

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There are several explanations why you should consider playing Kiss Singapore. Firstly, it includes a variety of games that focus on different preferences.

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аренда юридического адреса в москве от собственника. Kiss Singapore is really a popular online casino platform that provides a variety of games to its users.

It is one of the most trusted and reliable online casinos in Singapore, providing players with an exciting and immersive gaming experience. In this essay, we will explore the various areas of Kiss Singapore and why it is worth playing. We will discuss the different games available on the platform, the security measures set up, and the bonuses and promotions offered to players.

We shall also look at the payment options available and how to begin with Kiss Singapore. Whether you are a fan of slot games, table games, or live dealer games, you will find a thing that suits your taste with this platform.

This means that it is possible to play with satisfaction knowing that your individual information is safe from hackers and cybercriminals. These bonuses can significantly increase your likelihood of winning big on the platform.

Kiss Singapore supplies a wide range of games from some of the top game developers in the market. Slot Games: Kiss Singapore comes with an extensive assortment of slot games which come in different themes and variations. Table Games: If you are a fan of table games like blackjack, roulette, baccarat, or craps, you will find several variations of the games on Kiss Singapore.

Live Dealer Games: For many who prefer a far more immersive gaming experience, Kiss Singapore offers live dealer games where you can play against real dealers in real-time. Kiss Singapore offers several bonuses and promotions to its players to enhance their gaming experience.

These include welcome bonuses for new players who subscribe on the platform for the first time. Cashback offers may also be available where players receive a percentage of these losses back as cashback rewards.

To begin with with Kiss Singapore, you have to create an account on their website by providing your personal details like name, email address, contact number, etc.

Once your account is verified, you can create your first deposit using the supported payment options. To conclude, Kiss Singapore is a great online casino platform that offers a wide range of games to its users while ensuring their security and safety. My page … kiss bet com. Kiss Singapore is a popular online casino platform that offers a variety of games to its users.

In this essay, we shall explore the various aspects of Kiss Singapore and why it really is worth playing. We will also look at the payment possibilities and how to get started with Kiss Singapore. Firstly, it includes a variety of games that cater to different preferences.

Therefore you can play with peace of mind knowing that your individual information is safe from hackers and cybercriminals. Included in these are welcome bonuses, deposit bonuses, cashback offers, and free spins. In the event that you encounter any issues while playing on the platform, it is possible to reach out to their customer support team via live chat or email for assistance.

Kiss Singapore offers a wide variety of games from a few of the top game developers in the market. A few of the popular games available on the platform include:. Slot Games: Kiss Singapore has an extensive assortment of slot games which come in different themes and variations.

Table Games: If you are a fan of table games like blackjack, roulette, baccarat, or craps, you can find several variations of the games on Kiss Singapore. Live Dealer Games: For those who prefer a far more immersive gaming experience, Kiss Singapore offers live dealer games where you can play against real dealers in real-time.

Free spins are another popular promotion offered by Kiss Singapore where players can spin reels for free without risking their own money. Kiss Singapore supports several payment options for deposits and withdrawals. To begin with with Kiss Singapore, you should create an account on the website by providing your individual details like name, email address, contact number, etc.

In conclusion, Kiss Singapore is a great online casino platform that offers a variety of games to its users while ensuring their security and safety. Also visit my web-site Kiss. They provide a convenient and exciting way to enjoy all of your favorite casino games from the comfortable surroundings of your own home.

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Not having our car yet we returned to Kamara for breakfast - the fresh orange juice was excellent - and then lazed around, working on the blog.

Early afternoon we walked down way down to the town where we picked up our rental car and some breakfast supplies. A short drive to a nearby mountain village and dinner in Aegiali and the day was done.

We had a late afternoon ferry today to our next island - Amorgos. We could have gone down to the beach but rather hung out on our terrace where Vassiliki dropped by. We had a lengthy chat, learning a considerable amount about life on Koufonissi.

Another typical Koufonissi day. Get up, make some breakfast, sit around admiring the view, go the a beach, go to another beach, have something to eat, return to Pambelos Lodge and enjoy the evening with candles and Psimeni raki, the local herb liquor.

May 30, - The annual Koufonissi Fisherman's Festival. The annual Fisherman's Festival - what brought us to the island of Koufonissi, not one of the more popular islands although apparently it is with northern Europeans. We made a nice breakfast in our kitchenette, went for an afternoon swim and then in to town for dinner and the festival.

May 29, - Paros to Koufonissi via Naxos. May 28, - a drive through the interior of Paros. Today was a funny day weather wise - with rain off and on and then quite cool. But we did drive through the interior to the original capital of Lefkas and walked a portion of the Byzantine Trail.

May 27, - a drive around the Island of Paros. We rented a car for a couple of days, today driving around the island, a total of 55 km, stopping at a few fishing villages and a beach where we enjoyed a swim in the Aegean.

Dinner was great in a very nice restaurant overlooking the nearby island of Antiparos. May 26, - Naoussa, Island of Paros. After a long sleep we enjoyed a late breakfast.

Clea drove us down to Naoussa where we rented a car for tomorrow and Thursday, wandered around the town, picked up a few supplies and walked back to Petres. We had a short swim, relaxed and I posted the first day of the blog while Gayle napped.

We will again eat at Petres tonight. May 25, - Naoussa, Island of Paros. We arrived in Paros on schedule, met at the airport the smallest airport we have ever experienced by Clea of Hotel Petres who provided insightful commentary of what Paros has to offer on our 25 km drive to the hotel.

After getting orientated we enjoyed a great dinner before crashing. Further details and photos on the Greece page. May 24, - Halifax to Toronto to Athens to Paros. Our flights take us to Toronto, then overnight to Athens followed immediately by a connection to the island of Paros, our first stop for four nights.

Portugal and Spain - September September 29 - Palmela to Tornto. After breakfast it was off to the airport in Lisbon from where we caught our SATA flight to Toronto, with a two-hour stopover in Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Acores.

From there we flew to Toronto where we stayed overnight with friends. September 28 - Casa Tres Palmieras, Portimao to Palmela.

Our last morning in the Algarve and then it was off on a lengthy drive over the Serra de Monchique and then north to Palmela. Upon arriving we were surprised to enter a Medieval Festival in not only town but at the Pousada. This made driving through the throngs of people challenging but slowly we made it.

We then joined those same crowds to experience some of the festival. September 27 - Casa Tres Palmieras, Portimao. Staying at such a nice place we pretty much stayed put, enjoying the pool and the views. After a nice breakfast overlooking the sea we enjoyed a swim and the nice weather.

We did take a walk along the cliffs to the one beach and a few restaurants but in the end decided to pick up some ham, bread and cheese, a pizza and a bottle of wine and eat at our place.

September 26 - Castro Marim to Portimao. Today we drove most of the Algarve, along the slower national road - which was not all that exciting.

We stopped for a short while in Tavira, a nice town and then continued on to Portimao where we have a nice place to stay with magnificent vistas of the sea, beaches and cliffs.

September 25 - Alcala del Valle to Castro Marim, Portugal. Unfortunately we had to leave Cortijo el Guarda and Spain today, not that we rushed out. After saying our goodbyes we drove up to and through Seville and then west to Portugal, passing many orange groves along the way.

Castrol Marim, a quiet sleepy town in the first one encounters after crossing the border. September 24 - Alcala del Valle. Another so-so weather day - very cool for Andalucía this time of year. But it did result in us spending most of the day at the cortijo just relaxing and resting.

We went out for a drive later in the afternoon during which it yes rained, and pretty hard for a while. But it cleared up for the last half of the drive, with the sun actually coming as we were returning to the cortijo. We enjoyed another nice dinner with Hans, Miranda and the other guests.

September 23 - Alcala del Valle. A bit of a strange day. After a nice breakfast the weather turned cold with showers off and on. As a result we just lounged around our room until late afternoon when we went out for a short drive to the nearby 'pueblos blancos' or white villages, before having dinner in Alcala del Valle.

Photos and commentary on the Spain page. September 22 - Fuenteheridos, Andalucía to Alcala del Valle, Andalucía. Today we head south-east, past Seville to the Cortijo El Guarda where we stayed for one night during our trip to Spain.

We so much enjoyed the cortijo, the hospitality of Miranda and Hans and the fantastic dinner we are returning for three nights. September 21 - Fuenteheridos, Andalucía. Another 'down' day we stayed at the molinos in the morning and then went out for a drive to some of the nearby villages in the afternoon.

We returned just before the rains, and in this case heavy rains began. We again ate in the village to end a quiet day. September 20 - Guadalupe, Extremadura to Fuenteheridos, Andalucía. Today should be our longest driving day - slightly over km south-west from Guadalupe, generally through flat plains into Andalucía and the village of Fuenteheridos where we will be staying two nights at was once an olive mill.

September 19 - Plasencia to Guadalupe. Breakfast, lingering in the amazing Parador de Plasencia and then on the road south to Guadalupe. A generally scenic drive in part through a national park brought us to the interesting town of Guadalupe , with its impressive cathedral, Parador and other historic buildings.

September 18 - Ciudad Rodrigo to Plasencia. Another so-so day weather wise. For the most part is was overcast with a few showers although at times the sun shone through with blue skies. We left Ciudad Rodrigo for the km drive to Plasencia. Our route took us via La Alberca, an interesting old town in the hills.

Although threatening rain we stopped for a walk about town. From there it was across a mountain ridge and down the other side to Plasencia. September 17 - Ciudad Rodrigo. A simple and quiet day here in Ciudad Rodrigo. We wandered through the narrow streets of the historic - inside the castle walls and moat - town.

Showers off and on kept us close to the Parador were we relaxed most of the day before going out for dinner. September 16 - Finca La Ramallosa to Ciudad Rodrigo. September 15 - Finca La Ramallosa.

Today was a real do nothing day as we stayed put at Finca La Ramallosa. We went for a nice walk to an abandoned hamlet but otherwise not much else and it was nice. September 14 - Belmonte through Serra da Estrella to Finca La Ramallosa, Spain. Today was supposed to be a short day but turned out anything but - actually the most kms driven of any day to date.

The reason, rather than driving straight to Spain we decided to go through the Serra da Estrella mountains, the highest in mainland Portugal.

As you will see in the photos on the Portugal page we were fortunate to encounter a number of shepherds on what was a scenic drive. We then drove east crossing in to Spain and the finca that will be our home for the next two days. September 13 - Flor da Rosa to Belmonte.

We left Flor da Rosa for a drive essentially straight north ultimately to Belmonte, another Pousada - this one originally a convent in the hills south of Belmonte. We detoured a bit to visit two interesting towns - Idanha-a-Velha and Monsanto, the first very small but with some interesting roman ruins and Monsanto a nice hilltop village of stone homes; narrow alleys; elderly ladies selling the traditional Monsanto doll and a great roof-top terrace overlooking the valley.

We finished the day enjoying an excellent dinner at Belmonte. September 12 - Flor da Rosa with a day trip to Castelo de Vide and Marvao. Staying two nights at the Pousada here in Flor da Rosa today was intended to be a leisurely day. Ultimately we did go out for a drive that took perhaps longer than expected but during which we did visit two interesting towns.

We returned for another dinner at the Pousada. September 11 - Palmela to Flor da Rosa Crato. After breakfast we wandered about the Castello de Palmela before heading inland through the Alentejo to Estremoz where we stopped for a while before continuing north beyond Crato to Flor da Rosa where we will be staying for two nights at the Pousada.

Flying SATA airlines a Portuguese carrier based in the Azores we connected through Toronto with an overnight flight to Ponta Delgada on the island of Sao Miguel, one of the nine Azores islands in the mid-Atlantic.

We changed planes, continuing on to Lisbon where we picked up our rental car to drive approx. September 9 to 29, - Portugal and Spain. This September we are returning to Portugal - 30 years after visiting in - as well as spending time again in Spain. Technically we will actually be returning to Ponta Delgada in the Azores where we spent six days on our previous trip although this time it is only a one-hour touch down for our SATA flight from Toronto.

We will primarily be staying at pousadas the equivalent of Spanish paradors in Portugal and then a mix of paradors and cortijos including a return to Cortijo El Guarda near Ronda where we spent a night a year ago.

Our route takes us from Lisbon , north through the Alentejo, east into the Extremadura region of Spain , south into Andalucía and then back to the Algarve on the southern coast of Portugal. I will once again be maintaining the blog as best I can as time allows.

Corsica and Provence - June June 30, - Chateauneuf-Villevieille to Nice airport to Montreal to Halifax. We awoke to wonderful sunshine our last morning to enjoy another very nice breakfast we are going to miss those chocolate croissants under an olive tree.

The drive to the airport, including a gas fill-up was both easy and 40 minutes, as promised. From there it was a long day of travelling until we arrived home.

June 29, - Brignoles to Chateauneuf-Villevieille. Primarily a driving day we booked out last night in the hills north of Nice, approx. The first part of our drive took us through a number of vineyards and then across the lower hills of the Alpes-Maritime.

We drove a challenging 30 minutes to the village of Peillon, an impressive village clinging to a mountain-top for a nice final dinner. June 28, - Saint-Saturninn-Les-Apt to Brignoles. After three nights at Mas Perreal we had to leave, back towards Nice.

We scheduled one stop mid-way just outside Brignoles. The first part to the drive was nice, through rolling countryside, of course past lavender fields and past one amazing field of sunflowers.

Thereafter open fields of wheat and corn and then some forested areas as we drove south, arriving at the Bastide de Messine near Brignoles.

June 27, - a visit to the market in Lourmarin and a drive through the area. Today we went to another market, this one in Lourmarin. Somewhat larger and in another wonderful Provence village we enjoyed this market somewhat more, and bought a few things.

Again we stopped for drinks in a busy cafe, enjoying the nice weather and people and for Gayle dog watching.

We then went for a drive through the nearby countryside before returning to Mas Perreal for a swim before off to dinner in Saint Saturnin-Les-Apt.

June 26, - a visit to the market in Roussillon. Another low key day. After a quite different breakfast - not that it did not have the standard bread, jams, juice and coffee but a fresh fruit plate and fresh picked at the Mas Perreal cherries pancakes were the first 'hot' dishes we have had for breakfast.

We then went to Roussillon, approx. June 25, - Saint-Laurent-du-Verdon to Saint-Saturnin-les-Apt. A shorter day today although we did not get out until after noon.

Another lightning and thunder show with buckets of rain kept waking us last night. The early part of the drive was through more lavender fields each as impressive as the last. We then drove east through a couple of larger cities Manosqude and Apt before finishing the day by arriving just outside Saint Saturnin-Les-Apt for a stay of three nights.

June 24, - Roure to Saint-Laurent-du-Verdon. A long driving day today, first out of the mountains through some ski resorts, over the Col de Toutes Aures and on to Castellane, followed by a drive through the dramatic Grand Canyon du Verdun.

June 23, - Roure. Today we stayed put, taking a walk through the village half an hour to see it all and then simply relaxed at the Auberge, catching up on the blog, planning the next few days etc. Actually really nice to spend a quiet day. The Auberge is noted for its restaurant that lived up to advance billings.

June 22, - Vizzavona to Bastia airport to Nice to Roure. Today was supposed to be an easy day. Lots of time to get to the airport, fly to Nice, pick up our car and up into the Alpes-Maritimes to the village of Roure.

It was anything but as we stopped for a most enjoyable final lunch but then got twisted around in the mountains cutting our arrival at the airport way too close. June 21 - Quenza through mountain passes to Hotel U Castellu, Vizzavona. Today was mountain driving, through some of the most dramatic landscapes we have ever driven and we have been to some pretty dramatic places.

It was a tough, tiring drive and unfortunately I don't get to enjoy all the landscape as focusing on the next hairpin turn is my priority but very rewarding.

We stopped along the way for an enjoyable lunch and spent the evening listening to some excellent Corsican music at our hotel. Another great day.

June 20 - Sartene, the L'Alta Rocca to Corse Odyssey, Quenza. Before leaving Tizzano we took the dirt road around the other side of the harbour that led to a small beach where we stopped for another short swim. Then it was inland, first to the town of Sartene.

As unimpressive as Bonifacio was Sartene is a quaint Corsican town with narrow alleyways amongst the stone buildings and a number of nice outdoor restaurants, one of which we stopped at for a small lunch, including a crepe. We then drove up in to the L'Alta Rocca, eventually to the mountain village of Quenza where we were staying the night.

June 19, - Rondinara Beach, Figara and Bonifacio. The plan was to go to Bonifacio, the noteworthy town in the south-west, do a little shopping and have lunch. But we go side-tracked, finding an appealing restaurant outside Figara. But with time to fill in and the sun shining we went up the coast to a beach.

We returned for a very nice lunch and then made our way to Bonifacio, which turned out to be a huge disappointment. We returned to Tizzano for a relaxing evening. June 18, - Tizzano. After a number of long difficult driving days this was truly a do nothing day.

We slept in, went for a croissant and coffee, came back, sat on the balcony, caught up on the blog, napped, went for a walk to the beach, went to dinner and returned. Total distance driven - 0 km.

June 17, - Carbuccia along the south west coast to Tizzano. Another travel day again with mixed weather - at times nice and sunny; at times a torrential downpour. But it cleared just as we arrived in Tizzano, a sleepy little town on the south coast. Our hotel, the Hotel du Golfe is located right on the water with spectacular views of the sea.

June 16 - a drive through the mountains to Porto, Piana and then back along the coast, returning to Carbuccia. This turned out to be a very long day, with lots of spectacular mountain driving, an amazing drive from Porto to Piana with fantastic views of the Calanche de Piana and then a beautiful drive along the coast before returning to Carbuccia.

June 15, - Vallecalle to Carbuccia. A travel day, first through the mountains west of Vallecalle and then south, perhaps two thirds of the way down the island to another remote mountain village - Carbuccia.

June 14, - a tour around Cap Corse, Corsica. Today was a nice day - perfect for a drive around the scenic Cap Corse in the north-east of the island.

Dinner was highlighted not only by the food but the wildest lightening storm we have ever seen. Corsica and Provence - June 12 to 30, On June 12th we are off to Corsica.

Halifax to Montreal from where there is now a direct flight to Nice. From there it is a short 45 minute flight on Air Corsica to Bastia, Corse for a week and a half on the island, followed by a little over a week in south-east France, i.

Au revoir. South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia - April 1 to 17, There is a new tab 'Masters' which is the reason for the trip. However we are spending a week before our Masters visit along the coast of South Carolina and now Georgia and will then spend a week afterwards in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee.

Cuba - February 12 to 19, Taking advantage of a 'last-minute' opportunity we decided to leave the cold and snow for a week in Cuba first time. Most of the time was spent relaxing at the pool or beach, eating and enjoying some very good music.

Staying at the resort the first five days there was not much to photo or write about so no daily blog. Very worthwhile we learned a great deal about Cuban life and economic struggles.

We stopped at a number of interesting places, including the regional capital of Holguin, the fishing port of Gibara, a local medical clinic and the home of our second day driver to see a typical Cuban home and enjoy refreshments from his parents.

Upon returning home I decided to post a number of photos, mostly outside the resort - with a focus on the people of Cuba. Italy - September 03 to September 26, We are off Sept 3 to Italy for a good part of September.

We fly into Milano and immediately head to the foothills of the Alps to Lezzeno on Lake Como. Then it is south to Parma parmigiano cheese and parma ham and Modena balsamic vinegar. Driving through the Apennines a mountain range through central Italy across which I bicycled way back in we stay at an olive oil resort just north of Florence.

This is very near where we stayed in , an area we look forward to returning to and exploring further. Next it is to the coast and Cinque Terra, five villages along the Mediterranean coast north of Pisa that everyone we know who has visited say we must go - so we are.

The five are from all accounts very picturesque seaside villages with spectacular walks along the cliffs between them. Finally we return to the north - beyond Genoa to near Asti for a few nights before flying out of Milano Sept Spain Andalucia - April 10 to 24, We're off to southern Spain Andalucia tomorrow April 10, for two weeks.

After flying from Madrid to Malaga we then drive down the coast to Nerja for a couple of nights on the Mediterrean. We then move on to just outside of Granada, where we will spend a day at the Alhambra.

Next it is a bit further inland to the town of Ubeda where we will be staying at another of the historical Spanish paradors.

It is then through a number of the Andalucian 'white' towns including Arcos de la Frontera and then back to Granada from where we fly to Madrid for our last day. Follow along and enjoy. Thailand and Laos - January and February We hope the blog of Thailand and Laos was informative, providing you with a flavour of these south-east Asian countries.

We certainly enjoyed the trip. If you have any suggestions for improving future blogs should we continue to publish please let us know. January 23 to February 11, - Thailand.

I gave it a go see the Slovenia and Croatia tabs - note I reversed the order for Croatia such that the most current entry is at the top, and will do so in the future.

I plan to try to do the same for our upcoming trip to Thailand and Laos, subject to internet reliability. We leave January 21st, first flying to Newark, then an eight-hour crossing six time zones overnight flight to Oslo, where we have a relatively short four-hour layover before an hour flight again across six time zones an overnight to Bangkok, scheduled to land at am January 23rd.

Upon arriving in Bangkok we have two-hours before boarding a short one-hour flight to the island of Koh Samui in the south of Thailand, where we will be spending our first five days.

We will be in Thailand from January 23rd through February 10th, after which we spend six days in Laos before returning home. Home Milford House Nova Scotia Provence Greece Austria Czech Spain Grenada Hawaii Slovenia Croatia Thailand Laos Spain Italy Cuba Masters Corsica Provence Portugal Spain Greece Morocco Hawaii Golf Ireland Sicily Costa Rica Spain Greece Istanbul Costa Rica Panama Spain Greece Italy Costa Rica Golf Ireland Spain Greece Turkey Costa Rica Costa Rica Italy Greece Costa Rica Spain Greece Costa Rica Spain Norm and Gayle's travels.

Welcome to Norm and Gayle's Travels to contact email: moosehead accesswave. I will post a week or two before a trip as well as periodically include a few photos on Facebook. Please go to the tab for the trip you are interested in for details of each day, photos, and after the trip memories, financials and links to where we stayed.

We have also added a Contact Form immediately below should you have any comments or questions. Costa Rica - February 06, - March 01, Our Costa Rica Travel Blog now includes. our memories, financials, and links to our lodgings. March 01, - Escondida Guacima, Guacima to Montreal to Halifax. Due to our flight being delayed we were not rushed to leave, allowing for a final breakfast.

Flights were on time getting us back to Halifax a bit after midnight - another long travel day but well worth it for the great three plus weeks we enjoyed in Costa Rica. For a few p hotos and more please go to the Costa Rica February 29, - Escondida Guacima, Guacima.

Today was spent relaxing at Escondida Guacima, first enjoying breakfast while being mesmerized by the many birds enjoying the papaya put out for them. Some of the afternoon was spent in the pool after which we again had another simple dinner.

We leisurely packed and readied ourselves for returning home tomorrow. February 28, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo to Escondida Guacima, Guacima. Moving day. After an early morning swim in the Pacific, followed by breakfast, and perfectly visible sloths momma and child we finished packing and sadly left Jardin de Los Monos.

The drive to Guacima, a suburb of San Jose is more or less three hours after which we returned to Escondida Guacima where we stayed the first night. February 27, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Really very much ditto. More blogging, more swimming, more photos of sloths and butterflies, another gorgeous sunset and again dinner at the Supper Club.

February 26, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Pretty much ditto. Blog, swim, take photos of sloths and butterflies, watch the sunset and have dinner at the Supper Club.

February 25, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. See February 24, - pretty much identical other than we went to the beach for sunset and with the Supper Club closed we had dinner at a different restaurant.

February 24, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Today is what we expect most days will be like her at Jardin de Los Monos - sloth like. For dinner we went to The Matapalo Supper Club where we were warmly greeted and enjoyed another fabulous meal.

February 23, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo to Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. We left Encanta La Vida but not before visiting the nearby escuela elementary school to provide the children with beanie babies. A somewhat lengthy drive north to the other Matapalo south of Quepos we arrived a little after pm, returning to Jardin de Los Monos where we have stayed three times before.

February 22, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Today will be one of the most memorable of our travels. The visit of the howlers.

Mid to late afternoon they came by and spent well over an hour in the trees directly above our cabina. The were loud and fun to watch - simply a great show. February 21, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our second day here at Encanta La Vida was pretty much the same as the first see February 20, although we did see more spider monkeys.

February 20, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our first full day here at Encanta La Vida. We woke up early to the howling howlers, clearly closer by than at other places we have stayed. They to the lodge for breakfast, back to the Cabina, off for a swim followed by lunch, then repeat in the afternoon ending with dinner.

February 19, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce to Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. After lunch we said our goodbyes to Reymar, Yanja, Richy, CeCe, Yolenny, Tammy and Sarah and were boated across the Golfo where we picked up our rental vehicle and drove the short in distance but lengthy in time rough dirt road to Cabo Matapalo and Encanta la Vida where we will be staying the next four nights.

February 18, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Our last full day here at Dolphin Quest - more eating; more swimming; more bird watching; more photos. After dinner we went on the Bioluminescent tour along with two other guests. February 17, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Upon returning the scarlet macaws were in the trees by the shore providing an opportunity to enjoy their antics.

After lunch the rest of the day was spent relaxing and eating,. February 16, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. A repeat of yesterday. We were supposed to go on a dolphin 'quest' today but with Reymar occupied it got deferred until tomorrow. So essentially another day of eating and not doing much else.

We again ate a lot, again endured the eat, again had a swim two for Gayle. February 15, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Bein g our first day here at Dolphin Quest we did what we love to do on the first day of places where we are multiple nights - do nothing.

We ate, endured the heat, had a swim, ate some more, napped in the heat of the afternoon and then ate again. February 14, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical to Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Sadly we said goodbye to Pacific Edge and headed south to the Osa, about a three hour drive.

We found our parking place in Puerto Jimenez no problem, and were met by the Dolphin Quest 'water taxi' and crew for the half hour trip across the Golfo during which we were fortunate to see a few dolphins.

Dolphin Quest is our 'off the grid' - solar power 'home' for the next five days. February 13, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Yet another relaxing day during which we did not leave the property until going our for dinner.

Another tasty breakfast, more chatting with Sid and Michaelynn, more time in the pool, taking more photos around Pacific Edge and somehow the day just past us by. February 12, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. After one of Sid's classic breakfasts we went to Uvita to the medical clinic for Gayle to have her ear checked.

It was blocked, cleared and now all good. Most of the afternoon was spent chatting with Sid after which we enjoyed an excellent Italian dinner at Gusto. February 11, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge to Dominical - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge. After another early morning that included a nice sunrise, howler monkey howls, the sounds of birds, Gayle noticing six Tucans in a nearby tree and a filling breakfast we checked out to head 10 km up the road to Pacific Edge Eco Lodge where we stayed last year.

A relaxing afternoon followed by a lovely dinner at Scala - a very nice restaurant we ate at last year. February 10, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After a downpour last night we awoke to another beautiful sunny day again spent relaxing here at Tiki Villas.

We thought of going our for a drive but there isn't really anything we haven't seen so decided to stay put enjoying the pool and the lodge, listening to the birds and insects.

February 09, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge; dinner at Exotica in Ojochal. Again we spent most of the day here at Tiki Villas, celebrating both Gayle's birthday and the arrival of our first grandchild.

We returned to a favourite restaurant in Ojochal for the 4th time where we enjoyed yet another wonderful dinner. February 08, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After two days of travel today was a do nothing veg out day - wake up to the birds and howler monkeys, start this travel blog, enjoy breakfast, soak in the sun with time at the pool.

We considered going out for pizza but in the end decided to again eat here at Tiki Villas. February 07, - San Jose, Costa Rica - Guacima Escondida to Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After a good sleep we awoke to a warm sunny morning. After coffees on our balcony we enjoyed a traditional Costa Rican breakfast of Gallo Pinto, made our way to the car rental company and were then our way for the lengthy nearly four hours direct - it took us a bit over five drive south to Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

February 06, - Halifax to Toronto to San Jose, Costa Rica to Guacima Escondida. Although there was some anxious times due to the significant snow storm to hit Nova Scotia over the weekend the airport was back on schedule by Tuesday.

We got out, leisurely made our connection in Toronto and arrived early in San Jose. Greece - The Ionian Islands: Aug 28, to Oct 02, Our Greece Travel Blog now includes. our memories, financials, links to our lodgings, and our favourite islands. For these along with details of each day and photos p lease go to Greece tab.

We were out early for a am flight to Athens from where we connected to our Air Canada flight to Montreal and then on to Halifax. October 01, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia to Corfu Town.

We left The Merchant's House and Old Perithia this morning, driving the hour and a half to Corfu Town where we spent the afternoon strolling through the alleys of this interesting Venetian town. We then enjoyed a nice final dinner at a restaurant near to our hotel.

September 30, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Sidari Beach. Our last full day in Old Perithia, most of it was spent in the village with an afternoon journey to Sidari beach a half hour away.

September 29, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Syki Bay Beach and the White House. A similar day to yesterday although today we took a bit of a drive down the east coast, had lunch rather than dinner and stopped at Syki Bay Beach for our daily swim.

September 28, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Agios Spyridon Beach. Another relaxing day, both at The Merchant's House and then in the afternoon at Agios Spyridon Beach. Dinner again at the third of the tavernas in the village.

September 27, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia. As has become our practice the first full day after arriving we pretty much stay put. Here in the small village in the mountains that means literally going nowhere. And that's ok. September 26, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki to The Merchant's House, Corfu via Astakos and Igoumenitsa.

September 25, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Minimata Beach. Last full day on Ithaki. After another morning at the villa a short side trip to Perachora, a swim at Minimata beach followed by another drive around the north side of the island - just because it is a great drive.

September 24, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Skinari Beach. Another carbon copy of the past couple of days, with again the beach changed. September 23, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Mprosta Aetos Beach.

Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday with only the beach Mprosta Aetos today and restaurant back to Kohili changing. September 22, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Filiatro Beach. After a light do-it-yourself breakfast and a swim in the afternoon we went to the beautiful Filiatro Beach for an afternoon swim after which we had a light dinner of tzatziki and pizza on the waterfront.

September 21, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios to Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki. Moving day with an afternoon ferry from Sami, Kefalonia to Ithaki where we settled into Villa Anna at Eumaeus Villas, a unit with stunning views and a private pool for the next five nights.

September 20, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a drive along the south-east coast of Kefalonia. Another relaxing early part of the day with an afternoon drive to Skala and then north with a stop at Liminea beach. Afterwards a drive through the interior to Eleni's Olive Garden where we had a bit to eat before returning to Olivemare.

September 19, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a trip to a nearby beach. Another relaxing day where we didn't venture too far although we did spend time on a nice nearby sandy beach with amazingly warm water.

September 18, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios. A do nothing day - leisurely breakfast, relax, use the pool, work on Travel Blog, nap, dinner in town. September 17, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms to Olivemare, Katelios. Moving day from the very north of Kefalonia to the very south, with a short stop for a swim along the way.

Our 'home' for the next four nights - Olivemare in the village of Katelios looks like it will be a nice place to hang our hats. September 16, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - Myrtos Beach. Today we drove south along some dramatic coastline, past the island of Assos to Myrtos Beach, one of the most beautiful and photographed beaches in Greece, and we now know why.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at North Point Rooms , with dinner at a nearby traditional taverna. September 15, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - into Fiskardo. We stayed close to home today with a visit to nearby Fiskardo followed by a swim at Paralia Emplisis, nice but pebbly, as are most beaches here in the Ionian Islands, beach between Fiskardo and North Point Rooms We enjoyed a great dinner at a coastal seafood restaurant.

September 14, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages to Kefalonia - North Point We left Thealos Villages driving 45 minutes or so to Vasiliki in the south of the island where we caught a 1 hour 15 minute ferry to Fiskardo. From there it was a short 10 minute drive to North Point Rooms where we will be staying the next three nights.

September 13, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - to the beaches in the south-east. Today was another beach day - this time two beaches in the south-east of Lefkada.

Afterwards we went to Syvota for dinner, a nice table on the harbour front. For more p lease go to Greece September 12, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - a drive across the island. Today we decided to venture further away, driving across the mountains inland with a stop in Englouvi, famous for their lentils where we enjoyed some at a taverna in the town square.

It was then down the west side to Kavelikefta, a beautiful beach. We enjoyed a great sunset on our drive back to Thealos. September 11, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Another pretty relaxed and quiet day although today we did get out for a swim at nearby Nikiana beach.

September 10, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Having an extra day on Lefkata today was a down day, and by down we mean we did nothing beyond a swim in one of the pools at Thealos and dinner in the evening.

But hey that is what vacation should be at times. After a very nice stay in Paxos we would certainly come back we're off to Lefkada via a ferry to Igoumenita where we picked up our car for the hour plus drive south to Lefkada where we easily found our next 'home' being Thealos Villages.

Today's adventure was a boat tour to first to the west side of Paxos with its caves, at places deep blue and at other bright turquoise waters. Then on to Antipaxos for a stop at one of the sandy beaches with a taverna where we enjoyed lunch. Returning to Paxos we again returned to Lilas for our last meal.

The weather was supposed to be better today, and it was until it wasn't. We went to a beach on the southern end of Paxos, parked, walked to the beach and then minutes later it started to rain. Never did get in the water.

We returned to Lilas' for dinner and were fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to some very authentic Greek music. Another dreary day but still much better than those in Skiros, Volos and the Pelion who are suffering considerably more.

It was nice enough to again have a filling breakfast on the terrace and get our for our first sea swim here in Paxos.

We then did go out to dinner but had to wait due to the limited number of tables due to the rain. But in the end we had dinner in nearby Patamos before returning to Zakspitaki. Unfortunately the weather forecasters got it right again - more rain, which kept us in for most of the day.

We did head town to Lakka later in the afternoon, wandered around and then had an early dinner before returning to Zakspitaki.

What's this - rain in Greece? Today was overcast, cloudy with light drizzle most of the day. As a result we stayed put for the majority, being able to sneak in breakfast in the morning and then dinner at night.

Otherwise not much happening. Of course we stopped to listen. We left Pelecas Country Club, driving to Lefkemmi in the south of Corfu where we returned our vehicle and took the ferry to Paxos. After checking in we drove to Loggos, and nearby every place in Paxos is nearby seaside village.

We decided to eat closer to 'home' in Potamos. After dinner we came upon some traditional Greek music in the other village restaurant. September 02, - our last day spent entirely except for dinner at Pelecas Country Club. We considered going out but had not destination calling for us so we spent the day lounging around the pool and enjoying the property.

For dinner we returned to Stavros Taverna in part due to the music we had been told would be playing, which turned out to be the case. September 01, - a drive to the south of Corfu along the west coast, returning on the east coast.

Although we didn't get out as early as we wanted we did drive down to the south of Corfu, along some very narrow 'road's on the mountainous west coast, stopping at a 1, year old olive tree.

The waves were too significant for swimming but the scenery was very worthwhile. We returned along the resort filled east coast. August 31, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu.

Hard to believe we again spent most of the day here at Pelecas, but we did. After all we are on vacation. We did get out to one of the nearby beaches for a bit of time early evening before returning to Pelekas Village for dinner.

August 30, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu. A catch up on our sleep and relax around the pool day. This rural Country Club is very relaxing, providing lots of reasons to stay put. We did manage to leave early evening for dinner but otherwise enjoyed a quiet, down day. We're off to Greece - again! Flights were more or less on time and baggage arrived so all was good.

We picked up our vehicle and found our way to Pelecas Country Club where we will be staying the next five nights. Spain: May 21, - June 06, For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and links to each of the places we stayed, p lease go to Spain tab.

June 06, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera to Barcelona to Toronto to Halifax. We had a quick early breakfast and we were on the road. An hour and a half or so and we arrived at Barcelona's airport where our flight left as scheduled. We seamlessly made our connection in Toronto, arriving in Halifax again on schedule.

We have now finished the travel blog with costs and our Memories. For more p lease go to Spain June 05, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. A nice breakfast to start the day enjoyed outside due to the sun and warmer temperatures.

During the afternoon we took a drive through the nearby countryside and vineyards - this is Cava country. We returned to finally drink our bottle of Cava after which we had dinner with Hendrik and Hetty and their son.

Then packing so we could leave early for the airport tomorrow morning. June 04, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus to Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. We left Bodegas Arnes this morning, making a brief stop in Graus to wander the Plaza Mayor.

We then continued pretty much directly to Sant Pere Sacarrera where we found our final stop Mas Xipres, where we treated to a very special dinner of paella. June 03, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus with a visit to a Buddhist community.

After breakfast we went to the Dag Shang Kaygu Buddhist temple in nearby Panilla. Afterwards we took a drive through the nearby countryside during which we stopped at a Roman bridge and then along a rural 'road' to the village of Roda.

We then returned to Bodegas Arnes where we enjoyed another nice dinner. June 02, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana to Bodegas Arnes, Graus. Last morning at Casa de San Martin.

We enjoyed breakfast during which David explained the 'funeral pole'. We then drove straight to Graus and Bodegas Arnes, our next stop. June 01, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive into and walkabout Ainsa.

Most of today was spent at Casa de San Martin. Although the weather was iffy we did go into Ainsa with the goal of visiting the Bird Museum. we arrived a bit too late - the museum closes at pm and we didn't want to wait around until it opened at pm so after a stroll through the old part of town we returned to San Martin.

We enjoyed another tasty meal along as well as a continuation of our chat with Silvie and Alfred, the Germans we had met the previous nights.

May 31, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive in the neighbouring mountains. Today we took a drive clockwise to Fiscal, then north to Sarvise, through the mountains east to Escalona, then south to Ainsa, back through Boltana and returned to Casa de San Martin. We chilled out on our balcony the rest of the afternoon, although again the weather turned not so great later in the day.

We had another very nice dinner that included chats with the other guests. May 30, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana. A very sloth like day.

May 29, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque to Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana. We enjoyed our morning at Selba D'Ansils before leaving for our next stop. With a road closure we had a choice - a bit of a back track or 25 kms on a dirt road over the mountains.

We chose the latter on what turned out to be a spectacularly scenic drive. We arrived at Casa de San Martin, where we have stayed twice before, late afternoon. After reconnecting with David we enjoyed another interesting and unique dinner.

May 28, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque. With the weather forecasted to be nice this morning we drove the 14 km further up the valley, stopping frequently for wildflowers, waterfalls and views of the snow-capped mountains.

Upon returning to Benasque it started to rain, and continued to do so all afternoon, keeping us in our room. We had a wonderful dinner at Hotel D'Ansils. May 27, - Hotel Selba D'Ansils, Benasque with a late lunch at Casa Javier. Another nice breakfast followed by some relaxing time in our very nice room.

Mid afternoon we decided to drive the half an hour to a restaurant we discovered in and then ate in again in Kind of a Pyrenees tradition. We enjoyed another wonderful meal.

We returned via a narrow mountain road where we came upon lots of wild flowers and a small herd of cows controlled by a cowherd and two dogs. May 26, - Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos to Selba D'Ansils, Benasque. After breakfast we spent some time wandering through the beautiful outdoor space and gardens of Casa Rural les Flors before hitting the road for a four hour drive north-west to Benasque and our next stop the Hotel Selba D'Ansils.

Although long for the most part it was an easy and scenic drive through mountain valleys. For dinner we had a fondue at the hotel. May 25, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs to Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos.

After a nice 'buffet' breakfast and a chat with Adrianna we left La Vella Farga. Unfortunately we encountered some heavy rain causing us to skip a visit to Sant Llorenc de Morunys. We drove through a very pretty mountain route and then north to Adrall where we turned west to Casa Rural les Flors, our stop for the night.

May 24, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs with a visit to Solsona. We interrupted another do nothing day with a trip to nearby Solsona where we wandered around the old historical area of the town.

Many interesting buildings, cobbled lanes, gargoyles etc. to see. We returned to a downpour of rain, spending the rest of our afternoon in our room until dinner. May 23, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs. A very quiet day starting with an elaborate breakfast, after which we took a very short drive to the nearby hamlet - too small to be a village - of Llardurs.

We returned to La Vella Farga where we enjoyed a restful afternoon in part because of the rain. Another delicious dinner in the Vella Farga restaurant brought our day to a close. We flew from Halifax to Toronto where we connected with a flight to Barcelona. We picked up our rental car and headed north to our first stop La Vella Farga near the village of Lladurs where we enjoyed a welcoming glass of cava, napped, and then had a light dinner.

Costa Rica - February 07 - February 28, February 07 - February 28, - Memories and financials of Costa Rica March 01 - March 03, - trip extension in Cancun and Toronto.

For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and. links to each of the places we stayed please go to Costa Rica tab. March 03, - Comfort Inn, Mississauga to Halifax. We finally made it home today - and uneventful. Up early, shuttle to the airport, in Air Canada lounge until boarding, departure on time and early arrival in Halifax.

March 02, - Fairfield Hotel, Cancun to Comfort Inn, Mississauga. Today we were finally scheduled to return home.

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In Jackppt second Jackpot pura alegría, Brandon algría against the Fox, Jackppot one has five chips that they Plaza, throw pur an rubber band to send Jackpot pura alegría into their opponent's side. Not a great day. June 03, - an afternoon trip to Chora, Amorgos. Apparently the food is supposed to be very good. they are being entertained and informed by local resident author, Chris Stewart originally from England. In the second stage, Rey competes against the Fox to get his six billiard balls into the spots at the end of the table first. February 20, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. We then move on to just outside of Granada, where we will spend a day at the Alhambra. I also accidentally bought the fire roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic so I omitted the garlic. Evolution Gaming เป็นบริษัทหนึ่งผู้ให้บริการเกมส์เกมคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่มีชื่อเสียงและได้รับความนิยมอย่างกว้างทั่วทั่วโลกทั่วไป บริษัทนี้มีต้นกำเนิดจากสถานที่ในประเทศสวีเดนและถูกสร้างเมื่อปี ค. From there we drove north, and then east over the mountains and another very scenic drive before descending to Zorgos Beach, a very pretty cove with a gorgeous long, albeit pebbly beach. The drive was over four hours, but quite easy and fast being mostly on the E75 toll highway. pura alegria já é recompensa o suficiente.,. - A gente do a o nosso tempo ali, mas quem de fato recebe aquilo tudo de volta é o atleta que está pura alegria de raspar o caminho para um jackpot. Junte-se a nós enquanto desvendamos a emoção, fornecendo um guia abrangente para Jackpots de Raspadinha Shop Friends Shop! Can You Hit The Jackpot. Related. GIF by Oddcity GIF by GIF by Pura Alegría GIF by Alex Boya GIF by Alex Magnin Netochka23 GIF GIF pura alegría. Tomemos, por ejemplo, a Sarah, una Estas son algunas de las lecciones que podemos aprender de los mayores ganadores de Mega Millions Jackpot TikTok video from Autumn Jackpot (@autumnhitthejackpot M. Yo muero de alegría al saber que es verdad Es candela pura con maldad ‍♂️ #candelera If the celebrities fail a challenge, the money offered is deducted from the jackpot. "Adrenalina pura", July 18, (), "Alegría fugaz" Jackpot de Vegas. Símbolos de jogo adicionais jackpot. A maioria das Mesas ao vivo oferecidas aqui pura alegria de jogo. Eles também fornecem links TikTok video from Autumn Jackpot (@autumnhitthejackpot M. Yo muero de alegría al saber que es verdad Es candela pura con maldad ‍♂️ #candelera „Este casino online é pura alegria! Ganhar é um sentimento fantástico! “ Ana SEGUE-NOS. Para te atualizares com as últimas novidades no Bacana, segue-nos Jackpot pura alegría

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Now aged 92 and 93 respectively, they see no reason to stop. For my father especially, life is best lived on the water. men who built their own boats. His father and grandfather built as per tradition in wood. Dad built his hull in ferro-cement.

One week before the cruise I suggested that if I came too we could perhaps manage the covid risks a bit better together. They enthusiastically agreed, especially as it meant they would get to see family in Cairns. I waited until 48 hours before embarkation to pay for my cabin opposite theirs to ensure we were all well enough to proceed I had just been in Melbourne caring for our son Cam and his family who were all ill with COVID The ship still had plenty of inside cabins available.

Guests numbered only , well below capacity, which is For this to work, and to meet the cruise contract requirement, we all had to test negative to COVID19 within 24 hours of embarkation.

Thankfully we all did. Our weeklong circular itinerary took us from Brisbane northwards stopping in at Airlie Beach southern gateway to the Whitsunday Isles and the Great Barrier Reef , up to Cairns to spend the day with my sister Jo and her daughter Jess and family , then on to Port Douglas the marina is home port for some stunning yachts, real eye candy for us!

Mum and Dad have a well honed routine that involves leisurely dining, reading, sudoku, crosswords, cards, movies, a daily nap and much time spent on their balcony island-spotting and watching for wildlife in air and sea. On day two Mum sighted whales off the starboard bow. Two young whales entertained us with much fluke slapping.

Off Willis hundreds of gannets, gulls and other sea birds wheeled noisily around the ship. Large pods of dolphins visit to play in our bow wave. Staff make or break the cruising experience. Eight hundred crew tend to this ship and our needs and desires.

All are polite and professional, however the restaurant staff are exceptional. Kindness personified, our regular dinner waiter, Roy, from the Philippines, addresses my parents as Sir Don and Lady Margaret and sprints to pull their chairs back for them to sit down and to stand.

His great grandfather was an opera singer. And keep turning right….. And that Dad had never ever had a martini before this cruise. This was quickly rectified. Cocktail hour and meals give us the opportunity to wander down memory lane. We should all be so courageous. PS I have to confess to a small hiccup in my cruise planning.

A lifetime achievement if ever there was one! Nada, nothing happened. Of course they had no idea, but I was disappointed for them and enquired at guest services next morning. Someone jn the restaurant had dropped the ball, profuse apologies all round.

Mum and Dad caught on fast and begrudgingly accepted dinner and drinks at the la di da specialty restaurant, Sabatini, which had previously refused them a booking, citing overbooking for the duration of the cruise.

Mother is mortified by the rose petals, less so by the swans…. Right, I think that really must be it. Thankfully we get off lightly with a special chocolate dessert and no singing. We are so grateful. Taxi to Waverley Station, Edinburgh, then train to Manchester.

So far so good. I bought express passes to fast track us through the airport security line for carry-on and body scan security checks as local news reported up to six hour delays at Manchester Airport.

This tactic was a waste of money as A a business class ticket affords you that perk anyway and B there was no great queue to enter the security check. The queue was the other side of the body scan. Every single tray of check in items was being diverted by a very zealous young woman for further inspection.

We were three deep with no social distancing waiting to be quizzed on the contents of our bags. My sin — did you know shoe polish in a tin is a liquid? Ok, you are wondering why I need shoe polish on board, well it lives in my backpack since my black ankle boots are on high rotation with my sneakers and I cannot abide dirty boots.

By the time I was released Stuart had been rechecked earlier for absolutely nothing at all I was a glass of champagne behind him. Since the flight was delayed thirty minutes, because so many passengers were still in the security area, I managed to catch up.

An Emirates staffer gathered up the Sydney passengers and frog marched us on a short cut to the gate what happened to the elderly and families with small children?

Finally an announcement by the captain. There is an issue with two pump indicators that the crew cannot rectify. We must wait for engineers to come on boad to try to fix them. As we approach Sydney Airport a rain squall hits and we enter a holding pattern in the hope that it passes by.

The captain decides to go for it as we are close to the pm curfew for Sydney Airport, but metres from touchdown I got this detail from a nerdy fellow passenger later he aborts the landing as a strong wind gust lifts the tail threatening land us nose first. There follows a long and tedious process of baggage collection, customs and immigration and queuing to be allocated a hotel room downtown for the night.

As we have experienced before with Emirates, there is no effort to triage passengers according to need. The priority passengers are first class and business. I saw parents desperately trying to get babies to sleep walking around the terminal and exhausted elderly and infirm standing in a queue with the prospect of getting to their room at dawn.

We are all promised Emirates will fly us to Sydney at 9pm the next evening. Instead we call our son and daughter-in-law in Melbourne when we wake and arrange to stay with them for two nights of hide and seek, trampolining and bedtime stories with our granddaughters.

Thus a taxi, one more flight, a bus and a taxi got us home to Gypsy Hill in only seven and a half hours, the same time it takes to fly to Singapore 😂. The point I want to make in recounting this is that many people have said how intrepid we were to have embarked on such a long trip at this point in the pandemic.

In fact, at no time did the pandemic affect our travel plans. Bad weather, equipment failure and human mismanagement — the bugbears of travellers since time immemorial — caused our only setbacks.

So dear friends and family, dust off your passports and your luggage, pack your patience and shine your boots. Week 13, our final week in Europe has arrived. This is hopefully the last instalment of the Plague Travel Journal My 66th birthday was earlier this week.

My gift to myself, with the cooperation of Tristan and Jenny, was a family weekend away in St Andrews. We were surrounded by golf courses but none of us golf. Next minute he was back carrying a cupcake with a candle in it and another larger candle in a glass which he placed in front of me.

He pulled out a lighter and lit the larger candle, a firework. It immediately shot flames a foot high and burned for twenty seconds. I just had time to grab the cards before they caught fire. The only tiny disappointment on the weekend was England losing to France in the Six Nations Rugby tournament despite recent performances Stuart had high hopes of a win.

Another highlight of this final stint in Scotland was three nights in South Queensferry walking the coast through the Dalmeny Estate and a train trip to Kirkcaldy with a walk back over the Firth of Forth bridge.

The small Kirkcaldy gallery had some interesting modernist pieces. The Physic Garden, full of medicinal plants abuts the entry.

Stuart booked this accommodation. As usual his budget is well above mine. The complex of nine apartments, called Abbey Strand Residences, is part of the Cheval Group. Judging from the publicly available corporate information it is currently in the hospitality portfolio of the ruler of the Emirate of Dubai.

Interestingly the receptionist, Peter from Hungary, is also the concierge and housekeeper. How he manages all these roles is a marvel of time management. Peter is always immaculate and unflappable even after cleaning nine apartments.

In researching the building I discovered the meaning behind the brass S embedded as a kind of marker amongst the cobbles of Abbey Strand.

The S stands for sanctuary. The count went on to a six-year reign as Louis X, King of France. But back to the quotidian. We spent Daddy Day otherwise known as Tuesday with Tristan and Ms E in the walled garden of their home relocating two trees.

Their garage will be converted into a studio apartment and the hard landscaping will expand the footprint so one birch and one plum had to migrate.

The pandemic is still raging through Britain. In Scotland one in eleven people currently have Covid We continue to dodge and weave, masking at every opportunity. If we receive a negative PCR next Monday — required by the Australian Government to board our flight on Tuesday to Australia — it will be a minor miracle.

A negative pre-flight test cost £99 per person is required until April 17, just too late for us. Today is day 31 of the illegal, brutal, criminal, inhumane Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Equally clear are the strategic alliances with and against Russia, the sole aggressor in this war. When the war has ended there will be an accounting, both public and private, of pro-Putin governments and individuals which will haunt generations to come. Of that I am sure.

It saddens me deeply to farewell our British family, especially at such a challenging time. When we left here two years ago we had no idea we were entering a global pandemic. This time we leave Europe in the midst of a humanitarian and refugee crisis and on the verge of full blown war.

Never in my secure, privileged lifetime has the future appeared so uncertain. May the men, and they are overwhelmingly men, in charge make good decisions for the well-being of all of us and the planet!

After so many years of drought this long wet spell is unprecedented. It is impossible to describe how beautiful this UNESCO-listed part of the world is, so I will leave the job to the photos and videos.

But before I do….. the Dolomites are immovable and yet very moving, unchangeable and yet their reflection is constantly changing. A mountain face which starts the day grey like any other transforms into shades of orange and pink as the day unfolds.

What a stark and embarrassing contrast to what is happening in Ukraine. Our hotel, the Cristallo Alta Badia, is over the top luxury. Thinking this might be our last ever ski trip, given my ageing body, I booked a room at the 4 star S Cristallo, complete with health spa and heated outdoor pool, but we were then given a free upgrade to a 50 m2 suite as this is our third stay here.

Sharon calls it the James Bond Suite as it has a curtained, round bed, deep bath, white leather couches, an infra-red sauna and a view of the mountain above La Villa. We have 12 days of indulgence and needless to say are loving it.

The snow conditions are perfect, due to the extraordinary snow-making and grooming of the Dolomiti Superski engineers and operators. Daytime temps on the mountain are on the low side for this time of year, between zero to minus 11 degrees Celsius.

Lifts are busy mid-morning, but mask police are effective. There are, of course, people who think they are so special that they are above the law. Interestingly there are no medical exceptions to mask wearing in Italy. Getting a Green Pass on our ski pass was easy enough.

We bought the multi-day pass at the ticket office, they checked our vaccination certificates showing that by the time we will complete our stay it would still be less than days since our booster, then validated the passes for the full duration. The daily aprés ski visit to the spa is almost as good as the skiing.

I took off unaware that one of my skis was unattached until the attached ski ran over it. I went arse over ski. I landed on the exact same part of my body that made contact with the pavement the week before whilst riding a bike in Jerez!

The result was a spine resembling Robin Hood´s bow. I think there are a few more ski trips in the old boy yet.

He is only 70 after all! Maybe not at Hotel Cristallo though. Trust because so much about downhill skiing relies on trust. Hurtling along at high speed you have to trust the manufacturers who created the equipment and the rental company you rent skis from.

Our boots we take with us, they are many years old. Then when dangling in the air you have to trust the engineers who build and maintain the lift system. More importantly though you have to trust your brain-body especially eyes and proprioreceptors to sense, respond and move in counter intuitive ways that allow you to ski safely and enjoyably.

Incredibly this happens even as we age. At 66 this month I am skiing better than I ever have before. I credit our week hiking in the Alpujarras and two weeks flamenco dancing plus yoga thank you Claire for your continuing zoom classes from Byron Bay for this. Clearly it was ideal training as my rheumatoid arthritic body, and especially my feet, are the best they have ever been.

And respect? Well, there is personal respect, as in respecting our limits and not pushing beyond them by skiing tired or impaired. But more important than that is respect for other skiers. Yesterday we witnessed two helicopter evacuations. Sure, people have heart attacks and strokes skiing, as the do everywhere, but most of the serious injuries are caused by collisions, often as a result of skiing out of control.

The two medivacs yesterday appeared to have been collisions. Case in point, the German guy who sits at the table next to us at dinner. He fell on a slope and while he was down someone ran into him damaging his knee.

His skiing ended right there. The other guy was fine. And parents should have to sign as being responsible for their children.

End of rant. Arriving in Venice at night in winter is magical, but arriving at night at the tail end of Carnevale is like walking onto a high budget historical film set. Glowing canalside lamps throw luminescence across the water, and domed and arched buildings with inviting terraces lure you onto the street and over footbridges to drink prosecco and eat sweets at pm as though its the most natural thing in the world.

Handsome, perfumed couples in 18th century evening wear with fine bosoms and well turned stockinged ankles on display, walk hand in hand home from their private parties that seem to go all day. This is a city that seduces all the senses. The long pause of covid without tourists was hard on the economy but seems to have given the authorities an opportunity to rethink tourism.

I hope the proposed ten euro fee for tourists to enter the city unless you are a resident or worker or other legitimate visitor is quickly implemented. They need the money and the locals need fewer selfie takers clogging up their bridges.

A word on covid management. A woman trying to board our flight was rejected for the medical mask she was wearing and told to go and purchase an FFP2 mask and then she would be allowed to board. Ninety five per cent of people wear their mask properly all the time when indoors except when eating and drinking.

The Italian Government was quick to set up the online passenger tracking system that requires you to declare your covid vaccination status etc.

They also sorted out their Green Pass, the vaccination pass you need to be served in restaurants, bars and cafes, see a show and to enter museums. If you are not from the EU they check your vaccination certificate you need three approved vaccinations and the third must not be more than days ago.

Even at a tiny, backstreet pizza restaurant in Venice where we were eating outside the waiter looked very carefully at our certificates before he would take our order. It was actually a happy accident that we were in Venice at all. Stuart was responsible for booking this part of the trip, traveling from Spain to Italy with the ultimate destination the Dolomites for snow skiing.

He very sheepishly admitted his error however I was delighted. Bologna can wait. Maybe because tourist numbers are still down we managed to get into Santa Chiara Hotel which is handily located by the bus and train stations and also right on a canal intersection with footbridge into Venice proper.

Our room had a tantalising view down the Grand Canal and gift wrapped toilet paper. I had planned to indulge in a gondola ride but instead sent that money to Ukraine. The two-euro cross canal trip did just fine.

And since no trip to Venice is complete without Vivaldi we went to a glorious concert by Interpreti Veneziani in lovely Chiesa San Vidal in Campo San Stefano.

The eight-piece group comprised five violins, a cello, double bass and harpsichord. They took turns leading and playing short solos that showcased their individual, very impressive talents. This fact was told to me proudly by our waiter, Oscar, who became my new best friend over an Aperol Spritz while Stuart was off trying to find a Baroque church.

Sitting in the sun, water lapping by my feet, chatting with Oscar whilst watching the boats go by will be my happiest memory of Venice. I adore all the boats, from the black lacquer and gilt gondolas to the water ambulances and highly varnished wooden speed boats.

I even love the freight and septic tank boats because of how skilled their operators are. I watched a nonchalant water taxi skipper talking on his phone while idling very close to some pylons. I assume he was on a call to a customer. Without even looking at the pylons he put the engine in gear, ended the call, put the mobile in his pocket and gunned it, missing a pylon by a centimetre.

Both have gone from bad to worse with no end of suffering in sight. Money, moral support and peace and climate change activism are all we can offer at this stage. May a just peace prevail soon! Stay safe everyone.

We undertook this trip knowing our common enemy was covid and took steps to mitigate that ongoing risk. To date omicron has hit Tristan, Jenny and Ms E in Edinburgh, who are recovering well. Touch wood not us — yet. What we did not expect was that a single psychopathic, homicidal, fratricidal man would declare war on and invade all of Ukraine and in so doing pit Russia against most of the rest of the world.

We are watching in horror at what Putin is inflicting on a peaceful democratic nation of 40 million people. Added to that monstrosity is news that a wet weather system stuck over South Eastern Queensland and Northern New South Wales where our home and many family and friends are is drowning people in their homes and inundating large swathes of city and country.

This brings back bad memories of the and floods, both events swamped my then homes. We are starting to wonder what else will be remembered for. Our ten days in Jerez de la Frontera for week one of the two-week 26th Festival de Jerez has, unsurprisingly, been the highlight of the journey thus far for me.

The Australian lock-in kept me away last year and I vowed I would be back in class and in the flamenco venues this year come hell or high water….

Stuart is with me. Two hours and twenty intense minutes a day for seven days straight is sufficient. I knew Manuel would deliver an enjoyable learning experience and he did.

I got such joy from being in his presence while he developed the piece with his usual wonderful collaborators, Manuel Soto singer and Javier Ibañez guitarist — see below. We were fortunate to be in Sala Paul auditorium which was converted to a dance studio.

It was a comparatively huge, airy space for 26 dancers and two musicians. The reason we had that venue became clear on day one when a video cameraman set up towards the front of the room. The Festival and Manuel had arranged to post the entirety of the classes online for students all over the world to follow.

No matter I reasoned, I am hiding behind a pillar in row three on the far side next to the open door to lower my possible viral load. All went well for the first two days as we worked through the various pieces of the choreography.

Day three however Manuel asked me to do the material up to that point solo with the musicians. Unfortunately the day came on day six.

I could not refuse again and risk my friendship with Manuel. Time to grow some cajones. By then we had learnt a entrance, escorbilla crescendoing footwork with a cierre closure , a letre verse of dance with remates , the falseta lyrical piece to guitar only and the tangos de malaga upbeat ending.

Manuel set up the space as you would for tablao. I was required to begin from a seated position on stage facing the camera and the rest of the class audience to do an improvised salida and dance the first letra, finish gracefully and invite a second dancer to continue and retake my seat.

Easy peasy right? Well, actually no when the guitarist plays something quite different and the singer does a long vocal warm up…. I crashed and burned. Manuel explained where I went wrong and I had a do over. This time I listened more attentatively and made it through.

That was the longest minute and a half of my life and probably the first and last time I will perform with live accompaniment.

All of it, failure and success, were captured and broadcast for the viewing pleasure of who knows who, where?! What did I learn? That flamenco performance is truly a non-verbal dialogue between musicians and dancer. Success comes from internalising the rhythm, knowing that piece of music thoroughly, in all its possible permutations, and having an instant vocabulary of dance pataitas and remates little pieces of choreography such that you, the dancer, can adapt to change on the run as necessary.

Watching Manuel dance so naturally and vary his choreography depending on what the musicians did was eye-opening. Four other dancers of all levels, were also asked to solo and they did brilliantly.

I cried watching them. Face masks are wonderful for hiding emotions. And so to the shows. Rocío Molina was crazily brilliant, stratospherically creative and difficult technically, but it was Rocío plus one brilliant young guitarist Yerai Cortés.

I appreciate her enormously, but without voice flamenco is an unsatisfying meal for me. Again, Pepe Torres was a highlight, Karime Amaya not so much. Yes, it was a thrill to see father and son dancing — ten-year-old Juan El Moreno nearly upstaged his dad — but Farruquito is becoming more and more like Johnny Depp, worshipped for his aura and complicated history rather than what he actually delivers.

Unsurprisingly Jerez has not come through the pandemic unscathed. The orange trees are already blossoming, scenting the air and the number of storks in the towers of the churches is healthy, but cafes, bars and restaurants have closed or changed.

The cafes that have stayed open have expanded into outdoor public spaces, I imagine for reasons of public health. Happily the Villamarta Theatre bar has reopened. It is a more upmarket cocktail and tapas bar whilst the market cafe has become a fancy cocktails and cakes bar.

Gallo Azul is still closed and Tabanco El Pasaje has gone posh with laminated menus and a sectioned off paid seating area for the tablao shows. Thankfully they still chalk up the tab on the wooden bench and a glass of fino is 1 euro Rather more concerning is what is happening to the cobbled streets of the old town.

The council is having the waterpipes replaced. Streets and plazas are being dug up by machines and instead of conserving the cobbles and replacing them they just put down a base of sand and concrete such that beautiful, historic roads are now an ugly patchwork of concrete with a ribbon of stones here and there.

Finally, the most important element of the Jerez experience, as always, is the reunions with friends from all over the world. While many were missing this year it was even sweeter to see those who could make it to share hugs and hear stories of what has been happening in their lives these past two years.

Overwhelmingly they have weathered the pandemic with grace and humour, in many cases redesigning and redefining their careers and life goals. Our dear Italian friend, Francesca, was there for the week too and stayed with us for the first three nights. This meant she was free to join Stuart in some tourism.

Nothing entertaining other than my headfirst dive over the handlebars of my rental bike. I failed to notice a step in the middle of a ramp. For a couple of seconds I lay on the dirt wondering why nothing really hurt, then next second a gorgeous looking tanned young lady was at my side pulling the bike off me.

Meanwhile her citroen was stationary in the middle of the roundabout with traffic backing up. She was unconvinced I was not significantly injured and it was all I could do to get her to return to her car without transporting me to the hospital.

Explored by bike the port town of El Puerto de Santa Maria with Francesca and again solo. I am happy to report that not all of southern Spain is splattered with high rise beach apartments;.

Bussed it to the coastal sherry town of Sanlucar de Barameda with Francesca for a fantastic fish lunch on the beach;. Sherry tasted at Osborne Bodega — 5 standard glasses later I needed a rest under a tree to sober up;.

No trip to Andalusia is complete without a visit to Cádiz. Carnival was under way, minus the singing groups parading through the streets. Time has moved on and it is one week since the murderer Putin invaded Ukraine.

The death toll is rising as he advances, but the tide is against Russia. No matter how long it takes, the demigogue will not win because he has underestimated us. Paraphrasing an old idiom, and as Rocío demonstrated on stage, we the people, in solidarity with Ukraine, CAN dance and chew gum at the same time.

There are also many gorgeous looking people. I guess that comes from mixing southern Euro and Arabic blood. The EATING — I love the way I can have lunch at 3 pm and make it last till 6. A little bit of this and a little of that is perfect.

The FOOD — maybe unlike central Spain, the fish is fresh from the port and there is lots of it. The WEATHER in February — chilly early but 15 deg C thereafter.

Sun everyday for six days except some cloud on day one up the mountain. Not too many other destinations sport this kind of weather in late winter.

The CYCLING — Ah yes that is what I am here for! A little scary in town at first until I figured out the chaotic system. Bicycles do get priority and cars are generally tolerant. The problem is the intermittent cycle lanes which chop and change from one side of the street to the other. They are also narrow and are shared illegally by electric scooters.

Apart from that I had a brilliant time. Malaga is surrounded by mountains and I have been up them all! One 60 km ride involved a m climb. The descent through the dusty scrub covered hillsides was both picturesque and exhilarating. The climb up not so much.

Most of my adventures were on paved country lanes but there was also an off road day on fire trails through the pine forest; the smells reminiscent of Provence. Now before finishing on cycling I have to admit that I was mainly riding an ebike!

The BIKE2MALAGA company — This helpful group of bike mad individuals advised on routes and provided interesting guides; yes actual people. The bikes were recent models and well maintained. I would definitely recommend them. One can spend hours wandering around absorbing the atmosphere; and I did.

The unfinished, since years ago, cathedral is very impressive on the outside but less so inside. The latter, as well as the former activities, I will definitely be doing in my next life. That is after I have learnt to swim and someone has perfected lightweight shark proof suits.

THE LANGUAGE — Having a reasonable understanding of French allows some comprehension of written Spanish. Sadly spoken Spanish is something else. And there was no excuse for my greeting to the bloke I was about to sit next to on the train when, instead of saying Hola, I said Ole.

He just moved a little further away. The HOT TIP — Make a visit before the Chinese tourists and cruise ships return en masse. I have swapped Mairena, population for greater Madrid, population 6.

Women in their 90s have been especially vulnerable. Too many beloved abuelas…. Stuart stayed in Malaga to cycle and get fit for skiing while I prepare my body, especially my feet, for Festival de Jerez and see as many shows as I can, wearing a mask at all times of course Mum.

She was allowed to teach face to face again, however the Queensland-New South Wales border stayed closed for months locking me out. Enough excuses. I am back at Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española Amor de Dios for daily class with Lola Mayo.

Alegrias basico Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Seguiriya-Solea on Tuesdays and Thursday. Older 66 next month! and wiser and with my rheumatoid arthritis still under control, an hour a day in shoes plus my own yoga practice and walking is all I need or want right now.

That plus ibuprofen thirty minutes before I hit the floor for the first two days. I chose a spacious apartment on Calle Lope de Vega. I walk to the studio, Atocha train station, Antón Martín market, hammam, and of course all the flamenco venues I want to frequent.

I just happen to be in the heart of Barrio de las Letras in the crossant-shaped section of Madrid called Huertas and Santa Ana. That said, these streets carry so much accumulated grief and loss I have to consciously search for the bright spots.

Just walking down Calle Santa Isabel I noticed embedded in the pavement outside number 41 this plaque. He was interned in occupied Salzburg and sent to Mauthausen in northern Austria at the age of He was alive when US soldiers liberated the camp of 85, people in but was so sick he later died in hospital.

His whereabouts are unknown despite his family searching for his remains up to today. My landlords are very solicitous. After a day they asked if I had everything I needed. Twelve hours later Marcia was at the door with a toaster.

The bed at Las Chimeneas was a standard Spanish matrimonio, made for short, skinny mountain people. Here my bedroom is a quiet cave as I am on the ground floor at the back facing into a glassed private courtyard, perfect for drying clothes. No street noise or rowdy neighbours.

My only problem has been the three key system that gets me in and out of this place. I managed okay the first two times,feeling like a skilled safecracker opening the tricky front door and not dropping the keys through the bottomless grill immediately inside, but last night I almost came undone.

Yep, I had been using the wrong key in the wrong lock. Madrid is familiar after so many visits. Mary Lee, an American established writer of fiction and non-fiction, left her third husband at home and drove solo all over Spain in a small rented car at the age of 82 with the vague aim of finding St Theresa, St John of the Cross and Lorca.

She zig zags through histories, cultures and provinces trying to understand how modern Spain came to be. Her prose can be stunning and very funny. The book was published in Mary Lee died in , aged She was writing up to the day she popped her clogs.

Reading Mary Lee has made me a little braver. Last year I enrolled in six months of intermediate level Spanish through a Brisbane university via zoom and determined to use it at every opportunity.

On my first night here I found Taberna La Dolores, the most interesting looking, most vibrant tapas bar on my street, marched in and claimed the last free table. Order received and understood we got along then very well. And today, sitting at a cafe in the sun just outside the entry to Plaza Mayor I conversed pleasantly with the waiter in Spanish.

The guy protested that he was Spanish and could very well order in Spanish! Aaah, small victories to be savoured.

Two sweet encounters: a couple celebrating their love with lunch in the sunshine, one handsome young man gave another handsome young man a single red rose and a kiss. And I walked by a mum holding a huge, shiny red, heart-shaped balloon just out of reach of her delighted toddler who kept jumping up to touch it.

I hope it reopens as planned in March. All wonderful! I just wish the punters would turn off their mobiles when told. By chance I bumped into Eduardo, whom I have been encountering in class and on stage for the past five years or so, arriving at the venue and wished him luck for his two shows that evening.

He was sweet and invited me to meet after the show. How he manages to project such strength, danger and energy within the confines of that 4×6 metre stage is a mystery.

His playfulness is infectious. He tried to crack up the singers who teetered on the verge of corpsing. As always his costumes were impeccable, only designer rags for Edu. Maria is such a joy, especially seeing her up close my seat was four metres away from the stage.

She danced cantiñas in a pale pink silk and tulle bata de cola with an exquisite cream embroidered manton. Duende came out of the blue, as it does, when after completing a section of fast, tricky footwork Maria stopped a moment dead centre front of stage with her skirts bunched up in her arms, cracked a broad smile and giggled.

Just for a couple of seconds. Then she launched into the next passage of poised, elegant movement. She truly lights up the room. I did a double take rude to stare when she had her boobs out to confirm it really was her. I asked if she was teaching that day. Andrés Peña will kill me for saying this but Pablo reminded me of a younger Andrés.

Very sincere, unfussy, great soniquete and feeling. Oh, and he is gorgeous. The guitar was lovely, but too loud.

Photography and video were allowed so you can see for yourself. Finally, another serendipitous encounter.

Sunbathing in Plaza de Santa Ana I noticed a poster for flamenco on the wall of Teatro Español. It advertised a free photographic exhibition of 70 works by the Barcelona photographer known as Colita, Isabel Steva.

Now 81, Colita has been photographing flamenco for 60 years. Black and white portraits of everyone from Carmen Amaya to Antonio Gades to Miguel Poveda to gypsy children on the street are there to drink in.

Nothing is staged, everything is of the moment. How did I not know this incredible woman exists?! The exhibition runs to April The show started its run in Malaga last year in the theatre Banderas founded, with Banderas in the role of the choreographer, Zach.

Banderas has since handed his boater on to others. Tonight it was Manuel Bandera no relation. It was directed by Maya who clearly has aspirations for a bigger theatrical venue.

I should have known from the smoke machine which was running when I arrived and not switched off until after the first number. And from the dais built in the middle of the runway with acoustic boards running to the stage.

He entered wearing a long cape and a lot of makeup and glitter hair gel. He had to work hard to get me on board after that. He is an accomplished dancer but takes himself far too seriously. To jump to the end. I would have been so much happier with a regular tablao format minus cajon showcasing the musicians and dance.

Un, DOS, un, dos, TRES, cuatro, cinco, SAIS, siete, OCHO, nueve, DIEZ, un DOS, un, dos, TRES….. As Stuart noted in Part A, our entry into Spain was a doddle with our unique QR codes, not even a temperature check!

Apparently we have left the pandemic behind. The only indication of it is that people wear masks almost all the time except when eating. This continues even when the mask mandate ends four days later.

We flew Barcelona to Granada, arriving at Federico García Lorca Airport at sunset. The instruction from our hosts, Emma and David Illsley, at Las Chimeneas, was that we would be met by a taxi driver called Paco at the airport and he would do our transfer.

We waited another ten minutes, this time inside to keep warm, and while I was trying to contact our hosts, Paco arrivedholding a sign for Las Chimeneas and ushered us to his van in the parking lot, some distance from the taxi rank. All became clear as we started to drive out of Granada.

Paco grumpily told that me I had done the wrong thing by asking after him and it would make trouble for Las Chimeneas because taxi drivers would be calling them up and complaining that he had collected people from the airport.

Also, to confuse matters further, there is a town called Las Chimeneas just outside Granada, we saw the sign for it. Paco immediately then called David at Las Chimeneas Casa Rural and chewed his ear in angry Spanish for ten minutes.

In short, Paco was not licenced to collect passengers from Granada Airport, or anywhere in Granada in fact, so he had infuriated the registered Granada drivers. Great start! His annoyance seemed to make him drive slower and slower, checking his mobile as he went, and it took us two hours to drive the k to the small pueblo blanco, Mairena, at 1, metres is perched on a hillside in the Alpujarra, just below the highest point of the Sierra Nevada.

Happily dinner was still being served in the guesthouse dining room and there was a roaring fire going so we warmed up and filled our bellies with good food and local red wine.

All was well with the world again! they are being entertained and informed by local resident author, Chris Stewart originally from England. Our accomodation is a two-person apartment in the traditional style built into the rock of the hillside below the main buildings of Las Chimeneas.

The Alpujarra is where the Muslim Spanish held out the longest after the Reconquista overwhelmed Granada in AD. This kind of holiday is an ideal way to ease into Spain and get fit at the same time. We hike around four hours a day and the cycle ride circuit was an epic 70K, the last hour of which was pretty much all uphill.

Evenings are a relaxed affair; stretching in the new, light, warm yoga studio, an aperitif, and the three-course dinner from pm accompanied by carefully selected music, thanks to head waiter, Andrew. All the meals are seasonal, delicious and nutritious.

Really very much ditto. More blogging, more swimming, more photos of sloths and butterflies, another gorgeous sunset and again dinner at the Supper Club.

February 26, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Pretty much ditto. Blog, swim, take photos of sloths and butterflies, watch the sunset and have dinner at the Supper Club. February 25, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. See February 24, - pretty much identical other than we went to the beach for sunset and with the Supper Club closed we had dinner at a different restaurant.

February 24, - Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. Today is what we expect most days will be like her at Jardin de Los Monos - sloth like. For dinner we went to The Matapalo Supper Club where we were warmly greeted and enjoyed another fabulous meal.

February 23, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo to Jardin de Los Monos, Matapalo. We left Encanta La Vida but not before visiting the nearby escuela elementary school to provide the children with beanie babies.

A somewhat lengthy drive north to the other Matapalo south of Quepos we arrived a little after pm, returning to Jardin de Los Monos where we have stayed three times before. February 22, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Today will be one of the most memorable of our travels. The visit of the howlers.

Mid to late afternoon they came by and spent well over an hour in the trees directly above our cabina. The were loud and fun to watch - simply a great show. February 21, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our second day here at Encanta La Vida was pretty much the same as the first see February 20, although we did see more spider monkeys.

February 20, - Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo. Our first full day here at Encanta La Vida. We woke up early to the howling howlers, clearly closer by than at other places we have stayed.

They to the lodge for breakfast, back to the Cabina, off for a swim followed by lunch, then repeat in the afternoon ending with dinner. February 19, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce to Encanta La Vida, Cabo Matapalo.

After lunch we said our goodbyes to Reymar, Yanja, Richy, CeCe, Yolenny, Tammy and Sarah and were boated across the Golfo where we picked up our rental vehicle and drove the short in distance but lengthy in time rough dirt road to Cabo Matapalo and Encanta la Vida where we will be staying the next four nights.

February 18, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Our last full day here at Dolphin Quest - more eating; more swimming; more bird watching; more photos. After dinner we went on the Bioluminescent tour along with two other guests.

February 17, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Upon returning the scarlet macaws were in the trees by the shore providing an opportunity to enjoy their antics. After lunch the rest of the day was spent relaxing and eating,. February 16, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce.

A repeat of yesterday. We were supposed to go on a dolphin 'quest' today but with Reymar occupied it got deferred until tomorrow. So essentially another day of eating and not doing much else.

We again ate a lot, again endured the eat, again had a swim two for Gayle. February 15, - Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce.

Bein g our first day here at Dolphin Quest we did what we love to do on the first day of places where we are multiple nights - do nothing. We ate, endured the heat, had a swim, ate some more, napped in the heat of the afternoon and then ate again.

February 14, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical to Dolphin Quest, Golfo Dulce. Sadly we said goodbye to Pacific Edge and headed south to the Osa, about a three hour drive. We found our parking place in Puerto Jimenez no problem, and were met by the Dolphin Quest 'water taxi' and crew for the half hour trip across the Golfo during which we were fortunate to see a few dolphins.

Dolphin Quest is our 'off the grid' - solar power 'home' for the next five days. February 13, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Yet another relaxing day during which we did not leave the property until going our for dinner.

Another tasty breakfast, more chatting with Sid and Michaelynn, more time in the pool, taking more photos around Pacific Edge and somehow the day just past us by.

February 12, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. After one of Sid's classic breakfasts we went to Uvita to the medical clinic for Gayle to have her ear checked.

It was blocked, cleared and now all good. Most of the afternoon was spent chatting with Sid after which we enjoyed an excellent Italian dinner at Gusto. February 11, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge to Dominical - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge. After another early morning that included a nice sunrise, howler monkey howls, the sounds of birds, Gayle noticing six Tucans in a nearby tree and a filling breakfast we checked out to head 10 km up the road to Pacific Edge Eco Lodge where we stayed last year.

A relaxing afternoon followed by a lovely dinner at Scala - a very nice restaurant we ate at last year. February 10, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

After a downpour last night we awoke to another beautiful sunny day again spent relaxing here at Tiki Villas. We thought of going our for a drive but there isn't really anything we haven't seen so decided to stay put enjoying the pool and the lodge, listening to the birds and insects.

February 09, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge; dinner at Exotica in Ojochal. Again we spent most of the day here at Tiki Villas, celebrating both Gayle's birthday and the arrival of our first grandchild. We returned to a favourite restaurant in Ojochal for the 4th time where we enjoyed yet another wonderful dinner.

February 08, - Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge. After two days of travel today was a do nothing veg out day - wake up to the birds and howler monkeys, start this travel blog, enjoy breakfast, soak in the sun with time at the pool.

We considered going out for pizza but in the end decided to again eat here at Tiki Villas. February 07, - San Jose, Costa Rica - Guacima Escondida to Uvita - Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

After a good sleep we awoke to a warm sunny morning. After coffees on our balcony we enjoyed a traditional Costa Rican breakfast of Gallo Pinto, made our way to the car rental company and were then our way for the lengthy nearly four hours direct - it took us a bit over five drive south to Tiki Villas Rainforest Lodge.

February 06, - Halifax to Toronto to San Jose, Costa Rica to Guacima Escondida. Although there was some anxious times due to the significant snow storm to hit Nova Scotia over the weekend the airport was back on schedule by Tuesday.

We got out, leisurely made our connection in Toronto and arrived early in San Jose. Greece - The Ionian Islands: Aug 28, to Oct 02, Our Greece Travel Blog now includes. our memories, financials, links to our lodgings, and our favourite islands.

For these along with details of each day and photos p lease go to Greece tab. We were out early for a am flight to Athens from where we connected to our Air Canada flight to Montreal and then on to Halifax.

October 01, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia to Corfu Town. We left The Merchant's House and Old Perithia this morning, driving the hour and a half to Corfu Town where we spent the afternoon strolling through the alleys of this interesting Venetian town.

We then enjoyed a nice final dinner at a restaurant near to our hotel. September 30, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Sidari Beach. Our last full day in Old Perithia, most of it was spent in the village with an afternoon journey to Sidari beach a half hour away.

September 29, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Syki Bay Beach and the White House. A similar day to yesterday although today we took a bit of a drive down the east coast, had lunch rather than dinner and stopped at Syki Bay Beach for our daily swim.

September 28, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia, Agios Spyridon Beach. Another relaxing day, both at The Merchant's House and then in the afternoon at Agios Spyridon Beach. Dinner again at the third of the tavernas in the village.

September 27, - The Merchant's House, Old Perithia. As has become our practice the first full day after arriving we pretty much stay put. Here in the small village in the mountains that means literally going nowhere.

And that's ok. September 26, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki to The Merchant's House, Corfu via Astakos and Igoumenitsa. September 25, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Minimata Beach. Last full day on Ithaki. After another morning at the villa a short side trip to Perachora, a swim at Minimata beach followed by another drive around the north side of the island - just because it is a great drive.

September 24, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Skinari Beach. Another carbon copy of the past couple of days, with again the beach changed. September 23, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Mprosta Aetos Beach. Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday with only the beach Mprosta Aetos today and restaurant back to Kohili changing.

September 22, - Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki - Filiatro Beach. After a light do-it-yourself breakfast and a swim in the afternoon we went to the beautiful Filiatro Beach for an afternoon swim after which we had a light dinner of tzatziki and pizza on the waterfront.

September 21, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios to Eumaeus Villas, Ithaki. Moving day with an afternoon ferry from Sami, Kefalonia to Ithaki where we settled into Villa Anna at Eumaeus Villas, a unit with stunning views and a private pool for the next five nights.

September 20, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a drive along the south-east coast of Kefalonia. Another relaxing early part of the day with an afternoon drive to Skala and then north with a stop at Liminea beach. Afterwards a drive through the interior to Eleni's Olive Garden where we had a bit to eat before returning to Olivemare.

September 19, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios with a trip to a nearby beach. Another relaxing day where we didn't venture too far although we did spend time on a nice nearby sandy beach with amazingly warm water.

September 18, - Kefalonia - Olivemare, Katelios. A do nothing day - leisurely breakfast, relax, use the pool, work on Travel Blog, nap, dinner in town. September 17, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms to Olivemare, Katelios.

Moving day from the very north of Kefalonia to the very south, with a short stop for a swim along the way. Our 'home' for the next four nights - Olivemare in the village of Katelios looks like it will be a nice place to hang our hats. September 16, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - Myrtos Beach.

Today we drove south along some dramatic coastline, past the island of Assos to Myrtos Beach, one of the most beautiful and photographed beaches in Greece, and we now know why. The rest of the day was spent relaxing at North Point Rooms , with dinner at a nearby traditional taverna. September 15, - Kefalonia - North Point Rooms - into Fiskardo.

We stayed close to home today with a visit to nearby Fiskardo followed by a swim at Paralia Emplisis, nice but pebbly, as are most beaches here in the Ionian Islands, beach between Fiskardo and North Point Rooms We enjoyed a great dinner at a coastal seafood restaurant.

September 14, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages to Kefalonia - North Point We left Thealos Villages driving 45 minutes or so to Vasiliki in the south of the island where we caught a 1 hour 15 minute ferry to Fiskardo.

From there it was a short 10 minute drive to North Point Rooms where we will be staying the next three nights. September 13, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - to the beaches in the south-east. Today was another beach day - this time two beaches in the south-east of Lefkada.

Afterwards we went to Syvota for dinner, a nice table on the harbour front. For more p lease go to Greece September 12, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages - a drive across the island.

Today we decided to venture further away, driving across the mountains inland with a stop in Englouvi, famous for their lentils where we enjoyed some at a taverna in the town square. It was then down the west side to Kavelikefta, a beautiful beach.

We enjoyed a great sunset on our drive back to Thealos. September 11, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Another pretty relaxed and quiet day although today we did get out for a swim at nearby Nikiana beach.

September 10, - Lefkada - Thealos Villages. Having an extra day on Lefkata today was a down day, and by down we mean we did nothing beyond a swim in one of the pools at Thealos and dinner in the evening.

But hey that is what vacation should be at times. After a very nice stay in Paxos we would certainly come back we're off to Lefkada via a ferry to Igoumenita where we picked up our car for the hour plus drive south to Lefkada where we easily found our next 'home' being Thealos Villages.

Today's adventure was a boat tour to first to the west side of Paxos with its caves, at places deep blue and at other bright turquoise waters. Then on to Antipaxos for a stop at one of the sandy beaches with a taverna where we enjoyed lunch.

Returning to Paxos we again returned to Lilas for our last meal. The weather was supposed to be better today, and it was until it wasn't. We went to a beach on the southern end of Paxos, parked, walked to the beach and then minutes later it started to rain.

Never did get in the water. We returned to Lilas' for dinner and were fortunate to have the opportunity to listen to some very authentic Greek music. Another dreary day but still much better than those in Skiros, Volos and the Pelion who are suffering considerably more.

It was nice enough to again have a filling breakfast on the terrace and get our for our first sea swim here in Paxos. We then did go out to dinner but had to wait due to the limited number of tables due to the rain. But in the end we had dinner in nearby Patamos before returning to Zakspitaki.

Unfortunately the weather forecasters got it right again - more rain, which kept us in for most of the day. We did head town to Lakka later in the afternoon, wandered around and then had an early dinner before returning to Zakspitaki. What's this - rain in Greece?

Today was overcast, cloudy with light drizzle most of the day. As a result we stayed put for the majority, being able to sneak in breakfast in the morning and then dinner at night. Otherwise not much happening.

Of course we stopped to listen. We left Pelecas Country Club, driving to Lefkemmi in the south of Corfu where we returned our vehicle and took the ferry to Paxos.

After checking in we drove to Loggos, and nearby every place in Paxos is nearby seaside village. We decided to eat closer to 'home' in Potamos.

After dinner we came upon some traditional Greek music in the other village restaurant. September 02, - our last day spent entirely except for dinner at Pelecas Country Club. We considered going out but had not destination calling for us so we spent the day lounging around the pool and enjoying the property.

For dinner we returned to Stavros Taverna in part due to the music we had been told would be playing, which turned out to be the case. September 01, - a drive to the south of Corfu along the west coast, returning on the east coast. Although we didn't get out as early as we wanted we did drive down to the south of Corfu, along some very narrow 'road's on the mountainous west coast, stopping at a 1, year old olive tree.

The waves were too significant for swimming but the scenery was very worthwhile. We returned along the resort filled east coast.

August 31, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu. Hard to believe we again spent most of the day here at Pelecas, but we did. After all we are on vacation. We did get out to one of the nearby beaches for a bit of time early evening before returning to Pelekas Village for dinner.

August 30, - Pelecas Country Club, Corfu. A catch up on our sleep and relax around the pool day. This rural Country Club is very relaxing, providing lots of reasons to stay put. We did manage to leave early evening for dinner but otherwise enjoyed a quiet, down day.

We're off to Greece - again! Flights were more or less on time and baggage arrived so all was good. We picked up our vehicle and found our way to Pelecas Country Club where we will be staying the next five nights. Spain: May 21, - June 06, For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and links to each of the places we stayed, p lease go to Spain tab.

June 06, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera to Barcelona to Toronto to Halifax. We had a quick early breakfast and we were on the road. An hour and a half or so and we arrived at Barcelona's airport where our flight left as scheduled.

We seamlessly made our connection in Toronto, arriving in Halifax again on schedule. We have now finished the travel blog with costs and our Memories.

For more p lease go to Spain June 05, - Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. A nice breakfast to start the day enjoyed outside due to the sun and warmer temperatures.

During the afternoon we took a drive through the nearby countryside and vineyards - this is Cava country. We returned to finally drink our bottle of Cava after which we had dinner with Hendrik and Hetty and their son.

Then packing so we could leave early for the airport tomorrow morning. June 04, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus to Mas Xipres, Sant Pere Sacarrera. We left Bodegas Arnes this morning, making a brief stop in Graus to wander the Plaza Mayor.

We then continued pretty much directly to Sant Pere Sacarrera where we found our final stop Mas Xipres, where we treated to a very special dinner of paella. June 03, - Bodegas Arnes, Graus with a visit to a Buddhist community.

After breakfast we went to the Dag Shang Kaygu Buddhist temple in nearby Panilla. Afterwards we took a drive through the nearby countryside during which we stopped at a Roman bridge and then along a rural 'road' to the village of Roda. We then returned to Bodegas Arnes where we enjoyed another nice dinner.

June 02, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana to Bodegas Arnes, Graus. Last morning at Casa de San Martin. We enjoyed breakfast during which David explained the 'funeral pole'. We then drove straight to Graus and Bodegas Arnes, our next stop.

June 01, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive into and walkabout Ainsa. Most of today was spent at Casa de San Martin. Although the weather was iffy we did go into Ainsa with the goal of visiting the Bird Museum. we arrived a bit too late - the museum closes at pm and we didn't want to wait around until it opened at pm so after a stroll through the old part of town we returned to San Martin.

We enjoyed another tasty meal along as well as a continuation of our chat with Silvie and Alfred, the Germans we had met the previous nights. May 31, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana with a drive in the neighbouring mountains.

Today we took a drive clockwise to Fiscal, then north to Sarvise, through the mountains east to Escalona, then south to Ainsa, back through Boltana and returned to Casa de San Martin.

We chilled out on our balcony the rest of the afternoon, although again the weather turned not so great later in the day. We had another very nice dinner that included chats with the other guests. May 30, - Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana. A very sloth like day. May 29, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque to Casa de San Martin, San Martin de la Solana.

We enjoyed our morning at Selba D'Ansils before leaving for our next stop. With a road closure we had a choice - a bit of a back track or 25 kms on a dirt road over the mountains. We chose the latter on what turned out to be a spectacularly scenic drive.

We arrived at Casa de San Martin, where we have stayed twice before, late afternoon. After reconnecting with David we enjoyed another interesting and unique dinner.

May 28, - Hotel Selba D' Ansils, Benasque. With the weather forecasted to be nice this morning we drove the 14 km further up the valley, stopping frequently for wildflowers, waterfalls and views of the snow-capped mountains. Upon returning to Benasque it started to rain, and continued to do so all afternoon, keeping us in our room.

We had a wonderful dinner at Hotel D'Ansils. May 27, - Hotel Selba D'Ansils, Benasque with a late lunch at Casa Javier. Another nice breakfast followed by some relaxing time in our very nice room.

Mid afternoon we decided to drive the half an hour to a restaurant we discovered in and then ate in again in Kind of a Pyrenees tradition. We enjoyed another wonderful meal. We returned via a narrow mountain road where we came upon lots of wild flowers and a small herd of cows controlled by a cowherd and two dogs.

May 26, - Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos to Selba D'Ansils, Benasque. After breakfast we spent some time wandering through the beautiful outdoor space and gardens of Casa Rural les Flors before hitting the road for a four hour drive north-west to Benasque and our next stop the Hotel Selba D'Ansils.

Although long for the most part it was an easy and scenic drive through mountain valleys. For dinner we had a fondue at the hotel.

May 25, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs to Casa Rural les Flors, Grammos. After a nice 'buffet' breakfast and a chat with Adrianna we left La Vella Farga. Unfortunately we encountered some heavy rain causing us to skip a visit to Sant Llorenc de Morunys.

We drove through a very pretty mountain route and then north to Adrall where we turned west to Casa Rural les Flors, our stop for the night. May 24, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs with a visit to Solsona. We interrupted another do nothing day with a trip to nearby Solsona where we wandered around the old historical area of the town.

Many interesting buildings, cobbled lanes, gargoyles etc. to see. We returned to a downpour of rain, spending the rest of our afternoon in our room until dinner. May 23, - La Vella Farga, Lladurs. A very quiet day starting with an elaborate breakfast, after which we took a very short drive to the nearby hamlet - too small to be a village - of Llardurs.

We returned to La Vella Farga where we enjoyed a restful afternoon in part because of the rain. Another delicious dinner in the Vella Farga restaurant brought our day to a close.

We flew from Halifax to Toronto where we connected with a flight to Barcelona. We picked up our rental car and headed north to our first stop La Vella Farga near the village of Lladurs where we enjoyed a welcoming glass of cava, napped, and then had a light dinner.

Costa Rica - February 07 - February 28, February 07 - February 28, - Memories and financials of Costa Rica March 01 - March 03, - trip extension in Cancun and Toronto.

For day by day details, photos, memories, financials and. links to each of the places we stayed please go to Costa Rica tab. March 03, - Comfort Inn, Mississauga to Halifax. We finally made it home today - and uneventful.

Up early, shuttle to the airport, in Air Canada lounge until boarding, departure on time and early arrival in Halifax. March 02, - Fairfield Hotel, Cancun to Comfort Inn, Mississauga. Today we were finally scheduled to return home. All was good until we boarded the plane in Cancun, essentially on schedule.

But then there was a delay due to a maintenance issue, then another delay and another. We eventually left three hours late, meaning we did not get checked into our Toronto hotel until am, rather than the more civil pm we were expecting.

March 01, - Fairfield Hotel, Cancun. Mid morning our son Paul was successful in getting us a direct flight to Toronto no need to detour via Denver or clear US customs tomorrow, putting our minds at rest. The rest of the day was spent relaxing, working on the Travel Blog, enjoying the large pool and hot tub and then having another Mexican meal.

February 28, - El Rodeo Estancia Hotel, Belen San Jose to Fairfield Hotel, Cancun. We were to return home today with a flight from San Jose to Cancun, connecting to a flight from Cancun direct to Halifax. While the first part went as schedule we were unable to make our connection, ending up in Cancun for the night and next night before being booked on an alternative flight.

February 27, - Hot Springs Lodge, above Quepos to El Rodeo Estancia Hotel, Belen San Jose. Our final morning at Hot Springs Lodge. February 26, - Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos.

Today was a very difficult day as our beloved dog, who was apparently fine a few days ago passed away overnight. Very difficult for those back home as well of course for us.

We pushed though as best we could but it was hard to enjoy our day. That being said we did have a couple of diversions with the making of empanadas for breakfast and another bonfire to end the day.

February 25, - Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos. Hot Springs Lodge is a step back in time. Very traditional Costa Rican up here in the mountains and rainforest, effectively without Wifi - some but very spotty. Being the only guests we are spending considerable time with Jose enjoying the many birds.

We participated in breakfast by making our own tortillas. But we also received some distressing news about our dog Toledo. February 24, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita to Hot Springs Lodge, in the mountains above Quepos. We enjoyed a leisurely morning at Nature's Edge - breakfast, chats with Keith and Joe, a swim and then packing as today we left and drove an hour and a half north and then 13 kms inland and up a mountain to Hot Springs Lodge where we will be for the next three nights.

The Lodge provides all meals meaning we do not have to leave. February 23, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. One difference today - we went down to Parc National Marino Bellena where we strolled Uvita beach and tipped our feet in the ocean, after which we went to a restaurant that has a great view of the Whales Tail for drinks.

For dinner we went to the Bee Hive here in Uvita. Otherwise everything was much the same. February 22, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. A very similar day to yesterday spent here at Nature's Edge except for our evening excursion to Ojochal for dinner where we ate a Exotica, a restaurant we have eaten at on two previous trips.

We enjoyed another excellent meal. February 21, - Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita. Other than driving down the mountain to Uvita to pick up a pizza that we brought back and ate under the stars on our balcony today was spent entirely at Nature's Edge simply enjoying the sounds and sights.

Of course we enjoyed a nice breakfast and a swim but otherwise not much else. February 20, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge to Nature's Edge Boutique Hotel, Uvita.

Today we leave Pacific Edge and move down the road to Nature's Edge. However we detoured quite a ways to visit the Borucan Village where we had lunch and dropped off a couple of large bags of beanies. We then drove via Palme Norte, completing a loop back to Uvita where we ascended another mountain and Nature's Edge.

February 19, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. And again more of the same. Wake up early to the sounds of the howlers, birds and insects, breakfast, lounge around, a dip in the pool, dinner, to bed.

February 18, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Another day of nothing other than chillin' at Pacifc Edge, enjoying the property.

Sure we broke down and went out to dinner in the evening but otherwise a very 'sloth' day. February 17, - Pacific Edge Eco Lodge, Dominical. Given the beauty of this property there is lots of incentive to stay and just enjoy it.

Which is what we did. Our only excursion was for dinner in the hills above us. Otherwise listen to the howler monkeys, cicadas and birds, cool off in the pool and gaze out over the jungle and ocean. February 16, - le Jardin de Los Monos, Matapola to Pacific Edge, Dominical. After five relaxing days and of course another morning troupe of monkeys we said adios to Lettika and Dama and headed first to a nearby beach just south, and then on to Dominical where we stopped at a lunch spot as we had time to pass away before checking in to Pacific Edge, just south of Dominical.

Having had a mid afternoon bite to eat we picked up some drinks and tapas as we decided to stay put in the evening. Another fantastic sunset. February 14 and 15, - le Jardin de Los Monos, Matapola.

The travel 'bug' got me so not much happening other than lots of sleep - so much so we skipped dinner and I missed the sunset on Valentine's Day. I felt somewhat better the next morning although we again spent a quiet day at le Jardin de Los Monos. But I was up and about and did enjoy the passing birds and monkeys.

As the Matapalo Supper Club was closed we ate at A Kachete, the other restaurant in Matapalo Beach. Ditto - i. much the same as yesterday with one exception - a trip up the the dirt road to San Andres to the small one room school with six students where we brought many smiles by gifting the students a beanie each.

Dinner was once again at the Matapalo Supper Club. For the most part we expect to stay put here at Los Monos and today we did just that.

We watched birds, kept a look out for monkeys none showed up and spent time in the pool. A short walk to the beach for sunset and dinner again at the Matapalo Supper Club.

But no problem as we returned to Le Jardin de Los Monos where we have stayed twice before, including last year. As planned we spent another day doing little other than relax at Las Nubes. A leisurely breakfast, work on the travel blog, a dip in the pool and then another delicious dinner.

February 09, - Las Nubes, Matapola. Being 7 km up a rough mountain 'road' there is a tendency to stay put here at La Nubes - and stay put we did. Today was Gayle's birthday for which we enjoyed a bottle of Spanish Cava. But otherwise it was work on the travel blog, enjoy a swim in the pool, keep a look out for the Tucans and be inundated by the constant sound of the cicadas.

We enjoyed a better than expected breakfast at the Hampton, after which we caught the shuttle back to the airport where we got another shuttle to our car rental agency. With our vehicle we were on the road toward the Pacific coast and then south past Quepos to Matapola where we climbed 7 kms up the mountain to Las Nubes, a place we had stayed in Rather than the previous really early morning flights to connect to a am in Toronto the scheduling has been changed such that we were on a am flight from Halifax to Toronto where we had four plus hours until our flight to San Jose.

I had upgraded our Visa card to the Infinite Privilege version the appeal was the first years fee was waived that provides access to Air Canada's Maple Leaf Lounge. A very nice way to spend our afternoon.

The flight to San Jose actually left a few minutes early and with favourable winds arrived early. Immigration was easy after which we picked up our luggage and caught the shuttle to the nearby Hampton Inn where we stayed the first night.

Shortly after arriving it was lights out. links to each of the places we stayed p lease go to Greece tab. October 03 - Negroponte, Eritrea, Evia to Athens to Toronto to Halifax. That's it - five great weeks in Greece. Today we returned home.

October 02 - Negroponte, Eritrea, Evia with a drive to Kalamos beach. We had considered spending our entire last day simply relaxing at Negroponte but in the end the appeal of what looked on the web anyway to be a beautiful turquoise beach on the east side of the island won the day.

It was a bit over an hour to reach Kalamos Beach but well worth it. Our last except for driving to the airport moving day. A final breakfast at Six Keys but not enough time for a swim before we had to check out and drive to the south of Evia. The drive was over four hours, but quite easy and fast being mostly on the E75 toll highway.

Ultimately we arrived at are last stop the Negroponte Resort. For the most part we enjoyed our last day at Six Keys at Six Keys - eating, swimming and relaxing. We did take the short drive to Lefokastro where we did find a nice cove for a swim.

Another wonderful morning waking up to sun and warmth. After a very filling breakfast we enjoyed a swim here at Six Keys and then a long afternoon drive to the 'end of the world', well the end of the Pelion and the quaint except for a significant film crew fishing village of Ag.

A stop in Lafkos on the way back after which we had dinner at a taverna in Neopori before returning after dark. After another enjoyable breakfast and chat with Filaretos but before we got on the road Gayle enjoyed an hour plus walk through the 'enchanted forest' around Amanita. We then tried to get to Damouchari beach but stopped just short.

After that it was a relatively short drive south and west across the mountains to Afissos and Six Keys where we will be staying the next three nights. See yesterday but replace cheese from Crete with cheese from Limnos, Papa Nero beach with Mylopotamos beach and with dinner at a fish taverna Aggelika in Mylopotamos.

September 26 - Amanita, Tsagkarada, Pelion and a drive to Papa Nero Beach. A very Greek breakfast with cheese from Crete, a cake, tomato and cucumber salad, eggs if one wishes etc. Today we drove down to Papa Nero beach where we enjoyed a refreshing the water is bit cooler on this side of the mountains swim.

Dinner was a bit more upscale at a restaurant although we still ate outside , rather than a taverna. September 25 - Little Swallows, Pinakates, Pelion to Amanita, Tsagkarada, Pelion. Another moving day. We enjoyed freshly made Belgian waffles with real cream and cherries for breakfast before packing up and moving to the other side of the Pelion.

A very short drive of less than an hour without stops and we were 'home' for the next three nights looking to the east and the islands of Skopelos and Skiathos, islands we had visited way back in A little bit more activity today as we went for an afternoon drive to Milies, then to the coast and Kala Nera where we enjoyed a swim.

The we completed the loop by ascending the mountain back to Pinakates. We went to the next village over - Milies where we enjoyed a great dinner. For photos and more please go to the Greece tab. September 23 - Little Swallows, Pinakates, Pelion. A very quiet day during which we never left the village.

After a European Belgium breakfast focused on meats, cheeses, croissants we enjoyed another chat with Eduard who gave us directions of a few places to see. However we ended up staying for the most part at The Little Swallows with an afternoon stroll though the village to take a number of photos.

We ate at Pileas, the other restaurant in the village. Another great breakfast and then another moving day as we left to Rodi, took a short ferry to the mainland and then drove north and east to Volos. After Volos it was down the west coast of the Pelion and then up and we mean up the mountain to the village of Pinakates where we easily found The Little Swallows, our home for the next three nights.

We ate this evening in the nearby town square or platia. We spent the morning at to Rodi, first enjoying a great breakfast after which we worked away at the travel blog and other updates. In the early afternoon we went to nearby Limni where we wandered through the small village, had a drink in a harbourside taverna and found a beach for a swim.

After finding two tavernas closed we ended up back in Limni for dinner - the same taverna. Chilly but authentic. Today is another moving day. After a quick breakfast we drove to Gavrio to catch the ferry to Rafina on the mainland where we picked up our rental car.

We drove north, through Marathon, and on to Chalkida on the large island of Evia. From there it was north to near the top of the island, over some surprisingly significant mountains until reaching to Rodi in the town of Rovies where we will be staying the next two nights.

We decided to explore the north of Andros today, starting with stops in Batsi and then Gavrio, the two significant towns on the west coast. From there we drove north, and then east over the mountains and another very scenic drive before descending to Zorgos Beach, a very pretty cove with a gorgeous long, albeit pebbly beach.

Afterwards we had a bit to eat at taverna above the beach before returning to Aegean Castle. More or less an extended version of yesterday but with two additional swims. We drove further south to Korthi Bay where we had a swim in the harbour.

From there we enjoyed a very scenic drive to Chora from where we drove through the small villages in the hills. Connecting back to the main north-south road on the west coast we went down to Cooper's Beach - quite a 2 km descent for another swim.

From there it was back to Aegean Castle where we again had dinner courtesy of Christina. After a wonderful breakfast and a very enjoyable swim in Aegean Castle's beautiful pool late afternoon we headed out towards Chora.

An scenic drive including coastal scenery, nice mountain villages, lots of stone fences and the nice town of Chora with its long stone pedestrian only central walkway. We returned for another wonderful meal from Christina.

Another moving day, this time three ferries starting at am from Amorgos to Naxos, then Naxos to Tinos via Mykonos and finally Tinos to Andros. Pick up our rental car and drive 20 minutes to half an hour to Aegean Castle easy to find which will be our home for the next four nights.

We decided to do a bit more today, being our last day in Amorgos. We drove most of the way across the island to a beach and taverna we visited previously. While we did not take the many steps down to the beach we did enjoy a very nice meal my moussaka was delicious.

After returning to Aegaili we enjoyed a final swim before back to our room to pack and enjoy the sunset. Another do little down day hanging around our room at Pano Gitonia, enjoying the wonderful vistas.

Late afternoon we returned to very sandy Aegaili beach for a swim, and then back to Lagkada for dinner at another restaurant.

Still not feeling well and a bit concerned about an infection we decided to visit the Medical Centre in Chora. Turns out 1. I tested negative for Covid, and 2.

the doctor was of the opinion I did not have an infection, saying I just needed to wait it out. We then enjoyed a late afternoon swim on the beach in Aegaili followed by dinner in the small, but very cute village of Lagkada.

Sadly we have to leave Koufonisi today. While five days was great, we could easily spend another five here, but that does mean foregoing somewhere else. We enjoyed a few final laughs with George and Christoupholou before he delivered us to the port where we got a Seajets for the short 35 minute crossing to Amorgos.

We picked up our rental car in Katapola and drove the half hour or so to Pano Gitonia in Potamos, just above Aegali. While disappointed to leave Koufonisi we are at the same time glad to be back in Amorgos.

September 11 - Pambelos Lodge, Koufonisi and Kato Koufonisi. Still not feeling great this morning I skipped breakfast but by mid afternoon felt good enough to head out.

We ended up on the accompanying island of Kato Koufonisi where we had a swim at Nero beach and then ate at the only taverna on the island. Although late, upon returning to Pano Koufonisi we hopped on the water-taxi to Pori beach where we spent more time in the water until after the sun set.

We did enjoy seeing the full moon over the sea. Not a great day. Neither of us felt particularly well and as such never left Pambelos Lodge during the day. We forced ourselves to walk down to Finikas for something to eat in the evening but that was it.

Pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday. A leisurely breakfast, most of the afternoon vegging out, a swim again at Fanos beach, took the water taxi to the Port, wandered through Chora and had dinner at George's brother's restaurant Almira, which we very much enjoyed on our previous trip, and did again.

The magic of staying at Pambelos Lodge is the joy of simply sitting on the terrace looking across the channel to the island of Keros. It never gets old. After a leisurely breakfast we finally headed to the beach late afternoon. And Fanos beach is everything we remember - sandy, picturesque, beautiful water.

After our swim we walked to Mixalios where we had dinner. September 07 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa to Pambelos Lodge, Koufonisi.

Well, the ferries were funning again today in spite of continuing winds - perhaps not the smoothest sail but it was only 35 minutes so turned out to not be that bad.

George was waiting for us at the port to take us up to Pambelos Lodge, where we returned for our fourth stay , , and now Having had a bite to eat in Mersini waiting for the ferry, and being quite tired we chose not to walk to dinner - there are no rental cars on Koufonisi - but rather just crashed.

September 06 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa. Another three beach two swims day. The wind has picked up cancelling ferries today meaning it is in doubt whether or not we will be able to leave Schinoussa tomorrow, not that being stuck here would be so bad.

The car provided access to corners of the island we would not otherwise have gotten to. Dinner in the village was like the first night - a bit upscale - very nice. September 05 - Schinoza Luxury Suites, Schinoussa.

Schinoussa is a bit more rugged than expected so we decided to rent a car in order to access some of the more remote beaches. We visited three, swimming in two as the waves in the third were a bit rough.

It was sunny but the wind did pick up today, and is supposed to increase again tomorrow. Dinner was a bit of a disappointment, but that sometimes happens when one travels. We enjoyed a quick breakfast before taking photos of the Petrino family, Marianne, and some of us.

We were met at the port and delivered to our Suite, complete with a plunge pool. After a quick dip we walked into the village perhaps 10 minutes where there are a number of restaurants along what is essentially one street.

We chose well, enjoying an excellent meal. We spent most of the day driving around the mountainous north-east corner of Naxos with stops in Apollonas, where we enjoyed a nice swim and then Lionas where we had a bite to eat and a short swim.

Narrow twisty roads made the driving a bit challenging but a very good day. A quiet day during which we didn't do much. Breakfast, some crosswalk flag work that I needed to do, some additional time enjoying our terrace, an afternoon at the beach and a return for sunset, followed by another wonderful dinner.

After another tasty, and varied, breakfast we said our good-byes with Sotiris driving us to the port from where we left Paros on a 45 minute ferry to the neighbouring island of Naxos.

We easily picked up our rental car and drove the 45 minutes or so west across the north of Naxos to Petrino Studios where we will be staying the next three nights.

August 31 - Hotel Petres, Paros The plan was to stay put, relax and catch up from the overnight flight. And that's exactly what we did.

Our decision to start the trip here at Hotel Petres worked out perfectly as we enjoyed a do nothing day, other than eating and swimming. A loooong travel day, first to Toronto, then an overnight flight to Athens and finally a short flight to our first stop the island of Paros.

We were tired when we arrived but we are back in Greece! Sotiris picked us up at the airport for the 20 minute drive to Hotel Petres, where we stayed in After checking in and our welcome drinks we relaxed before enjoying dinner here at the hotel.

For much more please go to the Greece tab. Another trip that was planned for but sadly cancelled due to Covid 19 was a big one - a celebration of our 40th anniversary during which we intended to more or less replicate the route of our honeymoon - 3 weeks in France and 3 weeks in Greece.

Having made a somewhat late decision to go in the logistics turned out to be a bit complicated a number of places we wanted to stay in France were already booked resulting in us deciding to defer France until next year and visit Greece for 5 weeks.

For a map of our itinerary, as well as the places we will be staying. go to the Greece tab. We were scheduled to go to southern Italy for 26 days. We scaled back a bit - 16 days - but have decided to return to Europe,.

with a trip to Italy. For a map of the area we will be touring go to the Italy tab. Italy - May 29 - June 15, Note the following is only a one or two line summary of our day. For day by day details and photos please go to the Italy tab. What was supposed to be a long travel day back home turned out to be two uncomfortable travel days.

After 'sleeping' in the Montreal airport we did finally make it home the afternoon of the 16th. For much more check out the Italy tab.

June 14 - Torre Cangiani, Massa Lubrense. A quiet last day spent mostly around Torre Cangiani. A short drive to a beach, a bottle of Prosecco and then dinner in Massa Lubrense. June 13 - Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta to Torre Cangiani, Massa Lubrense. We arrived at Torre Cangiani, with its spectacular views of the Bay of Naples where we enjoyed dinner watching a wonderful sunset.

June 12 - Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta with a day trip to Sanza. After enjoying a great breakfast in one of the most scenic locations we can imagine we decided to take a drive up to the town of Sanza to have pizza at the top ranked restaurant in the region.

It was an enjoyable afternoon through some very scenic countryside. June 11 - Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata to Hotel Marulivo, Pisciotta. Another moving day albeit relatively short.

We left Maratea, driving north along the coast until reaching the quaint town of Pisciotta, where we found our hotel with its wonderful vistas of the sea quite easily. June 10 - Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata with time at Il Mirto.

Much the same as yesterday. However being somewhat warmer we drove to Il Mirto, a swimming spot at the south end of the Maratea coastline. The water was too cold to actually get in but we spent some relaxing time enjoying the superb views.

We returned for a short swim in the pool after which we had dinner at Villa Cheta. June 09 - Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata with a drive into the mountains east of Maratea. Another quiet morning at Villa Cheta after which we went for a longer drive, to Sapri and then inland and south, coming out at Castrocucco di Maratea.

We enjoyed a very nice dinner in Maratea. June 08 - Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata with a drive along the Maratea coast. A nice breakfast to start the day, a swim in the pool, photos of Villa Cheta, and a drive down the spectacular coast with a stop on the way back at a pizzeria for dinner.

June 07 - Villa il Turro, Massa Lubrensa to Villa Cheta, Maratea, Basilicata. We enjoyed a final breakfast at Villa il Trullo more delicious cakes , said our goodbyes to Danila and left Massa Lubrensa, this time along the quicker northern coast of the Sorrento Peninsula.

Then a stretch on the A3 where we made good time before crossing the mountains to the coast and Maratea. We then drove 10 km north, along some stunning coastline to Aquafredda where we easily found our home for the next four nights Villa Cheta.

June 06 - Villa il Turro, Massa Lubrensa with a tour of La Masseria lemon farm. Again we hung around the villa today until mid afternoon when we drove a short distance to nearby Schiazzano where we took a two hour tour at La Masseria - a lemon farm, followed by dinner at the farm.

June 05 - Villa il Turro, Massa Lubrense.


\ Slow Cooker Vegan White Bean Stew

By Mezirn

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